I went with two of my friends, Kiley, the one who got me into K-pop, (P.s. Kiley, if you are reading this, thank you and damn you for getting me into k-pop), and Nicki, who isn't a super fan of K-pop, but she doesn't hate it, which is also a plus. My mother, my little brother, and Kiley's dad also came, but they're not into K-pop, so I'm not going to talk much about them. I went to the fan meet up, the high touch, and the concert. (Since I had homework, I couldn't go to the MTV K show, but I'll write a bit about it anyway.)
I hope you enjoy!

They had a fan meet up at 2:00. Why they picked 2:00 on a Thursday is beyond me. There's this thing called school that most people have at that time. (Stupid Verizon) Luckily, my mom is amazing, and she let me leave school early to go. Love you, mom! Kiley and Nicki also got out early, and Nicki's mom drove us down there.

We got there about 45-ish minutes before the doors opened. The line was at least a mile long. (More like almost a block...) We were probably like around the 400th people in line. The room for the meet up only held 300, max. We were pretty nervous, but optimistic we would get in. 

The line...

After about an hour they started letting people in big groups. We got about 10 feet from the door... and they stopped letting people in. Gah! So annoying. They started letting people in as other groups came out. After about another hour (pure torture) they let us in.

The meet up was one big room with a small stage in the front. On one side, there was a few tables with fan sites (like bapyessir and bapstyle and a few others) and a place where you could take pictures and write messages on a white board. On the other side was a quiz station and a dance k-pop station.

We came too late to see the singing contest, and most of the merchandise and other cool stuff was sold out :(. Even though NY was the only one without a cosplay contest, there were a lot of people dressed as the matoki or members of B.A.P.

We had no idea what to do or what there was, since we were late, so we went to the picture place. After we took a picture we got scratch off cards, one per person. I had read that if you win the scratch off (there were only 100 winners) that you would get to have a high touch with B.A.P. So of course, we were extremely excited to get the cards. Scratch scratch scratch. Damn. 

After that momentary depression, we realized they were in the middle of the dance competition. They weren't allowed to pick the song they danced to, so they had to think on the fly. So this skinny GUY, named Harny, gets called up to dance, and we all cheered for him. The MC a bit about being a guy, and having a name that sounds a lot like , and then they started the music. The y music. It was all body rolls and pelvic ing from there. The entire audience what practically dying, we were laughing so hard. It was priceless. He got third place. 

After that we got on the ridiculously long line for the quiz station. When it was our turn, we answered the question correctly and got our scratch offs. Scratch damn, scratch damn, scratch... *SCREAAAAAAAAAM* Kiley started jumping around, crying, hugging me and Nicki, and made a speech about her year and a half of torture finally being worth it. We went to a table in the corner, and she got a wristband.

We got back on the line for the quiz and answered another question correctly. Scratch.... I won. I'm a scarily calm person, so Kiley and Nicki screamed and jumped around for me. :) We got on line to get a winning ticket for Nicki, but literally right before we got to the station, they ran out of tickets. Nicki was upset, but she was glad that the two crazy K-pop fans could go. (Love you Nicki <3)

We came back at 5:00 for the High Touch event, but we didn't know what to expect. A lot of kids who didn't even get into the meet up were outside the doors, and staff were handing out posters and foam lights. They let anyone who had a wristband into the hall outside of the room the meet up was in. Kiley and I were about half way back, but what was really cool was, since the line curved, we could see into the room. They had a table set up, with a Verizon background, and there were a lot of people taking pictures. (Not us fans, we weren't allowed) 

They brought us into the room and s us back and forth, so naturally both Kiley (less than 5 foot) and myself (about 5' 4") were all the way in the back. Fans started chanting \(^0^)/ BAP! BAP! BAP! \(^0^)/ But after a bit it died, started up again, and died. They said that we'd be done with the high touch by 5:30. By that time, BAP still hadn't come out. A girl came around to us and said that when BAP came out, that they were going to count 1,2,3 and we would beat them to their chat.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

And then… and then… and then. The door opened. \(^0^)/ And those six glorious aliens walked into the room. Everyone started shrieking. They lined up behind the table, in age order, of course, and they looked amazing. They were wearing the clothes that they wore to the MTV K show. The girl counted 1,2,3! And we shouted \(^0^)/  “WE ARE BAP YES SIR!” \(^0^)/ From where I stood, I could only see Daehyun, but he was laughing.

We started snaking down our line, and people started giving the members high fives. Yongguk looked me in the eyes and said “Nice to meet you,” very quietly. Himchan smiled and said hi, and Daehyun had a huge smile on. Youngjae was having waaaaaay to much fun giving his hi fives, he was very happy (or at least acting happy, they looked tired…). I don’t really remember Jongup (I’m sorry, I’m sorry, stupid Youngjae distracted me.) and lastly, my bias Zelo. He is really tall. Like whoa there, really tall. And he’s pale, maybe it was the makeup? Idk. I was a little sad though, because he was the only one who didn’t look me in the eyes.

It was over in 10 seconds. Literally. I wanted to say something while I was high fiving them, like “Congratulations,” or “Good Luck” or something, but I was so shy that I just smiled and nodded. (T_T) We were then escorted out of the room, and we were asked not to scream, since there was something else going on in the building. But the staff member guy who was with us said that we were a good group, there was only one crier.

I was slightly disappointed, but that was because I had psyched myself up for more, like them saying something before the high five. It was very rushed, for the time we had to wait. But, I am extremely happy that I was able to see them. It was one of the best days ever. \(^0^)/

Do you see that girl in the red shirt at the front? THAT"S KILEY!!!!! I was literally right in front of her, but I got cropped out. (T_T) Sobs...

And then I went home and did homework. (>-<)



After the boys did the High Touch event, they went to the MTV K studio to perform. Only people who were 18 or older were eligible to enter for the chance to be in the studio. If it wasn’t a school night, I could have been outside the studio, but my school hates me. :( I had an essay to do.


I’m really sorry that I wasn’t able to go to the MTV K show. I’ll try to find links to videos and stuff for you guys. 

Segment 1

- Total time 13:09

-This segment includes:

1. BAP's Interview outside of the studio

2. MTV K's Introduction

3. BAP Performs One Shot

4. Interview about their NYC Experience. (I agree with Jonguppie, Shake Shack is the best!)

(BAP's hardcore style...)

Segment 2

- Total time 9:55

-This segment includes:

1. BAP Performs Rain Sound (This was not streamed live, for some reason)

2. Interview with Fans outside

3. BAP Performs No Mercy

Segment 3

- Total Time 9:11

-This segment includes:

1. Some behind the scenes from before the show and backstage

2. An interview with BAP (some questions were from the host, but most were from the audience.) (BAP were adorable, as always)

Segment 4

- Total Time 8:45

-This segment includes:

1. BAP Tags NYC

        - BAP went to experience graffiti culture, and make custom shoes

2. BAP Performs Warrior

3. After the show behind the scenes, and a closing message from BAP


- Total Time 2:47

-This segment includes:

Basically what was in the above segment, only by itself.


BAP had an amazing performance at the MTV K studio, and they looked like they were having a blast. I really wish I could have gone, but I’m underage and I had school.



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