Sequels, Changing and Adding Chapters

So, I have been quite lax this summer with my fan fics (at least, more lax than i would have liked). Now, I'm going to update as many as possible tonight and tomorrow. I have plans for several, but with so many going on at once, I have to plan them out carefully, or I'll get overwhelmed and you won't hear anything from me for weeks :/ I don't like that idea, so here it goes: 

1) GOF: Planning out the next chapter. Don't know which side story to start with. I haven't used Yuri for a few chapters. 

2) Black Pearl: Next chapter will be up within a few hours. I hope you like surprises. 

3) Rememberance for Eternity: First chapter will be up soon. My first Japanese fanfic, I hope you like it. 

4) A Mystery Unto Myself: Going to scrap what I don't like, re-create it and hopefully it will turn out better. I've figured a way out of my Writers' Block for this one, I just don't like how I started it. It doesn't really make sense, and I jump around and leave out too much. 

   I am constantly coming up with new fanfics all the time I have two in the works right now, one I need more research for since its not in Korea and I want to be accurate. I have several good ideas from Baek Sueng Heon to Davichi, but I'm really wanting to do these ones right now since the ideas for them keep popping up in my head. 

I'll give you the descriptions now, but I won't start them until "Black Pearl" is finished and numbers 1 and 3 are up and running again. 

Fanfic Idea #1:


Li Zitao is a member of the popular Taiwanese boy band, Xileration. But he has a secret that no one knows…he is a girl named Carolyn Brown from California. She cut her hair for Locks of Love, for cancer patients, and had it cut very short before an audition. She thought she would be joining the girl group, Vice. Instead, she is now a singer/actor, and is the star of a new drama. Her close friend, Quing Hua suggested she just go with it, and so did her manager when he found out. Her co-star, Yao Min is head over heels for her. Furthermore, a girl, Jolin from Vice is suspicious of her. 

Fanfic Idea #2:

Key of Heart

 Key is new to school. He’s sassy and full of attitude. He is in Drama club, dance team, and isn't very studios. He has a crush on honor student and football star, Jonghyun.

Jonghyun thinks Key is lazy and stupid. He thinks that he goofs off too much and should work harder in school.

Onew makes good grades, and is quiet. He plays the saxophone and is often in the school garden. He meets Key one day by chance, and they eventually become friends.

Minho and Taemin are friends. Shy Taemin has had a crush on Minho for years, ever since they met in middle school. He won't tell Minho, but when he tells Taemin that he has a crush on someone, Taemin has to think fast, or he'll lose the love of his life.


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