Yong Seungchan ✓ The King


Just smile like everything is alright. ❞


- fanboygasm -  - alex ;) - - erryday -



NAME ¦ Yong, Seungchan

NICKNAMES ¦ Seungie: most people, and because he insists on it.

GENDER ¦ male

BIRTHDATE & AGE ¦ 10/15/1993 & 20


BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWN ¦ Busan, South Korea & Busan, South Korea

HEIGHT & WEIGHT ¦ 174 cm & 51 kg

LANGUAGES ¦ Korean: Fluent 


VISUAL ¦ Liu Diedi

LINKS ¦ galleria, bbi.

BACK UP VISUAL ¦ oh my god. not doing it.

LINKS ¦ same.

DESCRIPTION ¦ Fashion? Style? No, those aren't really words in Yong Seungchan's dictionary. He's the kind of guy that adores tee shirts with graphic designs on the front (and anything with English writing. He doesn't care if he doesn't know what it says, he likes it.) He couples the outfits with skinny jeans most often, and has an almost unhealthy obsession with wearing hats. He literally always has some form of hat atop his pretty little head. He also tends to wear watches for accessorizing purposes, and will check his phone before checking his watch if you ask him the time. His baby soft skin (which he is very proud of, and if you're not careful, he might ask you to touch it.) is not blemished by a singly birthmark (if you're not counting the cute little flat mole he has on his tummy) but is marred by some minor scarring that he's been using scar cream to lighten the appearance of. They're mostly collected around his shoulders from an accident where, as the official report says, he tripped down some stairs.


PERSONA ¦ The Flamboyant Flame xD

KEY TRAITS ¦ Cheerful, Bubbly, "Naive", "Ignorant", Kindhearted, Strong

IN-DEPTH PERSONALITY ¦ "Stay strong-- even when the world is against you, don't let them see you crack."

Yong Seungchan is a resident happy virus- the boy that's always smiling and laughing at mundane and often foolish things. He actively seeks out joy in life, always finding reasons to be happy despite the plethora of reasons to frown. In Seungchan's mind, it's better to be a little cheer monger because that's what people need. He wants so very badly to be needed and accepted that he shoves and bottles his own feelings down deep inside him and puts up this mask of constant happiness, always going out of his way to please the people around him. Even when the world is weighing down on him, even when people resent him for his happiness, Seungchan holds his mask together with a force of will that cannot easily be matched. His determination to stay happy through all the sorrow can be the most endearing, or the most annoying, trait in this boy. While some people take his cheerful nature as a breath of fresh air, most are insulted and irritated by him. They believe that this boy must not know any form ofsorrow and must be making a mockery of their own problems- that he;s stupid for always being so damn cheerful. Seungchan realizes the effect his cheer has on people from time to time, but is unable to correct it. He doesn't know how to not be cheerful and happy at this point- he's absolutely terrified of shoing any emotion aside from his happiness because he doesn't know how the people around him will take it. He's happy being a pillar of strength- a person people can lean on when they're sad. He's occupying a role and has found his niche in society so he doesn't want to give that up and venture into the unknown world of being a three dimensional human being with more to him than just "HEY HAPPY RAINBOWS!"
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words tear me to pieces."
Although he --like many happy viruses- is considered stupid and ignorant for his constant smile and his endless supply of stupid jokes, Seungchan is a fairly intelligent young man who likes nothing more than to be underestimated. Call him weird or call him strange, but Seungchan doesn't like people to know that he has a brain underneath that fluffy blonde hair. In his personal opinion, it's a lot easier to navigate life if you pretend that the issues aren't there. Bullies calling him cruel names to his face and Seungchan will smile back at them and pretend he doesn't know what they mean. It's his own way of staying strong, of protecting himself from the confrontations he's too afraid to face.  Because he fears being alone and being ignored, Seungchan relishes in attentions paid to him even if it is negative. He doesn't care even if people beat him up or harass him, he's just happy they notice him and have some sort of interaction with him. 
"Everything in life is beautiful, you just have to look deep enough."
Despite his big ball of stupid and annoying, Seungchan is a pretty deep young man. One of the major reasons he can be so cheerful and genuinely sweet is because he takes a moment to sit down and appreciate the little, beautful things in the world. One of the reasons he can't hold a grudge is because he appreciates the fact that people act out for a reason and feels that everyone deserves forgiveness. Even when someone hurts him deeply, Seungchan wants to stay strong for their sake in order to relieve the guilt they may feel later for the words they said in the heat of the moment. He knows that no one is inherently bad and hopes that with effort, he can get through to the people that hate him. Because of his penchant for seeing wonderful things in everything, Seungchan can come off as a little weird and tends to horse useless items because they entertain him. He also excessively compliments people- other members or his fans, best expect a shower of loving compliments from this boy because he thinks you're an mazing human being. Which is also really annoying.
Basically, Seungchan has taken it upon himself to stay cheerful and happy throughout this whole traumatizing experience and try and keep the mood light and cheerful. He doesn't want to see everyone crack and get depressed so even though he's upset and ready to crack himself, he holds it all together. I guess you could say that the thing that holds Seungchan together is his desperate determination to keep the rest of the group together.


