I've indeed come a long way..

When I first started out writing in AFF, I remember how I used to only have a mere 14 subscribers for 3 months and because of that, I took a long two months break. I guess things started going the right way for me when I wrote LSP. I haven't noticed the number of subscribers I have for months now, (Probably because fame doesn't matter to me anymore.) And now, in my unique subscribers section, I have 132 pages. To other authors, it may not be that much for them but it's a big achievement for me. I can still remember the feeling of having a new subscriber, and counting the number of subscribers I have. My old subbies don't talk to me anymore ): I wonder if it's because they feel that I've changed or anything. They just seem.. I don't know, like they've disappeared into dust. I used to enjoy having talks with my old subbies, where we can be friends and not author and their readers. But after I've gained many subbers, they just disappeared.

(Addressing issues of me being a cold author)

I know how I used to send a wall post to you guys (readers that has been with me since the start) and I don't do that anymore. It's not because I've become arrogant and I can't be bothered to express my gratitude to each and everyone of you. I am going to be completely honest, I used to remember each of my subbies' usernames, but now that there are so many of you, it's hard to remember unless you've been talking to me. And because there are so many of you, it's kind of hard to go through each and every one of your profile. Every few minutes, there is a new one of you popping out and I've lost count as to where I had last sent my wall post. Like for example, if I had left a post on one's wall, and not the other, some would criticize me for being biased and not leaving one at their wall. It's not on purpose, I've just forgotten. I still appreciate your support and love for my fics, I've been real busy these past months and I don't really have the time to stop by anymore.

I am not a popular author, like many of you said. I don't count myself as one. And no, I am not the cold and mysterious author. I like sharing things about my life to you guys, getting closer. If you've noticed, I replied to every wall post of mine (unless it is a advertisement wall post) and replied to every inbox messages. I try my best to be friendly too. However, through all this, I have to be very careful too. Like my other blog posts have shown, there are (mad) people here who fake themselves, and there are haters too. 

I hope none of you think I am a distant author, I do reply to my story comments, blog comments (unless there really isn't anything to reply to) and other comments or wall posts, inbox messages. I do know that a small group thinks that I won't talk to them, or I won't befriend them because I am a 'popular' author and 'popular' authors don't do this . It may be because of some particular author that they've had this experience. No worries because I've been there. I am not going to mention names because for sure, you'll know them.

I first started readings fics in AFF during late 2009. And there was this author that I really liked (because she had DBSK FICS! LIKE SERIOUSLY!BASJKABJKDA) a lot. Seeing all her works, made me wanted to know her more. And in 2012, a whooping three years after, I've decided to make an account. And I added her as a friend. Unfortunately, even after three months of waiting, she didn't accept my friend request, so I gave up. I even inbox her a message, and felt disappointed after to know that she didn't bother herself with me. It's not because she's busy or anything else, but because she just doesn't want to talk to me. I have a friend who sent her a message asking if she could make a spin-off out of the author's fic and she received a reply about an hour or two later. So you see, she does check through her inbox. (But that's not the point, here comes the real thing.) The thing is, yes, I know not many authors would like others to make a spin-off out of their fic. I would have replied no kindly. However, this author, she started acting all possessive over the fic and even scolded my friend. My friend had asked nicely, she could have said no politely. I don't understand why she had to go one big round lashing out at my friend.

I don't know if those that think 'popular' authors are like these is because it happened to them before but I am most definitely not like this. And I know a few authors (popular ones?) that are not like this too. From what I think, popularity isn't really all of it so even if you're the first popular author in AFF, that doesn't make you all that great. It's just the internet. It's just the internet that you're number one. You may be a no one in real. I'm not trying to bash any authors here. However, being popular doesn't entitle you to being rude and mean to others. Being number one doesn't mean you have to be arrogant and forget your roots. You've started as a rookie too, won't you know how a rookie writer would feel too? People starts writing sometimes because they've been inspired by you and being an inspiration, I'd like to give advice to those that needs help.

Readers who wants to be friends with 'popular' authors, don't feel disappointed and judge majority because one has failed you. Keep trying, I do know that not all of the 'popular' authors are like this. I'm pretty sure many of the authors are willing to give advice to you on how they make their fics better. I feel you guys(: The feeling when your favourite author replies back to you. I'd like to be the one that makes your day good with a reply of mine (Which I doubt is that much HAHA!).

And back to me, please don't misunderstand when I don't reply to you, I do but it will need some time as I am busy too. I will eventually get back to you(: For those who thinks I am a snob person, try talking to me and you'll know I am not one. For those who didn't dared talk to me before, you don't have to now because you know I'll reply to you.

Alright, that's all. I've addressed this issue because me and one of my friend just talked about it. And she said that she initially thought I was those kind of author that would only keep to herself. Share your (bad)/(good) experience with one of the popular authors below, (if you've ever been there) and we'll probably just comfort one another xD


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Well done ^.^ :D
You're the most friendliest author to me! You comment on our posts and stuff! ;D
And it must be hard to reply to so many people... Author you're the best and I know you try your hardest to reply back. ♥\(^0^*)/
amen v.v...
*gives you an award* :3
Wow , I salute you :)
Haha I hope you remember me ;D I actually knew you from mistaken as a sasaeng fan XD how times have gone by...
Its alright author nim hahah Im a rookie hahahaha and Out of all authors that I've tried to talk to youre the friendly ones hahahaha ^^