arcadia || Song Hyerong || SoRong

song hyerong

                                   "So wrong it's right."

tell me more about yourself  ♛

{ username : fanboygasm

{ activeness:  10

{ your name: alex



what's your name? what's your name?

{ character name: Song Hyerong

{ other alises/nicknames: Giraffe- She's extremely tall | Choding: Her personality is like a childs, and she's got a cute and young face.

{ gender:  female

{ height: 175 cm

{ weight: 53 kg

{ blood type:  AB

{ age:  17

{ birthday/star sign: Feb 28th, Pisces

{ birth place: Daegu, South Korea

{ home town:  Daegu, South Korea

{ ethnicity:  Korean

{ nationality: Korean

{ languages:  This little Princess had private tutors all her life, and thus fluently speaks Korean and English and can almost hold a conversation in Mandarin (although she sometimes says random, nonsensical things and butchers the pronunciation in the most horrifying ways possible.)


in front of the mirror in my room

{ ulzzang name: Seo Ji Hye

{ dress style:  She's always been addicted to being incredibly cute, mostly to impress her oppas when she manages to stalk them to their events. With her incredibly tall body, however, it's really hard to pull off looking cute. She's always dressed very feminine and gentle, loving summer dresses all throughout the year. She doesn't keep up with the latest trends or fashions, tending to prefer keeping to her own tenative style rather than conform. She's a lazy girl at heart that prefers the comfortable feel of billowy summer dresses to keeping up with trends.

casual: x x x

formal: x x

dorm: x x x (basically lounges in her pajamas #noshame)

training: x (sweatpants, sneakers, no makeup, and ugly updos are her friends when she's training.)




i am ready to make myself known    

{ personality: 

heiress complex :  the good-When someone says "Heiress", you get a picture of a girl in your head. A spoiled, selfish young lady who is used to getting everything that she's ever wanted because she knows just how to throw the right temper tantrum, and knows just how to work her incredibly adorable aegyo to con her rich and slightly guilty cuz they over-work parents into giving her everything her little heart desires. So when I tell you that Hyerong is the sole heiress to the Song Manufacturing Dynasty, you probably have an image of her in your head already, right? Spoiled and bratty and cocky, a girl who will throw a fit when she doesn't get her way. Well let me tell you something; there is nothing in the world that Hyerong hates more than stereotyping. Rich? Yes. Confident, spoiled, and prone to temper tantrums? Puh-leaze. Hyerong, though not at all shy, isn't what she would call confident. Hyerong has always wanted to be a petite girl with a small bone structure-- you know, be cute. Instead she's long and gangly and totally uncute. Spoiled? Psh, her parents are the strictest and least indulging people she has ever seen. Even the evil parents on dramas are sweeter and more indulgent to their children than her parents. Hyerong is used to having to work for things --even though she sometimes wishes her parents would just give her things every once in a while- which might be why she's totally not prone to throwing temper tantrums and gets kind of annoyed when people ever do. Don't lump her in with the rest of those heiresses, please and thank you. the bad- oh yes, she's not a perfect little heiress. You might get annoyed by the way she throws around money like it means nothing, because although her parents don't indulge her every whim, they have gifted her a credit card to use when she feels like indulging herself. Don't take it personally when she unknowingly rubs her riches in your face by, for example, purchasing you a new sweater when she accidentally spilled something on your favorite garment. She doesn't understand that some objects have sentimental value due to her emotional detachment from her parents and most of her family. She tends to act like money solves all problems, but you can simply blame this on her naivity to real world situations. While it will probably get on your nerves at first because she's just so damn ignorant, I hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive her and remember that it's all she's ever known. the ugly- She's a bit bratty at times, and although she doesn't always have to get her way, there are instances where she will cause a huge stink if she doesn't get exactly what she wants. And by huge stink I mean she'll resort to aegyo and pouting. If aegyo and pouting don't defrost your heart, she'll give you her world famous cold-shoulder in which she will ignore you long after whatever upset her ends. (AKA whenever someone does too much skinship with her block b oppas, when someone talks bad about her block b oppas... etc.)

