My very first ghost encounter.


I know it's a bit late for Halloween, but this just happened recently. And I wanted to share it.
It actually inspired me to read some horror fics and horror mangas and ghost encounters. I even read about that ghost thingy from Korea. The one where a 30 something woman jumped from her apartment building after a divorce and she would haunt that street and look for her child. But yeah, whatever.
Anyway, to my encounter.
It was around 11 PM when Jae and I decided to go home.
We were hanging out with a few of our schoolmates at a bar and grill.
The guys were drinking (except Jae). The hang out was actually pointless because it was like a beer fest. So Jae and I left early (around 11 PM, the next day I found out they went home around 4AM).
So Jae, being the gentleman he was, took me home even though he had a 7:30 AM class the next day.
The taxi only stopped at the entrance of our subdivision because only private vehicles were allowed. But it was okay because our street was just straight ahead the entrance.
We had to walk pass 10 houses (it was a long street) to get to my house.
I told Jae he better take the taxi as I would just walk on my own.
But he insisted to walk me to the house. And he said he'd want to use the restroom.
It was drizzling, but I had an umbrella and both Jae and I fit under it, so we weren't in a rush for shelter.
Around the fifth house, I suddenly felt cold. I even thought Jae was blowing air on my nape because it was the only part of my body that was receiving all the cold air. But Jae was looking down on his phone playing some weird tetris game.
I looked at the house for a moment and thought I saw someone, a woman/girl/lady (I couldn't tell whether she was young/old, the only clear thing I saw was that she was wearing a white dress) in white, holding a candle in front of her while looking out the window of the second floor.
I didn't get scared because the whole house was dark and thought that the owner's kids were just scaring passersby. Because I actually used to do it when there are blackouts back in our apartment in New York. Although I never really scared anyone.
I tapped Jae and told him to look at the window so we could have a laugh at it.
When I looked again, there was no one.
I got confused but decided to ignore it.
When we got back, I told Jae about the house thingy and what I saw.
My dad, who was in the living room with us, overheard what I said.
Then he told me that the people who lived in that house had no little kids. Then I suggested that it could have been their child my age.
Dad said that all their kids were grown up and weren't living with them anymore. So it was only an old couple, around sixty years old, living there with a maid who only works for them five times a week.
And I said that it could have been the maid or the old woman.
Dad really creeped me out when he told me that no one was in the house at the moment because the old lady got a hypertension attack and was sent to the hospital.
Then I thought that maybe he was messing with me.
But he was all serious and didn't even insist himself (which meant he was really telling the truth. Because if my dad is lying/messing with me, he'd always try to prove his 'point').
The next day, Jae came to my house to pick me up for school (he had just finished a class and went to get me) around 10 AM.
We passed by the house again, and this time, the maid, I suppose, was entering the gates.
Jae brought up last night and went to the maid to ask her about the couple living there.
The maid confirmed what my dad said the night before.
Then Jae asked the maid if anyone was home the night before.
The maid said there wasn't. Because everyone, even her, was in the hospital because the old lady passed away around 10.
I got really creeped out. But the first thing that came out of my mouth was "wow" (although it came out in a daze-y way).
I couldn't even concentrate on my classes that day. It was creepy yet amazing. I mean, sure, when I was a kid, I sort of claimed that I saw a ghost or something. But I don't really know if I believe my 7 year old self that much. Because I had a big mouth and would make up a lot of ghost 'encounters' to creep out my classmates. Some might have been real while some were too lame to be even considered scary.
Then when I got home, some neighbors were visiting the house to pay respect to the husband/family.
I visited too, since we're neighbors and all even though we're not close. I was with my dad. And while he was talking to some other neighbors, I was with a gay neighbor I was acquaintances with because he liked DBSK (only DBSK though). Then he was talking about how it was lonely it would be for the husband. Then his 8 year old sister came to us and was begging her brother to take her home because the place was creeping her out. She said she saw a woman with a candle walking in front of the house when she peeked out of their house the night before.
Then she claimed to have seen the old woman standing next to her husband when they went to give their condolences to him.
I was again creeped out but got curious and started to look around. But as some say, when you're looking for ghosts, they never usually show themselves.
So yeah. That was it. The way I said it isn't so scary. But it was something in person.


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xXmsHeartBREAKerXx #3
Yeah, That's right, Ghosts don't show themselves when you're looking for them they are what you call a little "SHY" when it comes to showing up. & One more thing Ghosts only show themselves when you have a clear mind, maybe when you we're walking with Jae you weren't really thinking about amything, I think.. But you encounter with a Ghost is really creepy..