▌┊KIRAMEKI : キラメキ。// Yoo Seora's Contract ♡

KIRAMEKIft. yoo seora
KIRAMEKIft. yoo seora
  lovesiick ┆ ACTIVITY LEVEL ( 8 ) ┆ LYN ┆ ヽ(*・ω・)ノ©
okay, so i just have to say THIS FANFIC IS JUST PURE P E R F E C T I O N and i hope you don't abandon it later on because i just love all the plotlines way too much. i pretty much wrote everything all out but of course, you don't have to follow what i had in mind. you are, after all, the author. feel free to make any changes. i didn't know whether it was alright for me to request ending up with someone else at the end so if it's not im so sorry ;-; if its fine, you dont have to focus on the relationship my chara has with the guy she eventually ends up with. the guy across her is basically her first love and unfortunately, she tasted a very bitter first love. anywhoo, ive nothing more to say since i think ive been too shameless with all these requests /hides/ good luck picking the girls!~ if there's anything i forgot to include, just tell me so and ill quickly edit my app-*
` sibling request with yoo inna
` after seora's first meeting with jaejoong, she attends her morning classes the next day sleepy and unfocused
` jaejoong telling seora to stop following him. he explains how its not nice to see a young girl like him following around a grown man ("ahjussi") like him. seora retorts that she does not care and flat out confesses that she likes him, will like whoever she pleases, and will follow whoever she wants. jaejoong just smiles at her as she continues to expplain to him that age wasn't anything but a number. he couldn't help but feel elated and flattered, happy that there was someone that appreciated him even without him exerting effort
` hyunsik getting jealous of the time seora spends with jaejoong
` jaejoong finding himself falling for seora. however, he stops and tells himself how it wasn't right. he explains to a crying seora that he didn't want to accept her love. he explains the truth, about how he thought she was too young and that she'd find a guy that would appreciate her youth and kindness. 
` in the end, jaejoong ends up leaving a brokenhearted seora and the apartment complex as well
` seora is then comforted by her best friend hyunsik and within months, the two end up together. a couple of years later, jaejoong comes back and requests to meet seora. the two meets up and jaejoong apologizes. he tells her that he's glad she's found love in hyunsik and that he's found love recently too. 
` jaejoong telling seora at the end "had you been my age, i would have married you from the moment you told me you loved me" and something like "ill always love you. you know that right?"
boku ni invitation
full name ) Yoo Seora
nickname ) Seoki (a pun for her love for spicy rice cakes), Yoo Seo
birthday + age ) 06/06 + 21
ethnicity ) korean/japanese
birthplace ) Seoul, South Korea
languages ) Japanese, English, Korean. She is fluent in all three.
occupation ) She's currently majoring in Communication Arts 

plotline ) Miss Binoculars 
lipstick stain
ulzzang ) Kang Jiwon 
pictures + gallery ) one two three four five six seven 
back-up ulzzang ) Park Hyemin
pictures + gallery ) one two three four 
description ) Seora weighs at around 49kg and is usually reckless with the things she eats. She's always scolded upon her older sister about watching her weight but it's the last thing that's on her mind. She stands at around 165cm, falling a little bit short on the height. She's petite, has long brown wavy hair, and almond shaped chocolate brown eyes. Her make up is simple, just a bb cream, a tea rose colored lipstick, and her favorite eyeliner, mascara, and well, more eyeliner. However, Seora is very careful with her skincare, never skipping a day or a step!
She's usually seen in very trendy clothing and it's her guilty pleasure to be on top of the fashion trend. However, she usually dresses according to comfort. She likes dresses, rompers, and high waist shorts during the summer and usually finds ease with sweatpants, furry coats, baby booties, big scarfs, and hoodies during the winter. She's a er for skater skirts, long maxi dresses, denim jackets, and cardigans. one two three four five six
ride softly into my world
personality ) 
` Lively | Seora is very fun to be around, always the life of the party. She's usually the one talking and yapping away in the crowd, sprouting all sorts of things from make up to politics. One would think that everything that comes out of is just junk but in fact, everything that comes out of will be either useful or interesting. She's always updated about everyone's social life and she is nothing but a social butterfly. She's always seen laughing and having the time of her life, always believing that everyday is a brand new day. She's a very positive person, always looking at the bright side of ife. She's very bubbly and chic, always seen laughing and joking around with others. She's well known for her sassy attitude and undeniable demure. She always makes sure she shows class and elegance, thus making her popular in the opposite gender. 