LIKES ¦ chocolate, pepero, anything sweet, has a serious soft spot for pretty boys, waking up early, that first morning cup of coffee, annoying people when they first wake up, kahlua and coffee (my little alchoholic), rainy days, sitting around people watching.

DISLIKES ¦ liars, people that cheat, being afraid, when people think he's too stupid to understand that they're teasing him, the smell of coffee, sleeping in too late, wearing shoes (takes them off everywhere he goes, even in battle) when he over eats due to stress and gains a ton of weight, bitter food, vegetables (downright refuses to eat them like a five year old.)

FEARS ¦ death (duh), causing harm to someone (verbally, physically, or mentally), spiders.

HABITS ¦ Taking his shoes off whenever he gets somewhere, biting his lips when someone hurts his feelings, he gets itchy when he's nervous, hums a lot when he's happy. Eats when he's stressed out.

HOBBIES ¦ Playing video games on his computer, Writing in his blog that he treats as a personal diary. Honestly if fans want to know things about him, it's easy to look up. Cooking-- he's not really good at it so he won't make anyone taste it xD  Coloring- yes, coloring. Out of coloring books. He loves it.

FACTS ¦ He's in college, he's attracted to boys, he has confessed to a boy before (and was bullied by him.) he can't hold his liquor very well, he's got a high IQ, he can eat a ton. He owns at least six diaries and has filled up five of them. His favorite snack is french fries. 


BACKGROUND ¦"Mommy, do you hear me?"

Ignored. That pretty much sums up the first ten years of Seungchan's quiet existence. If you ask him about his life (which people rarely do, since he's annoying) you'll find Ceungchan very conflicted and afraid to speak. He's not one for lying to anyone (he prefers half-truths) but he's not really in a position to talk about his mother because he doesn't know how he feels about her. Ugly resentment blends together with his love for her and his desire to be a good son to create a storm of raging confusion and misunderstandings on his own part. His mother has always suffered from bipolar disorder manic depressiveness. Unlike some mothers in this position, she wasn't abusive toward her son --she merely ignored him as best she could. Seungchan didn't understand that it wasn't normal until he started school and started seeing other students and their parents interacting. Even then, he wasn't really sure what was different in his life- he was young, after all. He vied for her attention in any way he could while remaining silent at school, not sure how to interact with his peers.
"Call me what you will, just look my way."
Seungchan reached middle school, contented to be that quiet kid huddled up in his chair in the back of the classroom, reading manga behind his school books, never drawing attention to himself until a new, super handsome student appeared and captured Seungchan's instant attention. He didn't know what to do with himself when this new student took a seat next to him, so he just awkwardly stared over at the cutie without any ninja skills what so ever. Of course, he got caught staring. The new student smiled awkwardly and asked if something was wrong with Seungchan, causing the poor awkward boy to to blush and hide behind his book. Over the next few weeks, this process repeated about a thousand times before the attractive new student finally grew fed up with Seungchan's weirdness and cornered him one day, forcing him to admit to why he was acting so strange. Seungchan had realized by then that he liked the way the new student spoke to him and treated him, even if it wasn't exactly ideal. After Seungchan admitted to having a crush on the new student his relationship transformed drastically. The new student would berate him and treat him like trash during school hours, but would be very kind to Seungchan after school, rationalizing that no one could find out about their relationship. Seungchan, through this experience, learned to bear through abuse with a smile. He learned that pretending that things didn't hurt eventually took the pain away, and he learned that it was much easier to pretend things don't exist than to confront the problems.
"Don't tell me you love me,"
Seungchan was devastated to find that his long time somewhat-lover had been spreading rumors behind his back in high school. Soon, everyone had completely him and even his closest friends would whisper about him, the word "gay" following him around like a plague. It wasn't the first time he had been ostrasized, but it was worse this time. Seungchan had been coming out of his shell and making friends. His cheery nature was appreciated, his friendliness was working well for him. But the person he trusted and cared for (despite the cruelty he was already suffering) had told everyone about his attraction to men. It was over for him. Within a few weeks he was being bullied and picked on, smiling through everything like he didn't realize it was happening, which only seemed to bring more hate unto himself. He held himself together up until the day he graduated, then he left Busan and never looked back.

