♔ The Fact ♕ 사실을 ♔


✎Personal Information

AFF Username: kpopaddictus95

Account Link:http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/57533


Name of character:Kim Seorin (English name: Angeline Kim)

Nickname:Angel, Rin

Age: 18

Birthday: March 5, 1993

Nationality:Half Korean Half Filipino


Seorin is a little bit eccentric, Childish and loud most of the time, she’s the type of girl that you want to hang out with because of her out of this world sense of Humor and cheerful disposition in life. She sees things positively and never judges a book by its cover, she always tells everyone what she is thinking or blurting out things even though it’s totally out of the topic, she can keep secrets so well that she even forgets about that secret. She’s a little bit forgetful but tries her best to remember things, she’s clumsy and trips over her own things and even bite accidentally bite her own tongue.

She’s like an open book but has so many secret pages that is still hidden. She always smile even though she’s hurt or sad, angry or just plainly irritated. She does not to offend anybody by her actions but she’s a little bit naïve of what other’s feel. she spaces out at times especially when she remembers a thing about her family and her life. she’s a little bit addicted to her mirror (a pocket sized mirror) that she always brings with her. Seorin values & treasure everything that was given to her. She’s a little bit of a prankster and a dare devil that always leads her to take on new things in her life without hesitation. She’s a little bit persistent, because the more that you will say no, the more she will try to make you say yes.

She’s quite a fashion Guru that you would want to consult about your styles because her brother influenced her a lot. She’s Romantic, sweet, bubbly, caring, understanding but sometimes rebellious if she sees something is really wrong. At first glance you would say that she is an unapproachable person due to her sharp eyes, but when you see her smile you can feel a comfortable atmosphere around her, she loves to give Power hugs just to help other people feel that they are appreciated, special & loved.

Likes: Anime, Cosplaying, chocolates, hugs (power hugs), sweet & romantic things, fashion, Music, Movies, Cars, EATING!!!, shopping, Sweet foods, Positivity, cats  <3

Dislikes: liars, cheaters, conceited people, Play boys, Rude and discontented people

Hobbies: Surfing the internet, talking to friends, Playing sports(basketball & soccer), Cosplaying, Shopping & window shopping, EATING!..XD


·          Stares coldly(like the way Krystal (f(x)) would stare) if she’s not interested at something

·         Looks at the mirror at least 5 times a day

·         Fixes and organizes things (I like tidy things)

·         Smirks when she’s too annoyed

·         Bites lower lip when she’s thinking so hard

·         Blinks faster if she’s about to do some pranks or if she’s nervous

·         Shows a mischievous grin if she’s up to something


·         Playing the Piano, Violin, & electric Guitar

·         Playing Basket ball, Soccer, & Lawn Tennis

·         Dancing, Singing, Acting

·         Fashion designing, Cooking

·         Eating so much

·         Sleeping














Name of Ulzzang Model use: Alodia Gosiengfiao



·         Casual:   

















·         Formal:









I grew up only having my mom by my side and with my younger brother Chae Hoon, well my father did not abandon us purposely, it’s just that his parents does not approve of his relationship with my mom. Kim Heechul, my ever so eccentric brother was the only one that was allowed to live with my dad.

They just visit us secretly but their secret visit was ended when my dad’s parents found out that he was still seeing my mom, after 10 years my mom passed away, she left me with my 15 year old brother. I was living a middle class life,(we are in the middle of Rich & Poor) before my mom died but I lost everything after 2 months, Chae Hoon & I lost our home because my crazy aunt sold it to someone jut to gain money, so my brother & I traveled to SEOUL to ask for my father’s help but my strict grandmother did not even allow us to see even Heechul. So in order to get me and Chae Hoon out of my father’s life she gave us both a large amount of money. Since it is our only hope for survival, me and my brother accepted it. But to my grandmother’s dismay Heechul found out and started looking for me & Chaehoon, my grandmother loves Heechul so much that she gives everything that he wants. So she allowed us to stay in a apartment that is near Heechul’s dorm (well because Heechul wished for it). My Father went home from Japan and saw me & Chae Hoon together with Heechul inside our grandmother’s house, he was so thrilled to see us his children together but to his dismay our mother passed away even before he can he her again.

Heechul then entered SMent and became an Idol. Chae Hoon & I went to back to school thanks to the help of our father. Heechul usually brings me to SMent, but because some people does not know about me being his younger sister, they formed a gossip that I’m Heechul’s girlfriend. Well my grandmother moved to England because she does not want to see me & Chae Hoon in her house, she still believed that my mom is the reason why my dad rebelled against her.

Family Members:

Kim Han ni – 45 years old (mother) –DECEASED due to Cancer--

Kim Jae Choon- 50 years old (father)

Kim Chae Hoon – 17 years old (younger Brother)

Kim Heechul- 28 (older brother, SUJU member)


 ✎Profile Time

Stage Name: RaynEe

Position: Main Vocalist

Persona :Power House Vocal

Side-Jobs:MC, cosplayer, Model for an Anime magazine

How were you discovered:

I was strolling inside XXX mall(don’t know any malls) while eating ice cream and waiting for Heechul & Chae Hoon, 2 hours passed and they still did not arrive, my ice cream is already gone (yes, I ate ice cream all by myself), well due to my never ending craving for Chocolate I rushed straight to a Chocolate shop and bought a chocolate bar. I was so happy that time (I was happy because of chocolates) so I randomly sang “~don’t you know that we both belong, baby, don’t you know that we will last forever?~” (I was singing for my chocolate..XD) when I realized that I sang so loud that people started looking at me, I was about to leave the spot when someone held my hand and asked me if I want to be a trainee I was shocked at first but I regained my senses when I felt that my chocolate was about to fall from my hand. The man reached out his calling card which says “XXXXX CEO & President of Starship Entertainment” I bowed my head down and left. I was biting my lower lip so hard because of thinking and making my decision. After a few days I tried to audition in Starship ent, I sang We Belong (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR4z0KJPoAY) the judges was impressed because of my vocals so they accepted me right away.

Fanclub Name: Sirens

✎ Lover Time

Name of Love Interest: Yang Taehyuk, Kang In noh a.k.a Noori (coed school), Jo Youngmin, Lee Jonghyun(CNBLUE)

Best Friends: Seohyun, Kwangmin, Youngmin, Minwoo (boyfriend), Sungmin(coed school)

Rivals : Hyewon (coed school)- she just wants too annoy me to the extent that I smirk everytime that I see her.

Anything Else:

 Reason why I placed Taehyuk as my love interest..

1.    He’s a little bit like my Coed school crush Noori, but Taehyuk is just my crush..:3 *blushes*

by the way..if you need any help at anything...just PM me..i'll help you in any way that i can..Hwaiting!..:))




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aiigoo~ gomawo *blushed*