Hiatus :(

attention boys!! 

so starting from September 1 I will be going on a long hiatus and I will be back around the 12th of October. Only because I have my QCS exam on the 3rd and 4th of September which is like college entry exam. then the week after I have exam block, so a  week full of more exams. Then the day I finish my last exam I'm going to Italy for 2 weeks. I come back on the 7th but a few days after that i will be going for my driving exam so i can get my license. It's not really a hiatus, more like a semi hiatus. I'll try update my blog and update my stories at the same time. But there will be times when There are long periods of time where I won't update :( sorry guys! 


also stay in tune I'm writing a new story that includes Jessica and donghae, give me a week! 



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goodluck for your exams.. dont forget to have fun after your exam is done ;-)
take care
Ilovetaeyeon #2
Fighting unnie!!!good luck!!
Good luck on your exams >W< !!!