fangirl problems: the good- It's a well known fact that Song Hyerong is the world's biggest Block B fan girl. I... don't really know how that's a good thing on it's own, honestly. But it has spawned many good things throughout her career as a fan girl. She's learned many things through being a hardcore BBC, and has learned to appreciate the world in a whole new light. Being a BBC and having a planet sized crush on Woo Jiho has spawned her listening to his mix tapes and learning about a lot of things she would have never even thought about before. Songs like Dead Presidents taught her about the daily struggles teenagers go through when they're studying for their exams, killing themselves over low test scores, over being unsure about their shaky futures. It sparked Hyerong to begin a career in not only rap, but in social activism. Seeing things that are wrong with the world and not doing anything to fix it, she believes, makes you part of the problem. She's learned to appreciate what oppotunities in life she was given, and has become a much more aware and more kind person who actively tries to help the people around her, and tries to send a message through her passion: music. the bad- you have to take the good with the bad with Hyerong, and in this case, the bad is her rabidness. She's absolutely ferociously in love with Block B and will probably use her advanced height to knock people in line out of her way when she's rushing to see her most wonderful oppas. Yes, she's a hyperactive and almost insane fan who would faint if Zico looked her way just once, she swears she could live off of the fuel of that happiness for the next hundred years, with only her love as her nourishment. Yes, Hyerong is extremely determined, strong-willed, and hopelessly romantic-- especially when it comes to her beloved. the ugly- while being Zico's fan has brought her up to new levels, making her a socially aware young woman who is careful to at least try to appreciate her position in life, it has also given her a bit of a big head. Because she "understood his message," she feels like she understands Zico better than the others and doesn't really like to share her favorite oppa. She isn't usually cocky, but she is a selfish girl that doesn't like to share anything at all. In many ways, this has also made her incredibly judgemental and a little vain (not in the I'm better than you way but in the You can never compare to Zico Oppa way) in which she totally disregards all males that are not Zico because they can't possibly measure up.

{ likes: 
Rap: her passion in life is music with a message, so she loves rap music and has been passionately practicing rap behind her parents back. She also actively writes her own raps, but refuses to show them to anyone because she thinks they're horrible. 

Sweets: She has had to give up most of her junk food addictions as she began working to be an idol, but the only thing she can't really give up is her sweet foods. From fried sweet potatoes to the occasional bar of chocolate, Hyerong can't resist candy and is always trying to smuggle it into her room in her bag, which occassionally results in a fight breaking out since she's not very secretive and is not allowed to have sweets.

Block B: Her opparz are her life, honestly. She seems to think Block B and especially Zico pulled her out of some sort of vicious cycle, and feels like she owes the group her life, which is totally not creepy considering she never met them. (she would sacrifice a goat to meet them, just saying.) 

Video Games: She's not your average princess, obviously. She's a massive fan of gangster and underground rap, and she's also a big nerd over video games, especially games she considers "classic" like Pokemon. She also loves horror games (due to her status as a horror movie buff) and loves F.E.A.R, Resident Evil, and Silent Hill.

Horror Movies: Step aside, the faint of heart might want to get out of the room because if you're bunking with Hyerong, you better be prepared to watch at least one scary movie every night. She doesn't care if it's a crappy B-Movie or the newest best thing out of hollywood, she just loves watching the gorey, ghost filled, vampires versus werewolves, whatever movies. And she will tease you if you're frightened.

{ dislikes: 
Spicy Food: She's not very good with the ultra spicy food you can find in Korea, you know, the food that sets your face on fire? It's not cute, she turns dark red and starts crying and fanning herself profusely and asking why they're all taking pictures and not getting her some mother flipping milk.

Curse Words: As someone fond of word play and not very fond of curse words, it's really her biggest pet peeve in the world, she hates people that curse excessively and it does apply to Zico, who curses in almost every single one of his songs at least once. Being fluent in English has really allowed her a full grasp of what he's saying, and let's just say she doesn't quite approve of his overuse of such foul language. 

Being Sick: No one likes being sick, of course, but when Hyerong-Princess catches a cold or something, everyone suffers. She becomes incredibly whiny and incompetant and expects people to serve her and baby her, and she always feels bad for being such a pain in the behind when she's like that so she hates it.

Bishes Touching Oppa: Just... don't touch her oppas. Its for the best for everyone, really. Especially if she's there to witness a certain blue haired member molest her precious Zico oppa, it could get pretty bad pretty fast.

Talking Smack: Best be careful around Hyerong- she knows when someone is talking behind her back and she usually knows who it is. If you're talking behind her back, you better be expecting a text message in the near future that will have you questioning whether or not she's stalking you. ("Jaehyo, you're not complaining to someone about me, are you?")

