The natural script we came out with! HAHAH!

[2:34:08 AM] ledjona omeri: hahhahaha
[2:34:29 AM] ledjona omeri: this story is too good i swear ever chapter is so awesome
[2:34:43 AM] Dionne Tan ™: What about mine?T.T
[2:34:58 AM] ledjona omeri: hahahhaha yours is good too lol
[2:35:19 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I know that tone!
[2:35:28 AM] Dionne Tan ™: You're telling a white lie!
[2:35:31 AM] Dionne Tan ™: T.T
[2:35:34 AM] Dionne Tan ™: WAAAAAAAAA
[2:35:45 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I'm getting an average of..
[2:35:46 AM] ledjona omeri: i am not even talking lol i am texting
[2:36:01 AM] ledjona omeri: how do you know what tone i am using?
[2:36:28 AM] Dionne Tan ™: 10 hate comments every now and then -.-
[2:36:34 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Weeeellll...
[2:36:37 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I can hear you~
[2:36:40 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Do you hear me~
[2:36:54 AM] ledjona omeri: hahhahah
[2:36:56 AM] ledjona omeri: lol
[2:38:34 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I BOUGHT A TABLET!
[2:38:36 AM] Dionne Tan ™: MUAHAHAHAHAH!
[2:38:55 AM] ledjona omeri: welll i am not saying your a bad writter your an awesome one one of th emost popular here your on the list for god sake lol.But the sotry your working on its not the kind that makes me interested but thats only me i love your other stories i swear not lying i just dont have the patients to read a really long story i like short and nice ones lol
[2:40:54 AM] ledjona omeri: i am sorry i feel like such a bad friend
[2:42:39 AM] ledjona omeri: do you hate me now?
[2:48:23 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Yes.
[2:48:25 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I hate you.
[2:48:36 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I am not going to talk to you anymore.
[2:48:47 AM] ledjona omeri: really? ;(
[2:48:56 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Yes.
[2:49:37 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Tbh, I don't think myself as popular.
[2:49:47 AM] ledjona omeri: okay than i am sorry i didnt want to lie to you saying how much i loved your story when i wasnt even reading it i wanted to say the truth
[2:51:52 AM] Dionne Tan ™: For god's sake, I don't know why everyone is saying that. O: I don't feel the popularity. I do understand that some people won't like my fic though, even me myself don't understand why I am writing it, lol! Especially not many people will like it if it's . I understand some people won't be interested in what I am writing. It's okay.
[2:52:31 AM] ledjona omeri: but you said you hate me and wont talk to me anymore ;(
[2:52:54 AM] ledjona omeri: you kidding me now right lol?
[2:53:37 AM] Dionne Tan ™: You think I am kidding?
[2:53:49 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Do I sound like I am?
[2:53:55 AM] ledjona omeri: a little
[2:54:00 AM] Dionne Tan ™: OMFG.
[2:54:05 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I can't believe you!
[2:54:14 AM] ledjona omeri: okay now i am confused
[2:54:25 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Here I am, being all pissed and stuff and you're thinking that I am kidding you?!
[2:54:51 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Why?!
[2:55:05 AM] Dionne Tan ™: When the world turns it's back on me, you're supposed to be there for me!
[2:55:21 AM] ledjona omeri: well usually when friends lie to each other and they found the truth they are like:''You are my friend you should tell me the truth'' and your like You are supposed to lie to me lol!
[2:55:22 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I think I am going to just sit in a corner and draw circles.
[2:55:35 AM] ledjona omeri: oh come on i didnt say your story is bad!
[2:55:42 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Rather than typing my stories.
[2:55:48 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Because my stories are crap!
[2:55:52 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Right?
[2:55:58 AM] ledjona omeri: i just said i like short stories and yours is long and i dont have the patient to read and NOOO!!!
[2:56:00 AM] Dionne Tan ™: That's why you wouldn't read it!
[2:56:22 AM] ledjona omeri: I have read almost all of them and i love it!
[2:56:46 AM] ledjona omeri: if i didnt why would i send you a friend request and talk to you
[2:57:33 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Because you just wanted to make me happy!
[2:57:39 AM] Dionne Tan ™: WHY!
[2:57:41 AM] Dionne Tan ™:  WHY!
[2:57:43 AM] Dionne Tan ™: TELL ME WHY!
[2:58:03 AM] Dionne Tan ™: I should just leave AFF..
[2:58:12 AM] Dionne Tan ™: since one of my fic is bad.
[2:58:17 AM] ledjona omeri: lol your being overdramatic now and why would i make you happy you have tons of subbers and friends online
[2:58:21 AM] ledjona omeri: I DIDNT SAY IT WAS BAD!
[2:58:51 AM] Dionne Tan ™: ACCEPT IT!
[2:59:16 AM] *** Dionne Tan ™ sent I HATE YOU.png ***
[2:59:54 AM] ledjona omeri: chen did a good job
[2:59:58 AM] Dionne Tan ™: :D Congrats, you have been successfully trolled, HAHAHAHAH!
[3:00:02 AM] ledjona omeri: he taught you well
[3:00:08 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Thank you, hahaha!
[3:00:27 AM] ledjona omeri: now at the end i was starting to doubt you lol
[3:00:34 AM] Dionne Tan ™: Well, the script we have there came on natural, maybe I should use it for the dramatic effect in my future fic.
[3:00:47 AM] Dionne Tan ™: HAHAHA!
[3:01:16 AM] Dionne Tan ™: That was because I did it on purpose! HAHAH!
[3:01:23 AM] ledjona omeri: i know lol
[3:01:27 AM] ledjona omeri: i was sensing that
[3:01:47 AM] ledjona omeri: let me video call you


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