Guys, I need help.

So, I was wondering if any of you could tell me your study methods/how to stay focused when studying? Because my finals are coming up in about 35 days, and I desperately need to get my together, or I'm really screwed.. I mean, I need to write to survive, but I need to stay focused when studying too! Please, I need your help!!!!


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(First of all I am spanish so my english is not good sorry if I spell something grong) I stay at home, but not at my room, I go to the garden or to the balcony, even the kitchen if no one is in there, I need silence. And I keep all my electronic things far from me... because I get distracted. Then I read it all once, twice or the times that I think is necesary and I write the most importat things on my notebook. Finally I read once again this things, again and again, triying to understand it all. Hope it helps and good luck!
HELENee #2
When I need to study I can't sit in my own room.. then I get distracted.. so I always sit down in the living room and study. Then sometimes I listen to music while i study, but sometimes I can't focus on my work then.. so I quess it's about mood and to go somewhere where you can't get distracted by you computer or something else. It's helping me alot with my study ^^
Well, what I do is write then down on a small notebook, wile listening to my fave song, then read it till the test ends, that's how I got my 93/100 in biology. Also, if your country has Memory Plus, a vitamin that helps boost memory, I highly recommend it.