{ hobbies:
Composing: Since her beloved oppa composes and writes a lot of his own music, she has picked up the hobby and has been working pretty hard at it. She's not particularly fantabulous at it yet, and her songs sometimes sound awkward or jumpy and her rhymes don't always have the right punch at the right time. But she has come a long way and has two songs she fully composed by herself. 

Gaming: She takes her video games very seriously, and considers the time she takes to sit down and pwn her enemies a hobby worth wasting large amounts of time on. She plays a wide variety of video games and uses the time she spends screaming at her chosen console (psp, play station 1, 2, and 3, Xbox 360, 3DS, and Computer) to be a very relaxing time where she can get rid of all the stress she feels in a semi-unproductive way.

Martial Arts: She's been taking self defense classes since she was very young, and feels a certain affection for Tae Kwon Do. She loves roundhouse kicking people and all around assaulting people randomly. She's also fond of jiu jitsu (take downs) and Judo (throwing people.) She's made fun of for having "supre strength" due to her ability to fling people all over the place.

{ habits: 
biting her cheek: She's not a very tempermental or angry person and doens't get violently angry very often at all, but if something is managing to get under her skin to the point of violence, she'll begin to chew on the inside of her cheek. It's not often that she gets angry though, so it'd be rare to see this habit

Winking: She's like the least sneaky person on the planet, and if there is some secret she's trying to keep, or she's lying, she has a weird tendancy to wink at anyone who knows the truth. It's like she wants them to know she's covering for them or that she won't let anyone find out, but she's so stupidly obvious that everyone knows when she's lying.

Breaking stuff: Boredom and having things in her hands to play with often times leads to things being broken. She doesn't usually pay attention to the fact that she's squeezing something, and tends to just crack stuff in half. 

Sleep Shifting: Don't sleep in a room with her if you're a light sleeper or get scared easily. She shapeshifts in her sleep and will take on the form of several people through out the course of the night, causing panic and whatnot as everyone wakes up freaking out because why is Zico in their bedroom and what did he do with Hye?

{ food preferences:
The Sweeter, the better: She loves anything even remotely sweet, and really can't help but gorge herself when she is offered a sweet treat. Although she could live life without eating veggies or chips ever again, she can't even go a day without some kind of sweet treat. If you want her to forgive you for an infraction, bribe her with candy and all will be forgotten.

Seafood: Particularly things like crab and lobster and sushi. She could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner and never grow sick of sea food.

Red Meat and Chicken Feet: Although not a fan of chicken and turkey, she has a weak spot for all red meat in existence. Hamburgers, steak, ribs, pork buns, and chicken feet- just call her a carnivore because she can pack the red meat down. Watch your place around Hyerong though because she just might snatch a few bites from your plate if she gets the opportunity.

{ history: 
I wasn't born bad:  Being born into the world of the filthy stinking rich elites has set Hyerong up for success from the very start of her life. With parents that crawled their way up from the bottom and made an entire empire, Hyerong should have been guaranteed the easy life you see on dramas, where the child runs free and without fears, always knowing they can depend on the money their parents made to keep them safe. For all intents and purposes, Hyerong should be the typical bratty heiress who gets slapped in the face with a dose of reality when they finally make a mistake that's too big for their parents to cover with their money. However, this was definitely not the exact case for Hyerong, who was raised to be independant and be able to claw her way up herself. Her parents believed from the very start that nothing good would come from spoiling their child, and instead set their daughter goals for her growth. She was started on a path of earning her rewards instead of just expecting things. For instance, if she wasn't the top of her class, Hyerong didn't get new clothes. If she didn't learn English in four years, she got her phone taken away. If everything wasn't A's, she had to walk to and from school. She had to earn her luxuries, and has thus gotten used to working hard to maintain her standard of living.

