8Dolls || Angel Doll || Yoon 'Semi' Sae Mi









Username : LimSooMie

Link : Clicky

Activeness : 7-8

What can we call you? : Soom or JR





Name : Yoon Sae Mi, Sammy Yoon (English), Sayuko Yuna (Japanese) & Mei-Liu Hwan (Chinese)

Nick names:

  • Saem: Almost everybody calls her that
  • Angel Doll Sera: Her past classmates calls her that because of her doll-ish features & her angelic personality
  • Doll#2: Because she's the last twin, she's the second doll
  • Lucifer: Because she hides her demon inside
  • Angel Yeobo: Lover calls her that
  • Sam: Nickname by her twin

Stage name : Semi

Birthdate : December 4th 1992

Age : 22

Ethnicity : Korean-Canadian

Bloodtype : AB

Birthplace : Vancouver, Canada

Hometown : Gangnam, South Korea

Languages : Korean (Native), English (Native), Mandarin (Fluent), Japanese (Fluent) & Germany (Semi-Fluent)

Personality : [WARNING; You'll find her personality really weird

• On-stage: On-stage she became the charismatic & elegant dancer. She's very detailed with her moves & she's very into the dance. People will be captivated & hypnotized by her dance, very beautiful but untouchable. Her expression & dances helps the mood of the song, a song sometimes won't be perfect without a dance. Saemi is more graceful when she's dancing with a more slower music, her personality & beautiness will show when she dances

• On-Cam: On-Cam she's the eomma of the group. She takes care of everybody (even the leader), cooks for everyone,her behaviour is good & never causes trouble. She never scold the members if there's a cam (usually the leader does it), if their behaviour are a little bit misleading, she will talk to them & advise them slowly. If they kept on ignoring her, she leaves it to the leader

• Off-Stage: Off-Stage she's a hardworking & dependable person. She's more to the second or third leader. When the leaders are not available, she's the one who takes charges. She takes good care of the other members first then she take care of herself

• Off-Cam: She's not that different when off-stage, she's even nicer when off-cam than she's on-cam. The only slight difference is, she's a little bit playful when off-cam. She communicates with other members & talks about fun things, sometimes she jokes around

• First Look: If people only look at her face, she have the kind of sad face plus her doll-ish features. So, people will think that she's either a very quiet & shy person 

• First Meeting: At the first meeting she will give her gorgeous smile & greet you nicely. She's very polite & nice, you could feel her positive & motherly aura around her. Sometimes, it would be awkward at first but you will feel comfortable the next. People just like being around her

• Time passed: As time passed, she's more open to you. You could really feel her mother side, she really is the mother of the group. But sometimes, she's a friend you could talk to & joke with. People will get really comfortable around her & seems to never want to leave her

• Her other side: Yet again, humans are not perfect. No, she's not a Goddess, she's a human. Every single human has its negative side. And Saemi have one too. She really loves her sister. Well, it's not a bad thing, only that she depends on her sister too much. She really wants to be just like her. She wants to be the strong & brave leader. Sometimes, she hates it when people look at her as 'the nice' & 'the weak' one. But she also hates it when people claims her sister as 'cruel' & 'cold-blooded'. She thinks her other half is really nice & caring, that's why she wants to be her. She wants to be the strong but loving leader. That's why she follows every single footsteps that her sister made, hoping that she will turn into her...hoping...

• The One You Don't Want To Mess: When I say that she wants to be just like her sister, she already accomplished it...only she doesn't know it. The trigger to release her true self is by getting her mad, really mad & fuming with anger, she will turn into a monster. A cold-blooded & cruel monster, the one you don't want to mess with. But to calm her down, she needs the one that she loves to comfort her. Yes, she has this kind of Mental Disorder, only she doesn't know it. The people doesn't know it, only her parents & her sister knows it. And she's trying to keep her inside Saemi & never got out

Background : [WARNING; Potential sobs story or scary or weird. You have been warned!]

