Jung 'Ava' Hara▲ the new boys | application


Jung Hara.




USERNAME: ddred88


CHARACTER NAME: Jung, Hara (Ava)

NICKNAMES: Ava-it's what she was called back in the states. 

foreigner- Since she was born in America some students took the habit of calling her this. She hates it. 

Punk -  her friends usually call her this as a way to annoy and mess with her but she wouldn't be surprised if others called her this behind her back. 

AGE: 18/ senior

BIRTH DATE: 09.14.94


HEIGHT (cm): 160cm

WEIGHT (kg): 52kg

LANGUAGES: Korean and English-Fluent 

PERSONALITY: Ava naturally has this tough and intimidating aura she gives off. She seems to always have this mean look on her face, that or a 'Are you ing serious' expression. Because of this many people find it very hard to approach her. Ava screams 'foreigner' from a mile away. Even though she has been living in Seoul since her first year in high school she hasn't gotten rid of those foreign traits. Ava walks like an American, talks like an American and dresses like an American. Ava doesn’t fit the norm for Korean females, either physically or personality wise so many see her as ‘manly’. Not that she looks like a man but by the way she talks, she talks very strongly and sharply.  She walks into a room like she owns the damn place. She seems to always have something to say and has to always voice her opinions. She has a sharp tongue and won’t hesitate to make remark. Because Ava is so confident, opinionated, quick tempered and sharp tongued many people find her to be strange and 4D. But because of this she does sometimes rub people the wrong way. All in all, most people’s impressions of Ava aren’t the best or most inviting. To them Ava seems very rebellious and a troublemaker. With her tattoos and way of dressing she really does seem like the person who would go around cussing and being rude. They’re somewhat right.

Ava is loud, she is blunt and she can be mean. She loves to cause trouble and do what she wants to. She’s used to being able to roam free and so she finds it really hard to take orders. She also finds it hard to let others have the final word. She will argue until she has tired you out just so that she can have the final word. She basically doesn’t like the other person to have the upper hand. Ava is also very challenging and hot headed. If she feels like something she is doing or seeing is wrong, she will call that out. Ava is a person who doesn’t have the best control over her temper. She has been described as a drama queen although her argument for that is “ Listen, I only react like that if are disrespectful towards me and think you’re better than me, okay?” She will go from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat if she feels that you have disrespected her or friends. She is not afraid to fight anyone whether they are bigger than her or older. If she feels like someone is challenging her, even someone much stronger than her she stupidly goes at it. She is very stubborn.

This is why Ava has a not so pure reputation in Yagan High School.  She was the only foreign kid attending the school and even though she was full Korean some of them treated her like trash. Not only that but some also because of her ‘darker skin’. They soon learned quickly that Ava wasn’t one to let disrespect go unnoticed and before the first week of school ended Ava already had gotten into 3 fights.  All they see is some girl who basically looks for fights and is most likely a delinquent. They don’t see what a good student she is. She often has to study a lot since she doesn’t have the best memory but you will always see her with good enough grades.  They also don’t see how protective Ava is over her friends. How she always seems to have some type of food in her back pack since she knows Zinger always seems to try to skip meals to lose weight so sometimes she has to force her to eat. They don’t see how Ava always walks Luna home since she knows how scared she is to walk by herself.  They also don't get to see how creative and passionate she is about art. How at peace she seems like whenever she has a paintbrush or pastel in her hands. 

People also don’t get to see how insecure she is about herself because she would rather stick needles in her eye than have people find out how much she worries over how boys perceive her. In the four years that Ava has attended Yagan, never has she been asked out on a date or have a guy even come remotely close to asking her out. What? Did they think just because she was a little more…. Out there than most girls that she didn’t want a boyfriend? Why would no one ask her out, damn it! Sure she had guy friends but those were just friends! She wanted a god damn love interest in her life!! Ava knew it had something to do with her personality and her reputation around school, she knew most guys would find her to be too much trouble. That didn’t stop Ava from forming crushes, though. Her newest crush is this boy in her History class who sits a couple of seats to the left of her. He was one of those popular kids but of course Ava knew he would never take an interest in her. She still hoped though.