Reality Blues: Even though Hyerong was expected to earn her luxuries, she still lived in a fools paradise, thinking life was that easy for everyone. If you worked hard, life was happy and bearable. She thought that everyone was able to live a life like that, where they could expect rewards for their work. She was living in a naive world, having grown up surrounded by other high class people that had enough money to live easy and assyre that they could handle just about anything. She never had to worry about getting into a good college because she just...could. It was a given--even if she didn't earn a scholarship, she'd be okay. The truth of the world didn't slap her until a friend of hers, one that wasn't so well off, ended her own life because she wasn't going to make it into a good high school. After she jumped, Hyerong's world took a serious hit. She didn't understand why those sorts of things happen, and this is how she happened upon Dead Presidents, from Zico's mix tape. Although she was younger and not ready to enter high school anyway, she began to understand and sympathize with her peers that have less fortune and less opportunities. She began looking at what was wrong with the world, and it really started to change her personality. Although she was once naive and extremely selfish, Hyerong began to change. Her friends, however, didn't like this change. It started off simple, minor things like talking behind her back (she always knew though), but soon escalated into full out insulting, since Hyerong was more interested in the gritty rap scene than going shopping with them and wasting daddy's money. She doesn't think back on this as a hardship she had to endure, but rather as a natural shift in life- they were meant to go in different directions. However, at the time, their cruel words left her feeling extremely self-concious and worried about her image. One day, when she was particularly wishing she wasn't so tall, gawky, and ugly, she discovered that she didn't have to be. As she stared at her hands, wishing they were smaller and more delicate, they became smaller and more delicate. Freaked out beyond belief, she panicked and locked herself into the nearest bathroom, then concentrated very hard on changing her appearance. Although it was slow and difficult at first, Hyerong found that if she focused enough, she could change cosmetic aspects about herself. 

Trading Faces, Changing Places: Hyerong almost immediately got over her bullying problem- it was the end of middle school and she chose to attend a music school while her old friends moved onto high class high schools. Hyerong was consumed with the desire to create music and to master her strange abilities and didn't even hardly have time to make friends. She found herself auditioning behind her parent's backs and getting accepted as a trainee when she was fifteen, and continued to pursue her mastery of her abilities while simultaneously trying to keep everything a secret from her parents (even going so far as to hire random adults to pose as her parents and forge their signatures when she signed a contract.) When they found out about her chosen life path, they were less than thrilled, but agreed to allow Hyerong to continue pursuing music and the life of an Idol as long as she kept her grades top knotch and graduated at the TOP of her class.


{ trivia: 
Insecure: She hates her height, but refuses to use her abilities to make herself shorter (plus that would take a LOT of energy.)
Eyes: She has abnormally light colored eyes, and they do not change color when she shifts. Its basically rhe only way to tell it's Hye, unless you can listen really well to voices because her voice is never one-hundred percent right.
Diets: She doesn't do them, period. Do not ask her to change her eating habits!
Needles: Has a totally irrational and almost insane fear of needles.


they give me the love and courage i need 

{ family: 

Song Hyungsoo | 45 | CEO of Song Enterprises | 3 | He's strict, but not overbearingly so. He just wants his daughter to learn how to work for her rights and privledges, and he's always been proud of her for finding herself and understanding her place in the world. He thinks her interest in music is just a phase, and isn't taking it very seriously. He hates that she's in a music school right now, though, because he can't see that career going anywhere unless she suddenly becomes a classic pianist. | He doesn't take her passion very seriously and kind of acts like "Oh you're so cute" whenever she tries to tell him about rap. He totally acts like its a joke, which really gets on her nerves and she gets pretty damn mad at him for it, so she tries to avoid talking about music in front of him because they'll just end up having a very one sided argument as Hye defends her passion and he just goes "Oh alright sweetie."

Song Minae | 40 | Vice President of a cosmetics company | 3| Her mom is very nitpicky, always telling Hyerong that with her height she should be a model, but doesn't have the right face for it, or doesn't have the right body shape. She pressures Hye into getting plasitc surgery for her nose and is always telling Hye to wear contacts to cover up her "malformed eyes," even though Hye has always been complimented on her honey brown eyes. She takes more interest in Hye's uinterest in music, if only because she wouldn't mind bragging that she has a famous daughter. | They don't get along very well, but Hye still loves her mother and hey, at least she can talk to her mother about music and get an enthusiastic reaction --"Did you meet any famous boys? I like those Shining boys, they're handsome. That Replay song was nice."

{ frenemy: 

Yoo Kyungmin | 17 | Student | 2.5 | They met at a Block B fan-signing event in which Hye shoved Kyungmin, and Kyungmin enacted revenge by pulling the much taller Hyemin to the ground and practically throwing her out of the line. | She's a vicious and y young woman who loves nothing more than calling you beautiful to your face and then turning around and calling you bad names behind your back. She's not all horrible, however, and despite her flaws, she'll always stick up for her friends even though she's two-faced and selfish. | Sometimes, they're the bestest of best friends. Other times, they basically want to kill each other and will argue ferociously, like two very angry cats.

