
Hey guys~! SO i'm posting up my first blog post instead of updating my story. //shot 


Anyways, I am so busy this month... since last month, the reason being that our exams have just ended, National Career Assessment Examination is coming up, I had tons of Journalism seminars to attend to plus I have an Extemporaneous speaking contest by next week. Not to mention the frequent class duties that I have to perform as a Class Officer. -_- 

So basically, my schedule is quite tightly packed, and I may or may not update as frequently as I did. (Yeah, and I have just posted two chapters of my story, like wth... xD) Well~ I may resume updating regularly when October comes, since its a month where we're usually free and then there's semestral break~! (hooray!) Not to worry though~ I've written the drafts for the next three chapters of Star Academy~ Not to mention I'm working on a vampire fic involving Sehun (which will be published soon... xD) 


Well, thankies for reading this totally random (and crappy) blogpost! See you soon, chingus!!


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