BACKGROUND: Ava was born in Los Angeles and is the youngest. She has 2 older brothers which is where her mother thinks Ava got all her rough qualities since ‘ she sure as hell didn’t get any of them form me!’. She comes from a working class family.  Both of her parent’s were born in South Korea, her dad in Yagan and her mother in Seoul but they ended up moving to Los Angeles which is where they met and started their family. Ava had a happy childhood. Since she was the youngest and also the only girl both her parents spoiled her to death.  But since her parents were always working she was often left in the hands of her older brothers, Haru and Brian.  Growing up Ava really only had her older brothers to play with and their friends so early on she became used to acting how they would. You would have thought that Ava’s mother with her perfect hair and nails would have done anything to make her only daughter stop acting so boyish but all she could see was her little princess having fun. Once she turned 5 her father decided to enroll Ava into soccer and karate since he knew “his little princess would destroy all those other kids!” Ava pretty much was involved with most sports until she went to 8th grade which is where she took her first art class and fell in love with that subject. Once she got to Yagan High School she has joined the school's art club and has pretty much taken any art classes that they are offering.

The reason why Ava had to move to Yagan when she was 14 was because her parent’s always had a plan of going back to South Korea to live. It took a while but they finally managed to earn enough money to move to her father’s home town and begin a new life there. Her dad got a job as a construction worker and her mother as a pre school teacher. Her eldest brother, Brian decided to attend college in Seoul and Haru decided to enroll in Yagan’s police academy.  When she first got to Yagan she had a hard time fitting in and feeling comfortable. It obviously didn’t help with how intimidating Ava seemed. Returning to Yagan after vacationing in America with a tattoo when shew as 17 didn’t help being seen as intimidating or rebellious either. Nevertheless there were a few brave souls who had the guts to approach Ava and befriend her and they are friends to this day. 

LIKES: cats, soccer, art, paint, lip balm, ink art, running, shirtless guys, eating, music

DISLIKES: loud noises, birds because she thinks they are annoying, losing, rumors, donuts - she just never saw much use to them, being insulted, scary movies, being teased

HABITS:rolling her eyes, cursing whenever she is annoyed or around her friends, waking up in the middle of some nights and eating cereal, doodling on her school papers. 

FEARS: getting punched in the face, being embarrassed, being alone in the dark, never finding a boyfriend


  • she has tan skin,
  •  Ava listens to a variety of music but her favorite is pop, ballads and hip hop,
  • her bloodtype is B,
  • her body type is very similar to Luna's (during Hot summer)
  • she only tolerates her friends aegyo,
  • her favorite color is red,
  • she is a huge fan of Godfrey Gao and has his as her phone's background,
  • she enjoys ink art
  • she has one tattoo  although she has to hide it almost all the time except when it's summer and she gives zero s. 
  • she often ahs detention of some sorts for not paying attention in class or for gettinginto a fight or argument with someone

FACE: Im, Dahye

   ♦ ♦  ♦    ♦ ♦  

BACK-UP: Lee Jung Ha

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STYLE: Ava has a laid back, urban, sporty type of style. A lot of jeans or shorts with v-necks or graphic tees. Since it is often very cold in Yagan she also wears a lot of jackets, sweaters or long cleeves. 

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Jung Jooyoung / Alive/ 46 / pre school teacher/ feminine, bossy, witty, sharp, protective / Ava has a very close relationship with ehr mother although they did have some rough patches. Jooyoung may sometimes complain about her daughters tattoo or clothing or lack of boyfriend but only she can complain and bag about that. If any one else does she will not hesitate to turn into a raging mama bear. 

Jung Hyun Su / Alive / 48 / construction worker / slow, protective, competitive, loving / Ava is a daddys girl although she will never admit that. She is closer to her dad than her mom. They have a close, understanding relationship. 

Jung Brian / 23 /college student / fun loving, witty, clever, free spirit / Even though Brian is the eldest sibling he often doesn't act like it. Ava is probably closer to him than Haru because of that. He was actually who signed the papers in L.A so that Ava could get her tattoo since she was underaged. He was the most rebellious of the three followed by Ava. He is someone who cana lways make Ava smile.

Jung Haru / 21 / in the police academy / smart, determined, honest, strong / Haru is the brother that is most protective of Ava and soemone who she feels gives her good advice. 


Jung ' Zinger' Hana / 18 / high school student / motherly, funny, witty, aasily hurt / Zinger as she likes to be called, is one of the first people whoe evr talked to Ava and somehow they ended up becoming very evry close. Zinger is someone who Ava feels comfortable with. Zinger is very easily hurt so there are times when Ava had to break a couple of noses for making fun of Zinger. Ava is very protective of Zinger. 


