↷ ✩ seventeen cafe | song haemi | barista.






song haemi.





username : kokoros.

activeness : 9.5 

nickname : mikki. 


the basics.
name : song haemi. (해미)

other names : heather.

nicknames : bunny;; her best friend gave it to her + she's obsessed with bunnies.

age : 19

birthdate : november, 11 1995.

ethnicity : korean-british.

languages : korean - fluent. english - fluent. 

birthplace : london, britain.

hometown : jeonju, south korea.



what makes you beautiful.
face claim : song ahri.

pictures : gallery

back-up face claim : kim shinyeong.

pictures : gallery


all about me.

personality : song haemi, she's a mysterious girl. it's hard to see who she really is. at one point, you may see her as a bubbly and playful girl but, at another, you may see her as a cold and arrogant girl.

This girl enjoys exploring and experience new things - she's pretty adventurous and isn't afraid of taking challenges as she knows that in life there'll always be obstacles to face. also, she enjoys being the happy virus of the group; it's true when people say that she can make anyone smile in seconds. it's one of her charms which is why her friends enjoy her company.

This girl is known for her stubborn attitude - she doesn't take order from just anyone and, will never give in. It's never easy changing her mind as she believes that her first insticts are always right. also, she's known to be quite a clutz in life - tripping over small things and even stumbling on her two feet which is why she has some bruises on her arms and legs. 

When not drawing, she goes off to the park and hang out with her best friends. The park would be one of the places, she usually goes to as she enjoys the atmosphere of the park. Furthermore, being around her friends is one of the things she like most as they've been with her ever since pre-school so, she treasures them very much. 

background : well, haemi grew up in a high-class family. Her family is known to be rich because of her parents. Her dad works as a journalist while her mum works in the fashion industry as a fashion designer. As for her life, it was pretty miserable as her parents were busy most of the time but thankfully, she still has her older sister to keep her company. She was born in London and raised in Jeonju, and has one sibling which is her oldest sister who is 4 years older than her. She moved to South Korea when she was 4 years old, even though she has been living in London for most of her life. She's fluent with her korean because of her dad.

likes : - green tea frappe & milk tea; she drinks them whenever she feels sad/moody/depressed/stressed.

- chocolate; she calls chocolate her first love because it was like love at first bite. 

- hanging out with her best friends; being with them keeps her happy.

- photography; it's like her life, she can never live without it.

- bunnies; she's obsessed with them as she thinks of them as an adorable ball of fluff.

- rainy days; she finds the weather quite calming and relaxing.

dislikes : - veggies; she's very picky when it comes to eating her least fave food.

- flirts; she finds them disgusting and wished they never existed.

- awkward silences; she finds it hard to break awkward sliences.

- wearing thick make-up; she prefers going for the natural look.

- forced aegyo; it makes her wanna fake puke.

hobbies : - playing with instruments; she can play the guitar, bass, piano and flute.

- drawing; almost all her life, she enjoys drawing as it keeps her imagination go wild.

- photography; she enjoys taking pictures of sceneries around seoul.

- dance; she knows ballet and hiphop.

habits : - she has to check on the mirror for every 5 minutes.

- she bites her fingernails whenever she feels nervous.

- she tends to annoy people when she's bored.

- she usually plays with her fingers when she's feeling shy/embarrassed.

trivia : - her favourite colour is mint. almost everything she owns has mint in it.

- she's known to be the happy virus and, can make anyone smile in seconds.

- her most prize possesion is a bracelet that she still wears // she had it ever since childhood.

- she's a chocoholic.

- she's very picky with her food.

- she had her first kiss when she was in high school.



one big family.

family members : 

mother | amelia williams | 35 | fashion designer | When Haemi was still living in London, her mum never had anytime for her two daughters. She would always be caught up with her work and, never had the time to talk to them. In the end, Haemi and her sister had to grow up without a motherly figure which is sad. But, Haemi hopes that there'll be chance to talk to her soon. closeness: (2/10)

father | song barom | 40 | journalist | Back in London, Haemi and her dad would always have their father-daughter bonding session. Even though, he'd be busy with work. She enjoys being around her dad and, said that her dad was the best dad in the whole entire universe. closeness: (8/10)

sister | song hana | 23 | model | Hana, known to be quite a brat who actually cares very much about her little sister. Whatever problems Haemi has, she tries to help and give advices to her. Futhermore, she feels that her sister has that motherly side and said that her sister is like the mother figure she never had. closeness: (8/10)

friends :

lee kaeun | 19 | blogger | Kaeun, the best friend who Haemi usually relies on most. They would share each other anything and, everything. They've been best friends ever since pre-school so, Kaeun really cares for Haemi a lot and helps her whenever she feels troubled. closeness: (9/10)

boo seunggwan | 17 | janitor | Seunggwan, the diva of the group. Haemi finds Seunggwan such a diva because he's the guy who is always the one who shines most. She doesn't talk much to Seunggwan but, when she's feeling lonely and upset, Seunggwan would be there for her. closeness: (9/10)

lee seokmin | 16 | janitor | Just like Kaeun, Seokmin have been best friends with Haemi ever since pre-school and, he was Haemi's very first friend. So, they are really close. Known to be Haemi's teddy bear, listening ear and punching bag, Seokmin is one of the best friend she can never afford to lose, ever. closeness (10/10)



somebody to love.

love interest : lee jihoon.

personality : [ how would you like him to act? ( i already have an idea of how i'd like them all to act, but if you have a specific way that you'd like him to act, please let me know.) ]

interaction : Since Haemi's known for being the shy and awkward type, Jihoon would be the one to break it. When they're together, Jihoon will usually be the one talking while Haemi listens. But, there are times where Haemi would talk and Jihoon listens. Little did Haemi know, Jihoon enjoys being around her presence. 

back-up love interest : kwon soonyoung.




someone worth fighting for.

love rival : lee seokmin.

personality : [ how does he act? ]

interaction : Seokmin, known to be Haemi's best friend ever since pre-school. He's like her pillar of support; her teddy bear to hug on when she feels sad and needs him to be there. And, same goes for him, Haemi's his pillar of support, she would always be there for him. Seokmin and Haemi would always hang out at the park and, talk about anything & everything from their life to sharing secrets to their likes & dislikes, etc.

back-up love rival : chwe hansol.



sugar and spice.

position : [ bold your first choice. italicize your second choice. underline your third choice, if any. ]

waitress | barista | entertainer | baker | janitor



all that jazz.

comments : urm, i hope you don't mind if i added music to the application. i didn't want it to look boring, heh. o u o 

scene requests : [ optional | remember, these are just suggestions and are not guaranteed. ] 

password : click here




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