Which of the four elements are you?

Take the quiz here and tell me what you get!


I got water:

Adaptable Water (Sui)

Sui or mizu, meaning "Water", represents the fluid, flowing, formless things in the world. Outside of the obvious example of rivers and the like, plants are also categorized under sui, as they adapt to their environment, growing and changing according to the direction of the sun and the changing seasons.

Blood and other bodily fluids are represented by sui, as are mental or emotional tendencies towards adaptation and change. sui can be associated with emotion, defensiveness, adaptability, flexibility, suppleness, and magnetism.

Your supple nature allows you to quickly adapt to any situation you may encounter.If you encounter force, you do not resist.You rather absorb the energy and redirect it (similar to some martial-arts).This ability allows you to be a great public speaker since any criticism would seem to bounce back. The only downside is your innate need to be on the defensive, rarely lashing out.

If you have a tendency to restrain yourself or your emotions remember that energy is flowing.If you damn it up, it will build until it can no longer be contained. Find a balance between the energy you absorb and the energy you release.

You are ever flowing,you are clear, you are Skill.


I was sort of expecting it because whever I play games I always chose water or healing and I tend to get water a lot. I dunno why, but I've always thought of water as my element and I guess I was right ^^


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I got water too o.O
I've got water as well ouo
I've got the same as you