I don't mean to offend, but I don't mean to keep quiet either.

I know I'm not the only one who says this, but comments are what keeps an author's motivation to keep on with the story. It's okay if you don't have many subscribers or many comments, but sometimes... it's just desencouraging.


I just want to make two points clear before I keep with my 'rambling':


-I am sick.

-I spent a lot of time this year in a hospital bed.


This year has been hell to me. I couldn't even study properly, because I missed classes and didn't understand the lessons, but I still had to do the homework. My parents weren't with me most of the time, because they were working. There were these times that, I was in a hospital, in Barcelona, by myself, with the closest and only family in the country 150 km away.

It wasn't something really important most of the time, though. Still, they would give me around 2-3 injections per stay or more, in case they were needed. 

Injections hurt. A lot.


I strived to do homework. The injections were so strong that all my body ached... sometimes, I would even run out of breath and had to use an oxygen mask. Still, I would study as hard as I could, making homework despiste the numbness in my hands and my headaches. And then, as a reward, nurses let me connect a while to internet with my laptop, even though they told me to be extremely careful. I even had a kind of small table above of the bed so that I could put the laptop there and don't hurt my legs.

Sometimes, I had low or high blood pressure and they made me wear oxygen masks, or even they had to stick up IVs in my arms because I was dehidrated due to the medicines. Still, I would write my chapters for my readers' contentment.


On July 24th, lovealice left this comment in one of my fanfics:

Okayh...mariana where are you? When are you gonna update?! You're stressing me out!

Yeah, I want seunghyun to end up wit but Bom but I feel sorry for Sohee with the baby and all...what is he gonna do about it? i'm hell curious here..update soon. Thanks my dearie 


I was in the hospital, and I felt bad for her. I felt bad because I barely had the strenght to write another chapter and there were people asking for an update.


Sometimes, I write long chapters after hours of treatments, and I publish them in AFF. Sometimes, stories with +150 subbies.


And what happens ?


Despite the pain and the effort, only two people comment.


I don't feel disappointed, but I feel sad. I'm sick, in the hospital, I try my hardest to please my readers and they reply with an 'update soon'... No guys, I'm not saying I don't like when people post that. It's just, I sometimes feel like writing the chapter was a waste of my time and effort.



For those who don't read my stories, I'm not asking you to read them. I didn't mean to offend you but please, consider my feelings on this as well.





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blossom10 #1
Just think of positive things than dwell in the negative:) You'll get well soon. Not everyone knows an author's reason for late updates.
Oh no. Please get well soon. I understand you, your health is the priority. I'm sorry that you're in too much pain. Please stay strong, I'm sure your readers will understand. Comments do motivate me too but then there are really silent readers. And we can't do anything about them. Maybe they're shy to express their opinions. Just focus in getting better first okay.
I feel you dongsaeng~ah. Comments are like our fuel to feel that somebody is actually reading our stories. :( And I know I'm not a much of a commenter too. I'm not even able to read updates which I'm subscribe to because of my busy busy busy school works.

