I need your advice again.

I was just wondering. Is there any way to force yourself to stop loving someone completely? Even if you don't want to?


I was just wondering if you guys could help, because this is getting really out of hand. Whatever you guys wanna say, say it down there. I appreciate your help.

even if you didn't really read this post, I'll say my thanks now. So um...bye?


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Its hard to stop, because even though you convince yourself you don't love a person, there's always that tiny sliver of you that still does.

Ive been liking this one guy since sixth grade (4yrs now) and he has a terrible impression of me, which makes my crush even worse. I tell my friends I can't stand him and he's an , but deep down—i still want his attention. Even though I know there's a slim I will.
Well, You can't just stop loving someone because even though you want to stop , Love is from your heart and if that person you like has done something bad or mean or even cheated on you and you want to stop loving them but another side of you is saying " don't , or do not do it you're making a regret ! " then .. my friend I think you're in love or confused ... I been through that before My ex - boyfriend dumped me for another girl so I was heart broken but I found another guy who made my heart beat faster than my ex-boyfriend did .

So , my ex-boyfriend tried to get me back , he started being nice and sweet to me . But my heart was beating fast when he started doing those things things for me but I had a choice to make . It was either choose my Boyfriend who had made my heart beat so fast that I was in love with him or my ex- boyfriend who wanted me back and made my heart beat again but .. I chose my Current boyfriend that i'm still with because he helped me get over my ex- boyfriend and he had always tell me how he loved me and how he will never leave me or cheat on me ... we have been together for 2 years and on December 31st it's going to be our 2 year anniversary ! so choose what's in your heat if you want to stop loving that person completely and you can't .. \\

Well , close your eyes and remember what had happen in the past that you want to forget and stop loving that person completely , and when you open your eyes I hope you had made a choice .... bye