a blog i feel people wont believe :(

 i know this is going to be a weird blog by the title  but i had a dream about me dying and coming back it scared my but being honest i loved how it felt to die i know it isweird i feel as if i tell anyone noone will believe me that was my biggest fear of blogging this ok i will share it with you guys and if you dont believe me then i understand because you dont hear it often

   it started out i was outside playing with kids there were 2 men standing by a car if i am not mistaking playing cards i was standing on a chair with a rope a little girl asked me do i need help at this point i fell kinda confused whats going on i felt a tear come down the man yelled do it and i yelled i dont want to kill myself so he hung me i had both my hands around the rope holding it and was very suprisingly calm and i prayed in my head saying dear god thank you for letting me come this far and letting me be who i am cant wait to see you then a bright light came and i saw my own body it was like i was a human but noone saw me i was saying hi to people they just run past as if noone was there i went to myfamilies house they heard i died and i saw them crying my little brothers and sisters in a room with tears falling fast i sat on a bed and was trying to jump to tell them dont cry i feel amazing i dont want to come back be happy but they still cry my mom was looking as if she didnt want to cry so she could be strong i smiled and said "i understood what you guys ment by when your in heaven you dont want to come back " she smiled as she heard me im not sure if she did i floated up or something happened and i was in this ball like room it looked as if clouds and a gate i walked up to it i opened it and i could feel the biggest smile on my face then i woke up in real life with tears


 thats all i could remember i sound like i am writing a fanfic but hope you understand

that was my only fear of putting this up was because i feared people would think its a fairy tale i tried to tell my sister and she laughed in my face wich made me upset kinda  at her bacause i knew she wasnt going to belive me that is why i tend to keep alot of things to myself but i love you guys i want to let all my troubles out and known so people wont think they are alone and i havent been through it but i have


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wow that was ur dream! i totally believe it but maybe u were thinking of something that night before u sleep & u dreamed of this dream......