At the date of December 4th 1992, Yoon Sae Mi / Sammy Yoon & Yoon Sae Ra / Sarah Yoon was borned to the world. Saemi being the little sister is 4 minutes late than her bigger sister, Saera. Both of them shared a different personality, Saera the cold & Saemi the nice, but they're family & all of them loved each other. She really loves her sister & adores her because of her brave personality, thus she walked where she walked & be in her shadow. At the age of 10, both of them are interested in dancing when they saw their own cousin dancing at her school event. They start taking proper dance course at a dance school. Both of them majored at every single dance class & genres, they're able to master all of them by the age of 13. At the age of 15, her twin sister decided to join into a dance crew for fun, Saemi always follows her sisters footstep so she joins too. They join them & start their career as a dancer. At the age of 16, both of them are scouted by one of the SM scouters, he offered them an audition after he saw them dancing with their dance crew. Sajun feels excited about this because she wants to feel what  it's like to be an idol & musician. But she was afraid that her twin would say no, she can't do it without Saera by her side, she has to follow Saera everywhere. But she's very relived when her twin says yes. They asked for permission from their parents first & then they go for an audition. Fortunately, both of them pass through the audition. They have to go through school & training at the same time. At first, they were very tired & uncomfortable about the schedule, but after time passes, both of them can handle it just fine

When they're reaching the age of 17, things are gettin out of hands. They have to transfer to a new school because their parents wants to move them to Seoul School of Peforming Arts. The twins (especially Saera) at first disagreed about their decision because they're very happy with their current school & have so many friends. But after a little talk & persuasion, they finally agreed. At their new school, there are so many cocky & arrogant students who look down on them but there are some of the students who also very friendly & befriended them (EXAMPLE: Kim Jongin & Oh Sehun). They ignored the bad ones & keep their business with the good one & does nothing to bother them. Until one event destroy it. It was when recess, all of the students gets their free time. Saemi was reading a book while her twin was writing an essay for the next period. Her twin goes to the bathroom & leaves Saemi alone. She was peaceful until a hand snatched her book away. It was one of the queens, second richest after Saemi & Saera but arrogant as hell. She starts to mock her, calling her a nerd & a scaredy-cat for not fighting back. Saemi didn't do anything, she just sits there while saying nothing. But when she starts talking about her twin, her body tense a bit. She notices this & starts mocking Saera without end, Saemi keeps her head low as her body was shaking furiously, a sign that she is going to come out sooner or later. She starts mocking about how her twin is actually weak & scared because she's much more better than Saera & Saemi. At this line, she slowly lifted her head to reveal her dark eyes & intimidating looks. The queen was scared of how she looks &  her dark aura that surrounds her, but she played it strong, she persuade Saemi even more by mocking her twin & told her to fight back. Saemi smile...a very sweet yet scary smile. That smile, silenced the queen, clearly scared of her. Saemi grabs her collar & pull her to Saemi's level. She moves closer to the queen's ear & she started to chuckle a bit. She whispers a very VERY heart-stabbing & cruel words to her with her icy voice that will make you shiver in fear. If Saera is scary then Saemi is hideously scary. The queen stays speechless as tears starts forming on her eyes, Saemi's words are too much for her. After Saemi was finished, she throws her to the ground with a very powerful force. Saemi stands up & leaves the classroom,leaving all the students shocked & the queen sobbing at the floor. She goes to the tree near their school park, nobody was there so she stays there to calm herself down. She lay there & closes her eyes, thinking of good things that will make her feel any better but nothing works. Her anger is stil there, she just needs her twin to hug her & says that everything is alright. She heard a soft voice called her name. She opens her eyes & her twin sister is standing in front of her. Saemi feels her tears was about to fall from her eyes. Saera look at her with sad eyes & sit down. Saemi was about to explain but she was cut off by a hug. Her sister hugs her warmly & tells her that she knows & it's not her fault. She began crying in Saera's arms, clearly regretting of what she had done

