Letter about the At World's End sequel

I know a lot of people have been saying that they want a sequel, either where the EXO Guardians go back home and defeat MAMA or where the new Generation is born. I’m here to tell you that I also want both of those things! However, neither of them is going to be a reality for quite some time.

I’m just not ready to write something like that, both in terms of what I’ve built up in AWE and how planned out the sequel is in my head. There’s at least 300 years of history to get through before the new Generation becomes a thing, and we haven’t even broken 100 yet in the drabbles. The fact is that there’s still a lot missing—I don’t have 12 Guardians for the next generation (all girls), and I don’t even have much of a plan for them to return home and actually defeat Mama. And that’s just the foundation for the events of the sequel, in terms of the development of the Guardians…that too needs some work before the sequel can happen.

I can tell you this—the only sequel I can see myself writing at this point is EXO going home and defeating Mama. What happens after that, whether they stay on their home planet or return to Earth will be discussed in that sequel. It will involve the next Generation, and will probably be at least partially narrated by Krystal. Why? Because I already introduced her, I love her to death, I think the relationship between sibling Guardians (her and Jessica) would be a great thing to explore and I have big, big plans for Krystal. If the story can’t be totally narrated by her, then I’ll probably split it between her and Kris (See? I don’t even know if it’s the kind of thing that could be told solely from Krystal’s perspective or if I’d need Kris’ help!). I don't see it involving so much detail about how the new Generation all got together, or what it was like for all of them to leave home and grow up with EXO. There won't be many scenes of them as children, the majority of the story will be taking place after all of them have already grown up. I don't have the time or patience to do this whole universe all over again with different people. So essentially, the sequel will be a continuation of the main story, but won't be added on to AWE in the way that the drabbles are. It will be it's own seperate thing and will also have a new title (undecided as of yet, but better than "At World's End" which is a title I yanked out of thin air because I had no better ideas).

I can also tell you that that is a long way off. I don’t see it being done in the year 2013 at all. And again, it’s not because I don’t want to write a sequel, and I’m not too bothered by the requests for it up to this point—it would be a cool thing to read. The thing is that I’m very picky, and I want the sequel to be as good as it possibly can be. At this point I am just unable to do something like that, and I won’t even be writing it until I feel confident in my ability to do so. I don’t want to come out an promise anything until I’m 100% sure it can be done.

Until then the drabbles will continue to be updated as they have been, and I'll be focusing on exploring their powers and personal relationships. I hope you all understand that I'm not mad about people asking for a sequel, I just want to offer an explanation as to why it cannot be done yet and hope that it helps everyone relax and enjoy my torment of the boys at the present time.

(Really, all I do is torment these kids, you want to see me do that to another group of kids?)


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haha, if you do want to write a sequel, i think you should. I feel that there's a lot of potential for it. Plus, seeing how you think about it a lot, I'm assuming that it'd be a good read as well. Have fun with it~
Wow, it sounds like you've thought about this a lot! Whether or not you write any kind of a sequel, remember that the final decision is yours. Don't put any unnecessary stress on yourself, the fic is brilliant as it is and it shouldn't be turned into something you can't enjoy...so just do whatever you think is best, and what would make you yourself happy. After all you are the almighty author xD
Joo-Mi #3
I think if you want to do a sequel, you should. You should take your time as well, seeing that there is a lot that looks like it has a lot of room to develop. Plus, your updates are pretty okay in time and each time, it's a really good plot development.
To answer your final question:

Yes. I would love to see it. =D
suzetteisblue #5
You don't JUST torment the boys though. There's lots of fluff too. But yes I really do want to see you torture another bunch of kids because I'm me and you're ideas of torturing them are kinda cute compared to mine.