Park 'Luna' Sunyoung  / 18 / student / energetic, kind, always smiling, hard working, perfecionist, bright / Luna and Ava make somewhat of an odd duo since Luna is so energetic and feminine but Ava thinks shes really cute and sweet. They met during their second year when they were assigned table mates and instantly became close. Luna pretty much talked the whole time since she didn't really allow Ava to get in a word but Ava thought it was pretty cute and funny that she was so talkative, plus it didn't seem like Luna cared much of what others said about Ava so that was always a plus. 

Kim Himchan / 19 / student/ loud, friendly, greasy, a bit slow, confident / Ava and Himchan are another odd duo but they somehow work. they both have a fun time when they hang out though. 

Han Sunhwa / 18 / student/ witty, loud, motherly, aa bit of an airhead, silly / Ava met Sunhwa through Zinger since they ahd been friends since middle school. Sunhwa was one of the more popular, pretty girls in school so Ava did not know what to expect but Sunhwa's fiery and witty personality fit nicely with Ava's so they quickly became friends. 

LOVE INTEREST 1: Byun Baekhyun

BACK-UP: Do Kyungsoo

PERSONALITY TRAITS: loud, energetic, friendly, mood maker, sometimes sharp, cute, confident, silly

RELATIONSHIP / INTERACTION WITH CHARACTER: Ava would say they had an awkward relationship during the beginning. She remembers how surprised Baekhyun was when they first came across each other. he literally went "what the hell?' when he first saw her so Ava immediately became a bit pissed. It didn't even matter that this cute guy was staring at her. Who the hell was this guy? He kept that same surprised gaze for a while. It turned out they have the same morning classes and she would often find hims taring at her with a strnage expression. It seemed like he was questioning something and it annoyed Ava until finally she asked him what the hell he was doing trying to get to know her when he obviously didn't like her. Since then he tried to get along with her better. They do share the same type of humor so theres that. In the beginning whenever Ava would egt annoyed with him he would make some witty comment which Ava couldn't help but smile a bit. That or he used aegyo against her and she didn't know whether to laugh or be mortified. Ava would say that Baekhyun sometimes was a bit smothering, he always seemed to need Ava to pay attention only to him whenever they hung out. She wasn't used to guys being like that with her so there are times when Baekhyun catches her off guard and she ends up blushing. Baekhyun also likes to complain about how Ava acts and that she should be more girly and feminine but then he catches Ava's glare and quickly goes to a different subject. Overall, Ava finds spending time with him enjoyable and fun. She likes the back and forth they have. 

LOVE INTEREST 2: Zhang Yixing 

BACK-UP: Kim Minseok

PERSONALITY TRAITS: kind, patient, hard working, sincere, easy going, funny

RELATIONSHIP / INTERACTION WITH CHARACTER: Ah, Ava likes Yixing. She likes how calm and nice he is to her. Although his ....patience with things is a bit annoying. The day they first met Yixing only stared at her to the point where Ava slowly began to walk away from him with a 'wtf?' expression on her face. He literally didn't say anything to her but jsut kept staring so Ava sort of made a plan to basically run away whenever she saw this serene looking guy any where near her but during lunch on that same day he found her and asked if he could sit down and eat lunch with her. She was about to refuse but he had already sat down and since some  girls were looking at her direction with jealous eyes she didn't complain. It had actually been going fine, she figured out why he was only staring at her but then Baekhyun came and yeah. All in all, Ava likes spending time with Yixing, he sort of calms her down. Ava would say that she had a softer, more stable encounter and relationship with Lay than Baekhyun. Sure their first meeting was weird but Yixing made upf or it during lunch by jsut being so sweet and ... thoughtful. She liked how he looked at her. Baekhyun didn't need protection but Ava felt like Lay did. 

REACTION TO EXO: When Ava learned of those 12 new boys from outta no where she didn't really care sinc ethey most likely wouldnt be attracted to ehr so she told her friends, 'only tell me about them if they turn out hot, if they aren't i don't care about them.' She was hanging out with Zinger and Sunhwa when she first saw those 12 guys and she felt like she had entered an anime. 


REACTION TO EXO 2:  When Ava first found out about them being wolves she was at a loss for words which Baekhyun commented that this was the first time she ever shut up. She was processing all this in her head and honestly could not believe it. She isn't scared or excited about it, she just doesn't believe them. It takes a while for her to get used to this new information. 


SCENE REQUESTS: uhh, having the girls meet each other and either have them become friends or have them completely annoyed with each other. Um, definately a scene or chapter or whatever where the boys host a party at their house and basically invite everyone at school.  also, maybe the boys can have a sort of mating season or whatever? idk man, just a thought, a somewhat erted thought but yeah




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