After that event, the cocky students are scared of her. They don't even dare to look her in the eyes. While her friends still accepts her as her friend & never change the way they treat Saemi. Everything went smooth, even after graduation. They focus on their training & music so that they can achieve what they hoped for, so they know that their blood, sweat & tears for 5 years are not a waste for them. So that Saemi can be 1 step closer to become a better person, with her twin by her side




Idol Name: Ladies' Code EunB

Links / Tumblr : Link

Back-up Idol Name : Ryu Hwa Young

Links / Tumblr : Link

Height : 174,8 cm

Weight : 48 kg

Style : 

Casual & Dorm: 123456

Formal: 1, 23456

Practice & PJ: 12345

Airport: 123456


 Every Night~


Family : 

Yoon Joon Hyun / Christopher Yoon | 45 | Father | Businessman

Yoon Sae Rin / Serena Yoon | 37 | Mother | Lecturer

Yoon Sae Li / Sally Yoon | 23 | Bigger Sister | Teacher

Yoon Sae Ra / Sarah Yoon | 22 | Twin Sister | Trainee at SM

Bestfriend: Yang Yo Seob | Idol, BEAST | He acts like little kid around her, have fun with each other & sometimes makes Joonmyun jealous. Sajun look at him as her besties & brother & Yoseob look at her as his own sister

Friends : 

Big Bang Members

EXO members

All of 2NE1 members

Davichi Members

Baro | Idol (B1A4)

Seungri | Idol (Big Bang)

Hyeran | Idol (Brave Girls)

Kim Boa | Idol (Spica)

Changmin | Idol (TVXQ)

Amber | Idol (f(x))

Sunye | Idol (Wonder Girls)

Tia Hwang | Idol (Chocolat)

Shine | Idol (CHI-CHI)

Leo | Idol (VIXX)

Ahn Mae Yoon | Street Dancer

Rivals : Choi Jinri | f(x) | 19 | Act innocent around the people she likes, Thinks highly of herself, use her aegyo to boss people around, believes in 'Law of The Jungle', two-faced, coquettish, flirty, whiny, attention , clingy, nags & complains a lot | She thinks that she doesn't deserve to become an idol, she thinks that she's better & more prettier than Saemi. But people really likes Saemi which cause Sulli to be envious & hate her because she gets all the attention & spotlight. Even though Saemi is older than her, she doesn't have any ounce of respect for her. Also, she thinks that Joonmyun deserve someone like her, not like Saemi. She flirted & seduces Joonmyun but Joonmyun just turns her down, which make Sulli even more mad & envious towards her (p.s.: Sulli is afraid of Saera)






Lovers Name : Kim Joon Myun

Age : 22

Group : EXO

Relationship : Dating

How long have you been together : 4 Years

How you treat eachother : Both of them act like married couple...but with more aegyo. Saemi thinks that Joonmyun was playing with her when he says "Angel Yeobo~" & so she plays along. Joonmyun adores her, he treats her like a queen & always spazzing (yes, Joonmyun can SPAZZ) about her when she's not around. He really likes her motherly & nice personality, it's the reason why he loves her. He knows about her other side, but he still love her anyway






Back-up lovers Name : Jang Hyun Seung

Age : 23

Group: BEAST

Relationship : Dating

How long have you been together : 3 Years

How you treat eachother : Hyunseung is very romantic & cheesy...also mushy. He uses his charms to get Saemi's attention when he needs her loving. Usually it works, but not when she's with her twin (he always pouted when he fails). When he doesn't get what he needs from Saemi, he will act like a child & be stubborn just to get her attention. Saemi would just chuckle & ruffle his hair then do what he wants to do. It's like a son-mother relationship, really...







