I'm so annoyed omfgdsa and confuusseeeed

im so confused because i want to write again but i have sO MUCH HOMEWORK WHAT THE HECKKKKK


okay, so this is personal but some of you know that i've cut before. The other day i realized that i really wouldnt mind dying. like, if i were in the middle of the road and a car was going as fast as it could, i'd make no hurry to move. i told my sister that (on a completely different subject, I'M GONNA BE AN AUNT AGAIN YAY) and she said i was stupid. uh, okay. but she told my mom and my mom made fun of me. Like, she seriously made fun of me. her exact wors were "aw did your little boyfriend break up with you?"

uhm excuse me, i'm not a mom but im pretty sure that when your daughter is suicidal; you need to take this seriously. This is also the reason why everyday my day goes perfectly fine... untill the moment i step in my house. I'd rather be at school than at home.

anyways, i got mad and went to my room and she immediately began yelling at me to stop being a little .

W O W 

Thats all i really have to say right now, thanks for reading i guess..


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Wow i thought i was afraid..........to die basically.Am really no afaird to die either.You know i once asked my mother "hey if i did tommorrow..will you care?"
at first she laughed "pfft no i can use your room now."that..just brought me to tears than she grabbed me and "told course ill miss you..".i love my mom but sometimes..she just.....will...always saying all kind of colds things to me..and sometime i do deserve them.Look i was suicidal lat year and sometimes i want to end it all.all of it.I really feel you,your mother needs open her ing eyes and see that her daughter needs someone and that someone who wouldn't laugh at you.