Alluring | This 21 year old gal is not your average girl. She could be very charming at times, and maybe this is the reason why she's got this line of boys trailing after her. She's wise, always quick to retort a comeback, and shows maturity at a very young age. One of her key traits is her humor however, always making people laugh and laughing at things that isn't even that funny. She's very easy to get along with, due to her bubbly nature and there's rarely a time when she has conflict with people around her. She's quick to adapt to changes and rather than hating it, she appreciates it and learns from it. She's a bright young lady, outspoken and opinionated. She's not afraid to voice her opinion in public, even if it means she's the only one who thinks this way.
` Stubborn | Seora can be very persistent if she wanted to. Although there is always a lot of people to advise her, she usually doesn't listen to anyone but the voice inside her head. She decides with her instincts and is almost always right about them. She's hard headed and sometimes, a bit hard to control. She has a nasty temper and she usually throws tantrums when angry/sad, acting like a little child. Although she knows her limit, she tends to forget that she shouldn't be acting so childish whenever she doesn't get what she wants. She tries not to but she knows very well that she sulks and throws hissy fits. She knows very well herself that she can be selfish at times and is aware of her impatient personality. However, even though she possesses all these traits, she never forgets that all things worth waiting for are worth the wait.  

Excited for love |  She does not usually look for a relationship despite love calls from guys who try to get together with her. She finds herself falling in and out of love constantly with different people and different things. She is able to find beauty in the simplest things and so this is why she has a hard time finding a stable relationship. She will look for fun, spontaneity, and mental stimulation. However, she often feels that complete love is something she will never find in life; therefore she treats love as nothing more than a sport, albeit one she excels in. Once in love though, she shows her man that she is a priced possession that needs to be taken care of her. A bit challenging and complex, she needs a partner with a lot of patience. She is short tempered, violent, exhausting, and more. However, she is the best friend, tennis partner, cheerleader, critic lover, and fighter all in one.
history ) Seora has always been a faithful dongseang to her older sister, Inna. When her parents sent her older sister to study to the province, she followed her, studying there as well. When her sister decided to venture out her luck as a website model in Japan however, Seora couldn't insist in the adventure; she just had to come! Over the years, she learned how to speak Japanese and finished high school in Japan as well. She's very fluent in the language, moreso very educated about the culture. She's always had a love for the language of English, hoping someday to have her American dream, hence her taking a Communication Arts course. 
likes )
` boba tea
` earl grey falvoured tea especially during the night
` shopping, shopping, shopping!
` going out with friends/families and having fun
` being able to sit down and finish a good read
` the scent of a new book cold weather (her favorite weather is winter!)
` eat all you can places. ps, she's a sushi lover!
` dogs! shes an absolute animal lover
` rainy days
dislikes ) 
` hot, humid weather
` waiting in a long line time
` tight and fitted clothing (although she has exceptions)
` flying bugs!
` anything that smells rotten/bad

hobbies ) 
` photography
` reading novels
` writing short stories
` going to the park to walk her golden retriever
` long midnight convos
habits ) 
` getting too impatient
` being clingy and needy
` nagging at times (she believes its for a good cause) 

fears ) 
` rejection
` heartbreak
trivia ) 
` she's the youngest sister of yoo in na
` she's been living with her sister in japan for more than 10 years now
` she dreams of being a writer one day abroad
` she has a big heart for animals and an even bigger stomach for food!
the peanut butter to my jelly
best friends ) 
one - LIM HYUNSIK : BTOB // age : 22 // occupation : He has graduated with the major of arts and photography. He works at the studio where Seora's older sister, Inna, works for and he's an aspiting artist as well // personality : charming, lively, caring, stubborn // They first met through Seora's older sister as junior-senior, seeing that he graduated from the same school she's studying at. It was not until Inna's work however that they became really close friends. // interaction : Hyunsik is always visiting Seora, making sure she has eaten all her meals, knowing that the girl is so busy that most of the time she misses meals. He's always calling and texting her, making sure that she is okay and she, in return, always makes sure to spend time with him whenever she is free. They tease each other alot, often leading to fights. However, Seora finds comfort in Hyunsik at all times and she is very much herself whenever she's with him. 