•                The Silence

•                Her family

•                Elders

•                Kids

•                Dogs

•                Dancing

•                Music

•                Blueberries

•                Everything cute (except human cuteness)

•                Ramen

•                Tea (especially Earl Grey & Chamomile)

•                Piano

•                Books

•                Mystery, Philosophy & Drama Novels

•                Comedy & Blockbusters Movies

•                Daffodils

Dislikes : 

•                Loud People

•                 Being Alone

•                Nosy People

•                People who disturb her peace or her family

•                Raspberry

•                Rubbish Books

•                Plastic Flowers

•                People who ACT cute & innocent

•                Fail Aegyo

•                Fake people

•                Too bright colors

•                Alcohol

•                Back stabbers

Hobbies :

  • Dancing
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Drawing
  • Knitting

Habits : Bites her nails, Strech when bored, Dance when bored, Turns into a zombie when she's upset, Will sweat & be very anxious when she’s alone

Weakness : 

  • Monophobia (Fear of Being Alone): There was this one time when she got sick & was sleeping. Her parents were gone to buy some medicines with her bigger sister & her twin were at the basement to look for some more blankets. When she was awake, she found everybody was gone. So she screamed & cried. Her twin sister quickly rushed upstairs to find her little twin curled into a ball while crying

Trivia : 

  • Masters almost all dancing genres (including pole dancing, tap dancing, shuffling, jump style & others)
  • Can dance to boygroup & girlgroup
  • Is a fast-learner
  • Other than dancing, she loves to draw. Her drawings are very good
  • Has an IPadSamsung Note 2Samsung S4 IPhone & Macbook
  • Gets along well with children & elders
  • Can do gymnastic, wushu, & boxingCan play piano, flute, cello & acoustic guitar
  • Loves to collect porcelain dolls & origami
  • Can make origami
  • Owns the series of Harry Potter, The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, The Secret Series, The Spiderwick Chronicles, The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson & The Alchemyst series
  • Has a birth mark on her right waist
  • She always wear the couple ring that Joonmyun gave to her
  • Very good at cooking
  • Always smiles like an angel
  • She promise to herself that she will never touch alcohol…NEVER EVER
  • She really love boys who sings ballad songs
  • Predebut: Has worked as a back-up dancer for 2NE1, 2NE1 CL, BIG BANG, G-Dragon, Taeyang, U-Kiss, Lee Hi, Shinhwa, BEAST, Super Junior, TVXQ, SNSD, Baek A Yeon, Sistar, Roh Ji Hoon, BoA & Wonder Girls
  • Her accounts:
  1. Twitter: @YoonSemi8D
  2. Instagram: @SaemiYoon
  3. Weibo: @MeiLiuHwan
  4. Me2Day: @PorcelainSemi
  5. Line: @BrunetteYoon





Persona :

                Angel Doll

•                Warm Charisma Dancing Duchess

•                Angel Eomma

•                Porcelain Doll

•                Brunette Doll

Position : Triple Threat

Back-up Position : Maknae, Triple Threat (If she got this, change her age to 18)

Personal fanclub name & color : Angel Eyes


Trainee Life : She doesn’t make many friends at her trainee days. She only focus at practicing & only friends with people who actually socialize with her. She's aware that many people hates her twin so she came to hating them. So she ignore them & keep working hard

Trainne Years : 5 Years



INeverSayGoodbye, Hello~


comments : Annyeong Haseyo! Thank you for reviewing & considering this character. I'm sorry if there's any grammar mistakes because English is not my native language, if there's any mistakes please notify me. I hope you like her, Gamsahamnida!

request :


