Going to university

In about one week I'm gonna start at a university. I'm going to study at Lunds university that is about an hour and a half from where I live, which means commuting by train about four days a week. 
I'm gonna study Gender science, which will hopefully bring me one step closer to being able to continue studying as a ologist in the future. =)

This means that I will have alot of schoolwork to do, assigmnents to write and things to read.

Which means that I will probably update my fics more often!


yes you heard me, more often.


Because this is me. I never do what I'm supposd to do, I do everything else. So in order not to do schoolwork I can pretty much promise that I will write more fanfics. 




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Have fun at uni! My commuting time's an hour and a half too. Music makes it much better xD

Sounds like writing-wise you'll be way more productive than me! XD