LIFESTYLE ¦ He's currently living in a very small, very cramped studio apartment on the outside of Seoul, working two jobs (as a barista at a coffee shop and as a professional video game tester) to pay for his major in software development which he is studying at a local trade school. Money is extremely tight for him and he basically lives off of ramen and crackers, but he's not bothered by the busy life he's living, although he wouldn't mid some extra cash lying around the house.

FAMILY ¦ You don't have to/should not really add these two. I didn't realize it was optional xD

Father  Yong Gongsoo | 48 | Alive | Journalist | He's a kind and loving father, but a bit strict and irritable at times. He's a little awkward with Seungchan because he knows Seungchan isn't "normal" but he doesn't know how to approach the young man. He's a keen observer and notices even the most minute details, and knows how to ask questions. | He and Seungchan are a little awkward and tense because Gongsoo quizzed Seungchan a lot, seeing as he can tell when his son is upset but doesn't know how to ask if he's okay. He cares for Seungchan, just thinks Seunggie is a bit odd.

Mother  Ahn Minri | 45  | Alive | Florist | A negative and somewhat hateful person, Minri has always been the type to look at the glass half full. She's a buzzard, picking at flaws and faults. She's not trying to hurt people by picking at their flaws, she just thinks that by pointing out such things she can help them to fix it.  |  Seungchan smiles awkwardly around his mom as she picks him apart.

FRIENDS ¦  Seungchan ain't got no friends.

RELATION  Name | Age | Occupation | Few sentences for personality | Few sentences about relations with your character

RELATION  Name | Age | Occupation | Few sentences for personality | Few sentences about relations with your character

RELATION  Name | Age | Occupation | Few sentences for personality | Few sentences about relations with your character


Rival   Cho Kyungmin | 20-21? | Heir | Cold prince with a soft side | Kyungmin is always mouthing off and challenging Seungchan's orders and strategies, which leads to Seungchan restrategizing almost constantly. This helps keep him sharp and keep him on his toes so that he's always ready for a change in plans. After they start to appreciate eachother, they're closer to being playful argumentative rather than spiteful. | Seungchan bothers the shiz out of Kyungmin off the field, and Kyungmin gets really annoyed with him at the start, but I like to believe they eventually grow to like eachother.

Enemies (with benefits)  Wu "Kris" Yifan | 20 | Sales Clerk | Known for his extreme confidence and his powerful mega- face, Kris has always been just the right pretty boy for Seungchan. He's cold-hearted at times, easily angered, and takes himself way too seriously. | Remember that ex-boyfriend that betrayed Seungchan's trust? Yeah, that's Kris. He was never really comfortable with the idea of having a "boyfriend" and was pretty sure he wasn't gay, but there was always something about Seungchan that he couldn't help but be attracted to. He tells himself often that it's because Seungchan "is basically a girl anyway", which is an excuse that works if only for the fact that they never went anywhere with their relationship aside from Seungchan buying Kris stuff and Kris sort of going along with everything. (orz sorry for making him a bad guy.)| Now that Kris is older, he's come to accept his uality --at least a little better than he had before. He was shocked to run into Seungchan again at the tournament, so naturally after all this time things are a little awkward between the two of them as Kris sort of regrets what he did, but doesn't really regret it, and Seungchan is totally like "Ooohh come here you beautiful man you."



STRATEGY ¦ Unlike most Kings, this King doesn't keep his bishops at his side and perfers to send them slinking through the shadows to assassinate the enemy King. He keeps instead keeps himself moving at all times, maneuvering through the battle field and finding good hiding places to stay in. Because he is constantly on the move, it's hard to pinpoint his location. He keeps at least two pawns with him at all times to ensure his safety as much as possible, but tends to focus more on the offensive part rather than defending himself. He wants to end the battles as quickly as possible by focusing everything he has on killing the King as quickly as possible rather than individual members, so his strategy is to make them watch one hand, and catch them with the other. The bishops aresent out to assassinate, while Seungchan keeps the two pawns with him and sort of disguises them as the bishops to distract. He makes it seem like he's doing a standard frontal assault and instead sneaks around and destroys the center of control.