  • At a fanmeeting, she met a little girl, she beamed at her & ask for her name. The girl cheerfully state her name & says that Saemi is really pretty & asks if she's an angel. She smiled & pats her head 'Aniyo, I'm a living human, just like you. The angel is in front of me now', she pinched her cheeks & the girl giggled
  • At the end of Show Champion, Joonmyun kept on hugging her the whole time. When he spots a camera, he takes a picture with her. One of them is him kissing her cheeks
  • Saemi went into a panic attack when she was left alone
  • When Sulli made fun of her Monophobia but she just ignored her. One of the f(x) members (Please let it be Amber) defended Saemi & sat next to Saemi. Sulli got mad & look for the other members to defend her but they just ran away, making Sulli more angry
  • Where Sulli bad talks about Saemi to Krystal & Luna but they just rolled their eyes & tells her to shut up & walks away
  • Where Sulli 'accidently' trips over Joonmyun & pretended that it was really hurt. She falls into Joonmyun arms & clings to him. At first Saemi was okay but then flinch when Sulli suddenly kisses his cheek (Sulli says as a sign of thank you)
  • When Sulli extended her legs, makes Saemi to trip & fall. She scraped her knees & it was bleeding hard. Joonmyun rushes over her & got a slight panic attack. She said she was okay but Joonmyun carried her bride style to the Nursery....and I want SNSD girls to squeal at this scenes & takes pictures (sorry if it's too much)
  • Where she hang out with the members, Joonmyun, CL, Dara, Yoseob, Tia & Shine. Joonmyun whispers sweet words to her & she gives him a kiss. Tia suddenly squeal & says 'OMO OMO, TAKE A PICTURE, TAKE A PICTURE!' (Sorry, I just love it when somebody does that)
  • At Beatles Code, Shindong asked if she could call Joonmyun. She said yes & when she calls him, she smiled & says 'Oppa, I'm at Beatles Code right now' and then they continue talking with each other with a sweet & a married couple remarks saying 'yeobo' this & 'yeobo' that. While the MCs & the other members beamed at them
  • At a show (I dunno, All The K-Pop I guess...) she was asked to do a cute/sweet dance. She danced to A Pink's My My & Joonmyun smiles widely 
  • At Weekly Idol, The MCs asked her to dance & sing. She sings to Hyorin's 'Driving Me Crazy' & she dances to After School's 'Flashback'
  • suggestions :

Songs (I'm practically suggesting every single songs):

-       Flashback (After School)

-       In The Night Sky (After School RED)

-       Shampoo (After School)

-       Bang! (After School)

-       First Love (After School)

-       I Am The Best (2NE1)

-       Hate You (2NE1)

-       Clap Your Hands (2NE1)

-       Go Away (2NE1)

-       I’m Busy (2NE1)

-       Let’s Go Party (2NE1)

-       Falling In Love (2NE1)

-       I Love You (2NE1)

-       Day By Day (T-Ara)

-       y Love (T-Ara)

-       Nu ABO [f(x)]

-       Chu~ [f(x)]

-       Roly Poly (T-Ara)

-       I Feel Good (EXID)

-       Every Night (EXID)

-       Abracadabra (BEG)

-       Sixth Sense (BEG)

-       Bad Girl Good Girl (miss A)

-       Goodbye Baby (miss A)

-       I Don’t Need A Man (miss A)

-       So Cool (Sistar)

-       Push Push (Sistar)

-       Loving You (Sistar)

-       STYLE (RaNia)

-       Just Go (RaNia)

-       Pop Pop Pop (RaNia)

-       Wild (9Muses)

-       Ticket (9Muses)

-       News (9Muses)

-       Poison (Secret)

-       Talk That (Secret)

-       YooHoo (Secret)

-       Starlight Moonlight (Secret)

-       Love is Move (Secret)

-       Look At Me (Jewelry)

-       Hot & Cold (Jewelry)

-       What’s Your Name? (4Minute)

-       Hot Issue (4Minute)

-       HuH (4Minute)

-       Mirror Mirror (4Minute)

-       Female President (Girls’ Day)

-       Expectation (Girls’ Day)

-       Twinkle Twinkle (Girls’ Day)

-       Be Ambitious (Dal Shabet)

-       I Got A Boy (SNSD)

-       Bad Girl (SNSD)

-       Bad Woman (Ladies’ Code)

-       Magic Girl (Orange Caramel)

-       Lipstick (Orange Caramel)

-       Shanghai Romance (Orange Caramel)

-       My My (A Pink)

-       No No No (A Pink)

-       BuBiBu (A Pink)

-       It Girl (A Pink)

-       Hush (A Pink)

-       Sunshine (Rainbow)

-       Mach (Rainbow)

-       Tell Me Tell Me (Rainbow)

-       I Like That (GLAM)

-       In Front of The Mirror (GLAM)


I Love You Joonmyun

I Love You Too Angel Doll







Thanks For Applying ! - Love  Juliet & Dani~!



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