Am I Crazy?

Okay, is it just me or is there just something about villians? Like there's something about someone so inexplicably evil that is just so damn interesting. I'm not saying it's good to be evil because that's the worst thing to be. In real life, villians are terrible, terrible people, but for some reason I just love a story, show, movie, etc. that has a good villian. I find myself starting to love them. I still hate them and want them to die because they cause pain, but there's just something about a good villian that makes them so intriguing. 

That's why I try to create good villians in my fics. Like Lee Hi's character in "Let's Be Alone Together". She was ing evil, insane, but she was my favorite character to write because she was just so damn crazy. It was sort of fun. (Now I would never like someone like her in real life because she's a horrible human being but this is all fantasy, and we all know that.) I know you guys haven't really seen the villian(s) in "The Masquerade" yet, but trust me. When the villian(s) fully debut, you'll understand why I love writing them so much. 

Is it healthy to like villians this much?

I don't know.

Maybe I'm just weird and I'm the only one who thinks like that.

Am I crazy? 


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Hahahaa, it's not weird at all :p And if it is, then I'm weird as well since I always tend to like the villains too :p
When it comes to reading a story, I always like them best because there's just so much to them (unless the story's been written poorly; in that case I end up liking no one). But when it comes to writing a story, I definitely enjoy writing about "the bad guy" the most. It's these little things that make me think 'oh he's so clever'. Plus writing about twisted personalities is even more fun, because you have the freedom to write about anything you want really. You can go crazy by making that person go crazy without giving the impression you actually are crazy (if that even makes sense).
Writing about villains is the best because there simply are no limits.
Writing is a way of expressing yourself, their are always pieces of your own experiences in your stories. I think that when you create a vilain, you use characteristics that you really hate from real life people. You make them do things that you hate people to do. That's a way of taking the hate out of yourself and put it in a harmless, fictional environment, that's why it is pleasant to do. And also because you know that in the end, your nice characters will punish and humiliate the villain!
not at all authornim.....
every person has a character... may be that is your character....^_^
ZelihaCaluk #4
It's not that you are crazy, it's just like you sais you know that it's fantasy that's why xD most of the people also like something about the villain in a movie of story etc.. But they don't know what exactly. I have that too sometimes xD

You know it's difficult to explain xD I think I couldn't explain right xD
PS I really like those stories they are awesome^.^
i feel yah! every story has two sides, its only natural you would be intrigued by the other misunderstood side thats deemed "evil" or "bad" or "immoral", especially if youre naturally born a curious cat :p

i havent personally tried writing a villain yet, but i guess its probably refreshing because you think in a different or even twisted perspective thats so very different from your own

babe, dont you fret over it. people like us are downrighttt speh-shul cause we can think in different perspectives. :3