> BlasianAegyo [rp]


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WINGULL has the habit of carrying prey and valuables in its beak and hiding them in all sorts of locations. This POKéMON rides the winds and flies as if it were skating across the sky. 



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002. So more than 10 rules fit here.
❀ Wingull



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✿ Meet our admins 
Admin 1
Hey there, Pelliper. It protects its young in its beak. It bobs on waves, resting on them on days when the waters are calm.
Admin 2
Hello guys, Pelliper. It dips its large bill in the sea, then scoops up numerous prey along with water.
Admin 3
Hey there, Pelliper. It protects its young in its beak. It bobs on waves, resting on them on days when the waters are calm.




A request for BlasianAegyo, this chapter will be
moved to the request page after 3 days. 
I've put 3 admins on it since you didn't answer... 
This is a layout for a rp
Hope you like it. 

- comment and subscribe if you use this 
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- Tweaking allowed, but don't touch the credits 
- Admin pictures: 150 by 145, you can use 150 by 150 too.
- If there are problems or questions, just PM me 
  or comment! 

Codes: foreword  &  admins  



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