
Okay so I thought of changing my username the other day and I did ^____^ I forgot to tell you guys :p And yea.


Also I am sick and I hate it...... It looks like I have very poor energy but when really I can go outside and play b-ball for about half an hour then come inside and play my wii for another half hour, create a dance for a song,hook up my xbox konect for about an hour, go bakc outside and play volleyball for an hour then soccer for 2 hours. Then to top it off I look pale >< I dont like it and I would show you guys but I got my Ipad taken away so yea I dont have any recent pictures (well I think I do) But I look gross and yea I was in my lazy day outfit.... as in a baggy bf tee-shirt, sweat pants, hair up and no makeup.



And lastly can I just have some time to love Avril Lavigen, Andy, Brian, ChealyTheNinja, BVB, Pierce The Viel, (Imma a band tbh) and lastly Screaming Lights <3 (Screaming Lights is a new name I gave to Lights <3) I will cry if Lights changed her name to 'Screaming Lights' But I bet she never will



But Bye guy for now c:


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BVB, PTV! IMMA band freak, do u listen to post-hardcore at all? <3
Black veil brides and pierce the veil♥
Do you know bullet for my valentine? I'm new to them...