Ahn Sohee: Wondergirls // age : 21 // occupation : Currently taking the same major as Seora // personality : Chic, clever, witty, daring, spontaneous // meeting : Seora and Sohee have known each other since high school and they were often paired together due to the similarity in their names. Ever since then, the two girls got along ver well and grew up as really good friends. // interaction : You will never see one without the other. This inseperable pair are always seen studying, shopping, and even going to the bathroom together. They tell each other everything and they are always updated about each other's whereabouts.
friends ) 
one - Jeong Yoongjoo: Kara // age : 21 // occupation : Currently taking the same major as Seora // personality : Reserved, demure, intellectual// meeting : Yoongjoo is taking the same course as Sohee and Seora and has been good friends with them since first year of college. // interaction : She is usually seen along with Sohee and Seora and the three are usually always going out, attending parties, and shopping together. 

rivals ) 
one - Park Jiyeon : T-ara // age : 21 // occupation : She's a Fine Arts student and works part time as a free lance artist // personality : Pretty, charming, conniving, feminine // Seora met Jiyeon through Hyunsik. She's also been head over heels for the boy for as long as Seora could remember. // interaction : Seora is very hostile around Jiyeon and would often get annoyed whenever she is around (especially when Hyunsik is around too)
my kokoro goes doki doki
love interest ) Kim Jaejoong (DBSK)
back-up love interest ) Kim Hyunjoong (SS501)
birthday + age ) 07/23 + 29
occupation ) Word has it that he was a previous photographer from Korea that quit his job years ago before moving to Japan. Curremtly, he stays at home and has no stable job. 
ethnicity ) Korean
birthplace ) Seoul, South Korea
personality ) Jaejoong is the type of person who likes to live by the rules. He is focused, determined, hardworking, and strongwilled. When he is insterested in something, he'll show it through his actions and words and he isn't afraid to take his risks on it. He's rather reserved and quiet, the very opposite of what Seora usually goes for. He has a love and passion for arts and photography and can be very opinionated once he learns how to open up to you. He's your epitome of a perfect gentleman, always putting Seora before him. He's thoughtful, kind, generous, and has a big heart.
history ) According to the things Seora has heard (most of them from her eunnie), Kim Jaejoong was a well known photographer from Korea. However, after a failed relationship, Jaejoong moved to Japan and settled there instead. Upon finally meeting him though, Seora learns that the reason why Jaejoong moved to Japan was to start a fresh life. Jaejoong's been living in Korea for 3 years now and with those three years, he confesses he still haven't found himself just yet. 
languages ) Korean, Japanese
meeting ) Seora first recieved a glimpse of Jaejoong when he was throwing out his trash one late night. She had just come home from a quick run to the grocery store for her older sister's emergency make up mishap and she was smittened the moment she saw him. However, she soon learns from her older sister that Kim Jaejoong was not a man of many words. He was an outcast, an introvert, and an antisocialist. However, this made Seora more excited to meet him. For 2 weeks, she watched him from her window, hoping for the right time to bump into him. After what seemed like forever, Seora found the opportunity when she realized he was going for a midnight jog. She ends up following him and pestering him until finally, he says it's okay to jog with him. 
interaction )  After their first meeting, Seora began to pester him like a school girl would with her crush. She was after all, a school girl with a crush. She began to always knock on his door, bring him food, and take him out to places unfamiliar to him. At first, Jaejoong was wary and unsure of the girl; she was a college student filled with spirit and joy and he was a lost soul, turning 30 soon with no stable job. However, after several meetings, he finds himself surprised. He's suddenly happy that she sees him often and on top of that, he's starting to associate himself with others, going out to eat, and socializing with his neighbors. 



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hiyeom miss binoculars is still a college student
she's the youngest of all tenants
i wanted to pm you
but i couldn't