♦  His need to keep people safe and his love for his team mates gives him a serious strength of character and force of will. He can put away his emotions if only to protect his team and keep his cool.

♦  He's very clearheaded and doesn't get panicky, even when things look bad. He's always been very good at putting his emotions aside, and it helps him keep a clear head. He can make calm decisions.

♦ His high IQ and strategic skills. He's very intelligent and thinks quickly and on his feet. He can always change plans if need be.


♦ He's very physically weak. Basically even without the Kings handicap of being weak, this boy is weak. Can't lift forty pounds weak.

♦ Too tender hearted. If something happens to someone he cares about, it'll be too much for him to handle and despite seeming to be the strongest, he might be the easiest to break.

♦ He has a serious weakness for flowerboys ;) I'm actually really serious. Though I know you mean in battle, this can probably be an in battle thing because he might actually get a little distracted at first by a flowerboy. Hopefully our Queen whips him into shape.



Why did you join the game? → A little bit of a need for money, a little bit of a need to get away from life for a little while. I've been working myself half to death to pay for school and even in my trade school I'm not making very many friends. I'm seriously in need of some extra money and honestly? The whole idea was incredibly appealing. I would simply love to win a game and have all my monetary problems solved. Plus who wouldn't love a little vacation away from everything? 

What kind of video games were you good at before joining/why were you chosen for this game? → I play video games professionally, I guess? I don't really know exactly why since they didn't really tell me or anything, but I'm assuming it's because I play a lot of video games and that I'm pretty good at them? 

Why did you choose the position you chose? → Ah... well because I want to make the strategies, I guess? I'm probably not really good at anything else *grins, laughs awkwardly* so it's really the only position I could have chosen anyway. Which because it would be totally cool to be super tough like the Knight, or sneaky and ninja-style like the Bishop. It would be so cool! But, in the end, I'm sort of worthless besides my brain *knocks on own head* which is pretty funny, all things considering. I mean... It's hard to believe, right? I wouldn't trust a guy like me to lead a team. Aigoo...

Are you scared of what could happen in the game? → Being honest? Yes. I'm afraid. I'm afraid to die, I'm afraid to kill... I'm really, seriously afriad. But even more than that? I'm afraid to be the cause of my team mates deaths. So... I've got to stray strong for them. 

Does killing these people bother you? → Well what can I say, honestly? I...don't want to talk about it. Let's talk about something happier instead? LIke, wow, wouldn't getting a puppy be nice? ....Yes. It bothers me. I'm breaking apart inside everytime I create a strategy and it kills someone. It's me? It's my fault. The others... they're just following orders. But in the end, I'm the killer. I'm the one creating the orders. Sometimes I think... "If I could just die, it would all be better." But I can't even do that. I can't even kill myself and end my own suffering because it would hurt my team, and because it's not even possible. We just have to win. After that... I'll deal with what I've done.

Do you have a breakdown or stay strong? → I can't break down. I can't. The others are relying on me... If I die, we lose the game. If I break down and lose it, we lose the game. I agreed to take responsibility for the team, and I'm going to follow through with that promise until the end. I'll go as far as I can go... 

How do you fight/use your powers? → I distract. I summon pawns, keep them from view and pretend their my bishops. Then, I pretend like we're doing a pinser manuever in which the two sides connect and destroy the enemy, one from the left, one from the right. I pretend to focus solely on my Knights and my Rooks, using them and the pawns as the brute force. The Queen is like my general, she is the center of the pinser maneuver, kept safe by the lack of advancement. And while they're fighting my prongs, the real bishops have snuck up to the King, who is usually guarded, and they kill him rather than his guards. Surprise tactics are usually the best... And I just want to end it as quickly as possible. 



SCENE/PLOT REQUESTS ¦ I will add later/readers will have to wait and see.

SUGGESTIONS ¦ team seungchan is awesome. team kyungmin is a loser. team heck yess. 

PASSWORD ¦ I will add this later, I have to go to bed like right freaking now.




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