..~P E R W I N K L E~ || Girl Group APP ||..


Application Form:

Contact Information
AFF Username:
AFF Profile Link:
(if i get pick i'll send them to you.. But if you want it Just PM me on my AFF acc~ Miane)

Character Information
Character Name: 
Lee SeungRie
20th June 1994
Busan, Korea
Full Korean
Languages Spoken: 
Korean (Fluently), English (Fluently), Japanesse (Haven't mastered it but .. Yeah)

About Yourself
First of all E-seungie is the president of 4D town. She makes dumb jokes that people never laugh at but when people see her face when she fails at making jokes your gonna start laughing.. ITS SO DAEBAK!!!. E-seungie is actually the type who likes to bully her Unnie's but she respects them alot! E-seungie is also known as a Piano Godess.. she can play the piano really well.. and her charismatic goddess looks goes well with her personality while she is on the piano~ But her 4d side ruins this image... She has an amazing dancing skills!!! she really is a goddes on the piano~            
         E-seungie also likes to shout when she talks. Although sometimes it is a bit anoying but she britens up the room. If you need some comfort or need someone to let out your secretes too, E-seungie will be a good one to do it too. She listens to you and gives great advice. Again.. sorry if when comforting you she trys to make you laugh with one of here 4D jokes.. LOL. Her friends likes her because she really is random.. but fun.. although she is a trickster.

> Baby Blue

> Composing

> Drawing Anime (She has alot of Homemade manga comics at home)

> Baggy jeans

> Snow cap!!

> Dance (Anywhere anytime.. this is one of the reason her member are embarassed about... she even dances in the elavator at shopping malls!!)

> FOOOOOODDD!! ~~ ^^


> Spicy food

> People pinching her cheeks~

> Being Aeygyo (But she only does it to get food ONLY)

> Heavy make-up

> Waking up in the morning

> Mouth words when she is thinking.
> Wears snow caps every time she goes outside
> Once she reads its hard to get her nose out from the book.
> Composing songs
> Play the piano
> Dancing
> Draw mangga comics
[E-seungie and her brother composed a song togethere and it is said to be in Periwinkle 1st mini album]
[E-seungie used to form a girl group back in London they were famous on Youtube they were called QISS]
[She composes song on her beloved piano which is now bought to the studio]
[She doesn't like sweet things that much except lollipops]
[The only hot water she drinks is Tea]
[She dances to anything and anywhere when she hears music]
[When people wake her up in the morning she will be stress for the rest of the day, The only person who can wake her up is the maknae]
[Her younger brother inheritate her cheekiness, when they were young they used to be called 'Related Mischief' .. since they are related and somehow both of them are very naughty]
[She likes Bunnies]
[She doesn't believe in Love at first sight]
[She likes a guy who smiles when helping her even if it is hard on him]
> Dancing
> Composing
> Taekwondo
> Hosting
Ulzzang/Model Used: 
Ban Nam Gyu
Casual: || Link 1 || Link 2 || Link 3 ||
Formal: || Link 1 || Link 2 || Link  3 ||
Clubbing: || Link 1|| Link 2 || Lin k 3 ||
Practice: || Link 1 || Link 2 || Lin k3 ||



Family Information
Family History/Background:
E-seungie's parents are people who are always busy... their are very succesful in life!.. E-seungie's parents didn't actually mind what their children want to be.. they have a saying 'You'll learn from your mistakes' .. Meaning that E-seungie's parents think that their kids should just go for what ever they want.. if they made a bad turn in life.. their parents will be their to support them.. but will be the first to say.. 'I told you so' .. Her parents are very loving and understandable! How can E-seungie not love them?? Oh yeah.. one more thing.. E-seungie's parents are very good at convincing people.. like convincing their child not take the courier their going for.. their very smart!
Family Members:

Mother: the Vice Princepal in the top university in Korea

father : Buisnessman in the states~


she is a younger sister to After school E-young.. no one knows this since.. E-young didn't say anything..

sister: E-young : Noh Lee young.. after school maknae~ 

Brother: Lee Seung Gyung ... currently studying.. isn't intrested in music.. like E-young and E-seungie.. but he respects Dujun form b2st.. since he plays Football.. and Dujun plays Football too. he has only met Dujun once..

little Brother: Lee SongHun .. A 6year old Trickster!


Stage Info.
Stage Name:
4D piano Goddess
Lead Dancer
Main Rapper
Length of Trainee Years: 
2 in JYP + 1 and a half in Woolim = 3 and a half!
Trainee Experience: 
Mcing (show & radio broadcast)
Trainee Story: 
She became a trainee when her sister E-young uploaded a video of her dancing at the age of 11... People were wowed by her skills.. and some even encrouged her to go and audition for some things.... After E-young uploaded the video.. She kept talking about Her sister.. and she showed a video on E-seungie's Me2day account where.. E-seungie was rapping and  fooling around with her friends.. Her rapping skills weren't that bad.. and alot of people thought despite of making people laugh.. her rapping skils were DAEBAK!!...since she was just a minor model in CF's not alot of people knew about her... until one day JYP scouted her.. after they heard E-young's story on variety shows.. For 2 years she was trained under JYP.. but in those 2 years she had a lot of stress and decided to take a break from the music world and drop out of JYP.. after several months later she then came back in to music entertainment and audition for Woolim this time...Woolim knew she didn't have any progress while in JYP .. but when she showed how much she improved while taking a break Woolim sccouted her. Know E-seungie is trainning under Woolim for 1 year and a half already.
                  Although E-seungie is very busy with the music industry.. she still has time for school and tries to open books.. Since her mom is a VP in the top Seol university .. She is studying hard.. on her latest test she got 7th place in the whole school~ A top 10 student!

Relationship Info.
Love Interest:
> Hyunseung (B2st)
> Wooyoung (2PM)
> Ji young (B1A4)
Who Do You Want to End Up With?: 
any of the 3~!  (But hyunseung n.o 1)
2nd Choice:
Still any of the 3 ^^~!
Have You Met and How?: 
Yes we've meet. He was actually my senior in my school. I was one of those girls who just puts education first and Love later. One day when i was wanted to practice my performance for an upcoming test i decided to go to my normal studio on the 5th floor. But the door to the studio was locked. I then decided to use the practice room across the hall. It belonged to the seniors. I knocked on the door and nobody was there and the doors weren't lock.. so i just walked in and started practicing. I put my bag on the piano in the room and the radio. Suddenly after 2 hours of practice i heard voices coming towards the room.. The door opened and a group of guys stood near the door. I apologised for using the room without permission and hurriedly went out.. Then i remembered i forgot to take my bag from the piano.. i pushed the door open slightly but i saw they already started practicing.. i did not want to disturb them so i waited until all of them left.. after 4 hours waitting there was only one guy left,, since it was getting late i decided to just go in and ask for my bag.. i pushed the door open then i heard someone playing my song that i composed.. Then i saw this handsome guy .. although he is handsome i wasn't falling for him.. i then asked him for my stuff.. and then suddenly he took me to the middle of the room and the radio without a word... he then said 'Your dancing was a bit stiff.. here i'll show you the real way to dance' .. he teached me some moves and i used some in my test.. Luckily I PASSED~!! THANKS TO HIM ^^~
Your Status:
> 2pm
> Taeyeon Snsd (host buddy)
> Soyeon (T-ara)
>Gongchan (B1a4)
> Uee (after school)
> Key (shinee)
> Suzy (MissA)
> IU

P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D: VincaMinor


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