{ love interest:

Ahn Jaehyo | 22 | Block- B | One of the girls (Hyunmin) is related to Pyo Jihoon, and thus the groups have had some interactions. She officially "met" him, however, when she totally dissed him into the ground at a fan meet because he was blobking her way to her precious Zico oppa, and she had to put that pretty boy in his place. He kept saying "Neh~ Don't you want me to sign your poster?" and she got really irritated and bit back, "I don't even know who you are! Go back to looking in your mirror and let me see Zico oppa!" While Hyerong instantly forgot he existed after he moved out of her way (completely dumbstruck by that sassing) but Jaehyo has honestly never forgotten her and has just been waiting to see her at another fanmeet. He was pretty dumbstruck when Hyunmin brought her along to meet Block B and could do nothing but stare for quite a while, while she just tried to ignore his blatant weirdness and attempted to molest Zico. After he recovered, however, he still didn't really know what to do and just awkwardly asked her if she remembered him and she was like "Uh, no, am I supposed to?" | Jaehyo is very vain-- he can't stand knowing that Hyerong doesn't think he's even remotely attractive. He's a proud person who can't stand it when someone insults him because, well, he's a little insecure himself. He lives off the compliments of the fans and you can definitely say that after all this time, it has gone to his head. Jaehyo, although usually a pretty calm and mature guy who likes the spot light a bit too much and can sometimes come across as pushy and clingy, gets really bratty around Hyerong, which totally makes him look like an idiot because he's kind of five years older than her, and that's just embarassing to get so bent out of shape by a maknae. But he totally stoops to her level around her and trades insults and poke wars like the five year old he secretly is. | They do and do not get along, sort of at the same time. While they're usually reduced to bickering like an old married couple, Jaehyo and Hyerong tend to agree on most of the important things in life, like where they should go for lunch, what movie they should all go see, who was a fashion disaster on the red carpet-- you know, the stuff that really matters. While little things can set the two off on tangents about how they "totally don't find the other attractive at all," and they tend to argue with each other about stupid little things like who has to pay for something, or what book is better, or which of the two is uglier and less attractive and more boorish, they secretly just want to like. do bad things. | Jaehyo totally had the minor hots for her when he first laid eyes upon her, but was really severly offended when she brushed him off like a piece of dirt. At that point, he made it a goal to meet Hye again and make her fall in love with his charms and other equally stupid ideas formed in his head. He, of course, hardly expected to meet her again so that was totally an okay thing to think. But when she walked in with Hyunmin, he was completely dumbstruck and almost almost chickened out of his plan and took off running right then and there. However, Jaehyo is a proud man and he wanted to stick to his resolve and therefore decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately, Hyerong really seems impervious to his constant and sometimes creepy advances, and each time she rejects him he gets a little more determined to win her over. Hyerong didn't realize it, but Jaehyo began wriggling himself into her brain. She caught herself thinking about how cute he was when he pouted, or about how manly he was when he stood up for her. Even though they still argue and fight, a tension begins to build between the two as they realize how attracted they are to the other. Although Jaehyo is still trying to be greasy and flirty with her (like buying her flowers and fail winking at her) she can't trust that his advances are genuine (especially after she discovers, from Jihoons slip of the tongue, that Jaehyo was at first only trying to win her over to save his pride) and therefore fights her feelings.

{ backup love interest:

Pyo Jihoon | 19 | Block B | Through Hyunmin, though, like the above, she sort of met him at a fan signing. He didn't take her diss to heart like Jaehyo and simply let her pass him, content to check out her legs as she scurried past. After, when he met her again, he didn't really think much of it and totally forgot who she was until Jaehyo reminded everyone of the "invalids" (members that are not Zico) that she was that snotty little brat from that one bad fan sign. Jihoon basically just introduced himselt to her and she basically flipped her hair and told him that they couldn't possibly work out because he's too tall, to which Jihoon became very confused. | Jihoon is a flirtatious and hyper active maknae bundle of cheer who often raises everyones spirits with his friendly and totally adorable personality. He's always blatantly flirting with the girls around him, usually not meaning what he says but instead wanting to cause mischief. He loves making people laugh, and targets Hyerong as one of his "random tickles" victims since she proclaims she isn't ticklish and he's determined to prove her wrong by pouncing her when she least expects it and assaulting her. | Despite their weird start, Jihoon and Hyerong are close in age and his love for rap has helped the two bond, considering they share a passion. Although they merely consider each other "sometimes" friends --sometimes because Jihoon sometimes becomes too erted, and Hyerong sometimes makes him mad with her attitude- they usually get along and play around together, even though she's not very childish, and he's not very mature. | They've always sort of had an awkward attraction to each other-- she secretly likes tall guys who don't take themselves seriously, he not-so-secretly admires her long legs-- but they never took it serious and mostly just consider each other their favorite eye candy. If they were to fall in love, it would be over their secret attraction becoming too much to handle, and their friendship getting too intense.

