I have just learned the true fears of a writer.

I'd like to say that by hook or by crook, I have done all I can for most of my projects as a writer but there is one thing that determines if my works are published are not.


Now, some of you may not know what I mean by that but I will explain. I'm currently working on a new story featuring B.A.P and EXO (Just taking a break from writing W:ACA, the next chapter is so many emotions out of me, I might just pass out) and this document was 30 pages long, for me, that's a two weeks of work, sweat, tears, hand craps, and a lot of other junk. At approx, 8:45 PM I went to open this long, long document and found that over half of it (which was most of the good parts) were just...gone.

I started to freak out, I was like, "WHAT HAVE I DONE?! I SAVED IT! WTF?!" of course, at this moment, i'm like "Ugh, I can't even remember what I wrote. Da fuq?!"

But then, I remembered something. I read an old article a few years saying that a military spy opened an old, edited document from a govenor that had army secrets or something in it but it was edited and all the good stuff was taken out. BUT he tampered with it and found RESTORE POINTS in the properties of it so that he could go back to the time that it was unedited and get the secrets or whatever. SOOOOO....

I started to go ninja on my document's properties and found Backup on it and to my relief and surprise, there it was. It wasn't EXACT but it was just before I finished the chapter (It isn't finished but I got the important parts back) and I was so HAPPY! UGH! AGWKJBNWA;BAW;ORBWA;GB;WBGNLRNBLABOWRGBIBFOGBwuvaiwoiOVWGBAWKRGBWAGV!

That was my feelings.

Of course, I would have given up on it had I not found a way to revive it, don't get me wrong. It's a good story and all but what I type is what I have on my mind AT THE MOMENT so if I lose all of my work and I have to retype, I won't because it won't be like I thought originally.

I am very clear on that, if you are a writer,  write what you imagine for that story then and there because if you wait, then you'll lose the initial feeling put into that scene, play, or character. No matter what, it even happened to J.K Rowling when she thought of Harry Potter, she was on a bus going through London when she thought of Harry Potter's character and she was upset because she didn't have a pen and paper and I know how that feels.

It's a y feeling because you can come up with a masterpiece just by looking at the sky or watching the news, regardless. Always write down what you imagine right there because you will forget it and that single thought could bring you a lot of support, money, and a possible shot at your bias. ^_^

As my hubby, Yongguk, would say, NAH WUT IM SAYIN'?!




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Haha I can TOTALLY relate...

We nah wat ya mean!! XD
Hum! I am glad you found it!