Teen Top in Hawaii

I'm a wreck....I absolutely did not know that Teen Top was in Hawaii during the summer in July, and I'm totally sad that I could not meet them at all. I just came back from the Philippines at the time too, but I still had to find out that they were coming, and I didn't know and I missed the chance to see them. I really wanted to meet them too...they're like one of my ultimate kpop groups and I missed the chance to see them...I always complain about kpop idols not coming to Hawaii. Then, they come and I don't know it and it's my ultimate bias group. I just really wish I could've seen them. 

saveme: You should stop moping about it....maybe they'll come back *bad smile of encouragement*

me: but I could've seen them~~~~~~

saveme: It's okay we should just go Korea and see them there

me: Yay~~~

I don't know what to feel~~~~~~. I don't know if I should feel sad about not being able to see them since they were actually in Hawaii....or to cheer up and think one day in the future I can see them again, when they come to Hawaii again (hopefully with a concert) or I could one day go to korea and see them again. Oh well....I feel slightly better now that I wrote out my sadness of not being able to meet them...or not finding out that they were here.


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saveme: You should stop moping about it....maybe they'll come back *bad smile of encouragement*

me: but I could've seen them~~~~~~

saveme: It's okay we should just go Korea and see them there

me: Yay~~~

did we even have this conversation, I dont remember this, you're making stuff up aren't you