And please, health comes first before anything else. Be strong and fighting!
I totally understand where you're coming from. Comments motivate me as well.
Get better soon, neh? I don't want you to feel so much pain :(
Te entiendo perfectamente. Porque cuando uno trabaja tan duro para satisfacer a un lector, y que te digan 'update soon' por lo menos yo siento que lo que yo escribí fue una mierda. Lamento mucho lo que te esta sucediendo, estar en hospitales enferma y todo eso. Espero te recuperes pronto!
Algo que yo hago también, perdona si no leo tus historias, tal vez lo hago pero ni cuenta me doy porque no estoy pendiente del nombre del autor, la mayor parte del tiempo yo leo historias 'offline' y por mas que yo quiera comentar un buen párrafo diciendo lo hermoso que el autor x escribe, no puedo ya que no tengo internet. Ya hable por los offline readers como yo. Pero de veras, eso molesta. Recuperate pronto, saludos desde Puerto Rico!
BlackjackPride #6
Espero que estas palabras puedan ayudarte un poco a sentirte mejor y seguir adelante. Yo tambien he estado con algunos problemas de salud este año, y se que no es para nada lindo. Me siento muy afortunada por tener el apoyo y contencion de mis padres y seres queridos durante este proceso, y aun asi es dificil, asi que no me imagino lo duro que debe ser para ti pasar por esto sola, realmente me parte el corazon y me dan terribles ganas de volar hasta donde estas y hacerte un poco de compañia. Lamentablemente la distancia es un factor que puede ser tan odioso a veces. Solo recuerda, que cada vez que te sientas sola, mal, adolorida... lejos, físicamente, pero muy cerca dentro de tu corazon hay un monton de personas, algunas que conoces, otras que no, yo por ejemplo, u otras personas aqui en esta pagina, que se preocupan por ti. Tu significas mucho para todos nosotros, nos has dejado una huella con tu historias y lo que nos has compartido sobre ti, nunca olvides que siempre te estaremos apoyando. No olvides aquella vez que te dije que podias mandarme un mensaje o escribir en mi muro si necesitas algo de compañia o ayuda, o tal vez unas palabras de apoyo como las que te estoy dando en este momento, porque yo no lo he olvidado. Espero que todo se solucione, en serio, hay que pensar que de esto se puede salir adelante, fuerza Mariana! Y entiendo completamente lo que se siente esperar con ansias que te compartan palabras de aliento y apoyo para tu historia, y que luego... eso no suceda. A mi me ayuda mucho pensar que esto yo lo hago como una forma de terapia o hobby, que lo hago para mi, no para los demas. Estas historias las escribo porque me gusta hacerlo, yo no le debo nada a nadie, y tu tampoco. Esto hay que hacerlo por uno mismo, y si de paso, a alguien le gusta lo que escribimos, pues que bien, y si no.. bueno, ellos se lo pierden jaja Besos!
health should come first and not readers..when they ask you to update fast just tell them "please be patient". They maybe don't know about your health and that's why they ask you to update fast but please.You need to think about you health first and not them.
omg I feel so bad now ><
I'm sorry (even though that doesn't really help) but I hope that you'll recover soon, that your body will become stronger and it's okay take your time with updating bc it's your story in the end ><
Chingu~ya, I'm sorry if I'm not a good reader and subscriber. Thanks for letting us know about your condition. As an author,I knew encouragement from readers are important to let author know about the reaction from reader. next time, I'll try to support you more by leaving a comment.(>‿◠)✌
Please take care of yourself and don't stress out yourself too much.
Mariana, fighting!!!(ง'̀⌣'́)ง
piratess #10
hmmm...i'm sorry..one of u bad readers...actually i afraid to comment..because i always push the author to update faster...aigooo...sooo sorry if its a wrong step..hmm...
OMG! I offended you. I seriously didn't know that... Why wouldn't you just be honest with me? I wish I could've known better that I made you mad. I wouldn't have posted something like that...it was totally my fault.

I didn't know you we're that sick...you...you we're always the cheerful mariana that it's hard to see that you're suffering DX You'd be sick that day and you were always energetic the next...like you usually were. Hope you feel better though.

I guess I'm not a good friend...I'm so sorry. I'll delete that comment if you want. I'm sorry.
realmelati #12
Mariana, you know what, you are one of my favorite. I really like your stories. My Dear Heart is my first story of yours. Ever since that, I became attach to your story even though I never did a comment but I always wanted you to updated. It wasn't because I don't want to comment, I juat didn't know what to say. I like your story because your words isn't hard to understand and you build your plot verry well, and not to mention that you support Real Madrid (I read an author notes in one of your story about that Real Madrid thing haha). Please get well soon. You have my all support. Cheers! Xoxo
I'm sorry bby. What happened to you that you ended up in the hospital? :c

I've never read your stories, but I'll start now that I know you work hard to update. (:
shining_writer #14
I never thought that comments meant a lot to you, since you struggled to update despite your condition. I have not read your stories before, and I'm going to read them soon.

When I was a new AFFer, I knew how much authors cherished comments. Hence I try to comment on every chapter even if it was hard to think of one.

Being so analytical and judgmental, I don't know if you would accept a comment that points out the bad parts of your fanfiction/writing.