Newbie Me

Okay, so I'm still a newbie here and yes, I do know that I have been using this site for nearly two months? But I don't know how to post pictures with my stories yet, nevertheless include an interesting background for my stories. I feel that if I leave it blank that it will be passed off as dull, so I'm hoping someone helpful and nice can help me. ^^ I don't know how to make a poster or put a poster up which is another problem for me. Please help! @_@


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I'll help! At the bottom of the editing part of the foreward, there is main image, a box, Background image and then another box.
You copy and paste the URL of the image and then paste it into the box.
There are only some sites that you can use (tumblr, devianart, photobucket, imgur, etc., etc.).
I recommened going to a graphic shop, though. They will do a poster and bg for you and you know that you'll be able to use it then ^u^

For blogs and stories (when you want to post it in the middle of the page or something): You see the image symbol in the toolbar? Click that, paste the URL and then you can adjust the height/width. (Note: don't go too big with it.)

Erm, I don't know if you can understand what I said, but I hope so ^u^