Which are the four elements are you? Stolen from AikaHikari122

I got wind~


Your Result
 The Wise Wind (Fu)
Fu or kaze, meaning "Wind" or "Air", represents things that grow, expand, and enjoy freedom of movement. Aside from air, smoke, and the like, fu can in some ways be best represented by the human mind. As we grow physically, we learn and expand mentally as well, in terms of our knowledge, our experiences, and our personalities.
Fu represents breathing, and the internal processes associated with respiration. Mentally and emotionally, it represents an "open-minded" attitude and carefree feeling. It can be associated with will, elusiveness, evasiveness, benevolence, compassion, and wisdom.
Weak yet strong, a good way to describe yourself. In other words you embody one of Sun Tzu's most basic principle appear weak when you are strong.When faced with a force of any kind.You simply move around it. This is a very rare element to find in young people since it demands a wise and gentle mind. An open soul and mind is also required, making Wind elements perfect for humanitarian positions. Your great compassion for your fellow man is probably your only weakness. Since others will try to take advantage.
You are kind, you are knowing, you are Wisdom.


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me Earth xD
official #2
I got earth, which is a given since im a capricorn and earth tiger in the chinese zodiac