{ rival/enemy:  

Choi Sulli | 18 | f(x) | Like 0| She met Sulli at a music show, and hadn't really liked her already because she caught Jaehyo saying she was pretty and nuh-uh, Jaehyo is not allowed to think that biatch is pretty. But Sulli kind of gave her some attitude, and that sealed the deal for Hyerong to just never like her.  | Sulli is a little infamous for secretly having an attitude, but Hyerong never believed that to be exactly true since Hyerong herself has been rumored to be a b*tch, which is totally not at all true! But after trying to be nice and get over her petty jealousy and introducing herself to Sulli and Sulli blatantly ignoring her, she took that as a personal insult and totally despises Sulli. She has no idea why Jaehyo thinks she's cute. Ugh.| They really just don't get along. Well, Hyerong doesn't get along with Sulli and Sulli hardly even notices that death glares are being sent her way. 



why am i so insecure? 

{ stage name: SoRong- A play on words, like she's so very fond of. Sounds like "So Wrong" and Sarang at the same time, which she takes as "Love is so wrong."

{ persona: The Flirtatious Rapper-- the girl who will go down close to the fans and hold her hands just out of their reach.

{ fanclub name: SoRights- She often says "I'm so wrong that it's so right" in her own raps that she writes herself, and since she released them on her own, her personal fanclub began calling themselves SoRights

{ fanclub color: Dark Purple- Her favoritest color in the whole wide world.

{ position in group: Maknae, lead rapper

{ trainee years: 2

{ predebut activities: Released her self-composed and written raps, which earned her a few online fans.

{ strong points: She has a strong sound despite her cute appearance, and can rap fairly fast.

{ weakness: Sometimes, it's hard to understand what she says and she loses her breath easily.

{ singing twin: Gilme (She's not great but not atrocious. Needs autotune.)

{ dancing twin: Gilme (lol! She's average, she can do the dances but she doesn't excel nor fail.)

{ rapping twin: Gilme (all kill! She's a good rapper. Here is a link- has her singing and dancing and rapping. Love is War if it doesn't work, check it out!)



you only have one chance, ya know? 


{ weapon: Due to her martial arts training, herbody is her weapon. But in all seriousness, she knows Wushu and has a wushu stick machine that can be small or large depending on hwat button she uses.

{ power: Shapeshifting.

{ fighting style: She combines wushu, taekwondo, and jiujitsu and judo in her fights usually, while also shifting her body (if possible) to become taller or shorter, or thinner if need be. She usually throws people if they get too close, not liking up close and personal combat and preferring distances.

{ mentor: Kim Heechul

{ strengths: She's physically strong (kind of) and agile, and can think quickly on her feet.

{ weaknesses: She doesn't deal well with physical pain and is horrible at close-up combat, preffering to kick and hit people at a distance. She has sometimes slow reactions and can't do much against a knife or gun.

{ ranking: 15

{ serial code number: 0304931

{ code name: Novo- Latin for Change. She's always shifting and changing.



comments/questions/concerns:  ugh this took forever sorry.

scene requests: uh..

Jaehyo and Hye having like a "I would never kiss you," fight and end up kissing.

Events in which Hye and Hyo fight about stupid things but gang up on the others and tag team over the "important" issues like why they should go see the new scare flick rather than the action movie everyone else wants to see.

Hyunmin and Hyerong playing L4D!!

fanclub name ideas?: Hm... something to do with Greek culture? So like.. Demi's, or Poly's (this because Arcadia is located in Polyphinnes or something.) I honestly don't know.

other: have a good day. 

( h a r l e q u i n. )


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