How come everybody was going crazy over SM and Woolim merging like it was the most shocking thing to ever happen and yet nobody's talking about Swings' diss on Simon D and E-sens' diss on Dynamic Duo and Amoeba Culture?

COME ON YOU GUYS, THIS IS WHAT YOU SHOULD BE GOING CRAZY OVER!!! Cuz I swear 's about to go down for reals.


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i follow a few people on twitter who are talking about it but most people i know don't listen to k hiphop really so they don't know anything (except the things akp posts a.k.a crap)
personally idk much either since i just started listening to a few of the artists like last month only
And here I thought that loads of people are talking about it xD
lol theres a lot of people talking about the underground scene, well on tumblr there's a lot lol. and its not just esens and amoeba its a lot of other rappers lol like ugly duck and all of them lol