to "Cannot" Korean

한국어를 진짜 못해.. I really can't do Korean..

It's really funny that I wrote it in Korean, it's because I studied can and cannot grammar yesterday I guess...Well, I wrote that because I am feeling frustrated about Korean.

The truth is that I am too spoiled with Japanese... I know they are different but I can't help comparing them all the time.. What makes me nervous and sad is that I don't have Korean at the same level as Japanese and  it's bad because I feel like I can't say a thing... I really didn't recall all these hardships at the beginning... 

Don't misunderstand me, I like Korean and I am not giving up ! It's just that I'd like to do more, to know more... Everytime I get a word watching a drama, or when I understand a sentence I feel very proud of myself but not understanding and being at such low level makes me angry...

I know it is normal to feel this way but I can't help feeling awful about it....



I feel sore everywhere, I started training after 2 moth of inactivity, now I am limping around the house like a zombie.. Anyone knows good remedies for luxated ankles?



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I know it's frustrating in the beginning, are you taking classes? When I was taking Japanese classes I would often get frustrated because I felt like I learn way too little and I wanted to know more! But I guess that this kind of impatience comes as we grow older...? I, for one, realized this. I used to LOVE learning languages but now I seem to be getting way too impatient with it. I am the kind of person that wants to just know it all at once because I want to and it's HARD...

As for your ankle, the advice in the previous comment is good. Put ice on it if it's swollen, it'll reduce the swelling. As well, find an elastic bandage and there are all kinds of ointments in pharmacies for this, just massage it and wrap the elastic bandage around it, not too tight - not good for blood circulation -, but not too loose, it has to hold your leg in place. Also, my aunt used to be a doctor and she had swollen legs and she ripped some cabbage leaves and smashed them and put them on her leg, wrapping the bandage around it. She said the juice from the cabbage is good for swellings. :D I hope it helps.
For every drama, I always learn a new word :)

I don't know if what a laxated ankle is, but my mum really, really, really, really messed up her ankle a couple of years ago, and they told her to put it in cold water for a while and then switch to hot water after a while and keep rotating it :)
I can't remember what it was for, though ...