// just because.

lazy formatting ftw. (/slapped.)

ok so hi. i'm really bored & stuff, so i give you a great privilege.

any of you can hack into my account & leave a message on my personal message section.

just make sure thaaaaat : 

o1 ) you don't reply to or look at any wallposts/pms.

o2 ) you don't leave me any rude messages bc i'm actually pretty sensitive.

o3 ) you don't touch the rp code.

o4 ) you say who you are. how am i meant to love you & your message when i don't know who you are. ; n ;

o5 ) you don't change anything at all on my 'about me' section.

o6 ) you don't change the password.

o7 ) i just wanted to end with 7 bc #ot7. (/slapped.)

so yeah, that's it. password is...(/drumroll.)...covergirltotallynotbcit'smyfaveinfinitesongimeanpsh.

now get hacking, guys, c;

i will allow you to hack & leave messages for a week ( aest/gmt+10 ), so be quick! i'll change my password next tuesday the 27th 6pm ( again, aest/gmt+10 ). o u o

kthxbye. < 3

— fabrong, out.


this is done. bye. no more hacking until i feel like it again. e u e password has been changed so don't even try.


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wait for it. u w u
can i? B| /coughs ;
gonna change your password to ilysullimorethansungyeol.
o u o
JK. <3