love between [ thugs ] 〈 yong haneul


                                         ecstasy | yong haneul | ohperfection| misschild                                         


and who might this be  jenn

username ⋮ ecstasy

profile link click.

level of activity ⋮ 8



character name ⋮ Yong Haneul

character's alias Vixen

nickname(s) ⋮ Hani

date of birth ⋮ o1/16 : 22 

height ⋮ 159cm.

weight ⋮ 51kg.

ulzzang name ⋮ da in

appearance   .  .  .  .  .  

back up ulzzang ⋮ chae gyung

appearance ⋮  .  .  .  .  

style ⋮ haneul's all about skin, skin, and legs. oh and accentuating the curves she has. she's definitely more fashion forward than one would think. but in a sense, she's not a fashionista because she doesn't pay attention to whatever the trends may be and just loves to wear whatever she wants to. one thing haneul really loves to do is dress up whenever she gets the chance, even if it's just a quick trip to the store. otherwise, her fallback outfits usually consists of shorts and heels with the closest and cleanest shirt/sweater. and sometimes at home, she wears next to nothing in the comfort of her own room. and her sisters'. 

  .  .  .  . 

extra  ⋮ on the inside of her left wrist, she has six birds lining along it to represent herself and her siblings.  and on her right side, she has a tattoo with the words remember me and a small bird at the end of it.  she has a scar from a knife wound along her right hip.



personality haneul has always been a little bundle of exploding energy from the moment she had been born, cries as loud as firecrackers echoing in the dead of night and baby babble as confusing as, well, a foreign language. growing up, haneul thrived on this energy blooming inside of her—it kept her endlessly active and eager to expend it in any way, shape or form. sometimes, it had been a little too overwhelming; the days where being accident-prone was just an understatement always took a serious toll on her body and then the nights where sleep evaded her in favor of her needing to do anything to keep her occupied never sat well with her family. it never really bothered her though. she enjoys being active or rather, she needs it, really. if she stays still for too long, she gets too antsy and impatient (possibly the number one reason why she had always found school frustrating beyond belief). 

her most favorite way to release energy is to fight. she loves getting down and dirty, and really doesn't care if she breaks a nail in the process since that will only mean she's doing a good job. haneul wouldn't be the first or even second or third person someone would pick to go on a stakeout of some sort with. because while she knows when to crack down on herself and concetrate on the task on hand, patience just isn't her forte. however, for a straight up brawl, she's a worthy asset with her lean muscles and lithe movements. not to mention, she's quick on her feet and can assess her opponent very well. and once she's in the zone (which doesn't take much), she'll do anything to take down an opponent—a ruthless aspect to her; she doesn't understand the concept of mercy and isn't about to deal it out for people who don't need it. for haneul, hand-to-hand combat, or close combat in general, is much more favorable than long-range just because she's more likely to run up and knock somebody in his jaw with her unloaded pistol than to take the few seconds to reload. her theory is that seconds are precious and to never waste them—but her impatience definitely influences her train of thoughts. 

family is vastly important to haneul. the fact of the matter is that they don't live with rainbows streaking the skies instead of smoke clouding the air. they don't know if they might not be alive the next week. so haneul does her best to make sure there are smiles all around. while she's not a standup comedian, she likes to crack corny jokes and usually ends up the only one laughing too hard at her own jokes (though her laugh is rather infectious). and that's not just with her family (though, she saves her corniest jokes for them). strangers and acquaintances alike, smiles are good with exceptions of course. haneul's not a shy one and can easily squeeze herself out of an awkward situation with the right question or two.

during nights, haneul relishes in the nightlife and flits around clubs like a natural socialite. she loves taking her siblings with her when they have the time but has no problem going by herself. she likes to call it playtime especially when she finds herself on stage, circling stripper poles all too comfortably. haneul's at ease with her body and actually likes to flaunt it whenever she gets the chance. she's in touch with her sensual side and enjoys teasing males and females alike. though, she does have her moments where she likes to pretend she's coy and naive of the world. when really, she isn't.

haneul's an opened book through and through. she's never been good at hiding her feelings because they're just as explosive as her. over the years, she has learned how to channel it better, but there's still that slip up from time to time. and while it's frustrating at some points (specifically when she's on a mission), she's a quick one to be appeased with a few coos here and there. because she loves to be coddled, the attention makes her immensely happy. too happy possibly, but that's not something she can help. 

if there's one thing haneul can pride herself in, it would be her determination which could easily be translated into her tenacity. she knows if she puts her mind to it, she can do it—practice makes perfect after all. no matter how many times she's knocked down, she'll get up that many plus one. but haneul does have that stubborn streak to her and if she believes she's right, then there's no ifs, ors, ands or buts without some powerful persuasion. 

one could describe her as fun and carefree, living the world selfishly. but they would be far from it (except for maybe the fun part). haneul lives and breathes danger and is definitely no stranger to the darker side that life has to offer. and it only makes her appreciate what she has more; her family that she adores and loves to play around with, the fact that she's still living and breathing, the strong possibility that her future isn't bleak.

traits ⋮ lively, impatient, resilient, filial, transparent

background ⋮ haneul would be lying if she said she has never been scared of the mafia life. she has her moments when fear strikes her when she least expects it. but she understands it's a life you're born into and once you enter, the only way out is death. she doesn't hate it though (at least she tries to convince herself that she doesn't). what's there to hate when she has everything she could ever want and more? security and safety are myths, as simple as that. so she's learned to adapt well and thrive off of adrenaline rushes because more energy cannot possibly hurt. 

when she was young, haneul had convinced herself that once she was old enough, she'd run far away from the danger. she painted herself a picture that if she stayed, her children would then automactically be living a life of danger, enduring training and endless fighting with no sight of the end. the thought has long been buried deep in her mind, however, since then as she's grown up and matured, more accepting of the lifestyle bestowed on her.

the closest sister for haneul would probably be leprincess. they share a love of the social life so she would be the go-to person for haneul if she ever wanted a good night out on the town. but that doesn't mean their relationship stops there, of course. they know each other's limits and are able to read the other much better than another sister.


- mornings + sunrises. (possibly one of the few things that can calm her)

- nightclubs + partying. (a great way that helps her expend the extra energy)

- short shorts + skirts. (because she really does like to show off her legs)

- spending time with her family. (since there's nothing better than being surrounded by people you love)

- coffee + energy drinks. (it's a great kick to her step and she doesn't usually crash) 

- yoga + pilates. (another thing that calms her if she can get in her zone)

- when seasons change. (when you can't tell if it's still summer or fall yet or winter or spring) 

- challenges. (she's a pretty competitive person)


- alcohol. (the burn's not appealing and neither is the buzz and the hangovers)

- insomnia. (unfortunately, it happens too often for her) 

- sweets. (she doesn't have much of a sweet tooth)

- losing. (her pride wouldn't be able to handle it but she's by no means a sore loser) 

- staying still. (she just has the need to move)


- lies : while she can stare at a person straight in the eye while lying, her nose twitches and she'll keep tucking her hair behind her ear. 

- nerves : she's already a fidgety person so her fingers shake more and will constantly fold anything that's.. foldable/bendable (paper, napkins, blankets, the hem of her shirt, etc.) 

- parties : she's not much of a wallflower and likes to be in the spotlight so she'll gravitate towards the center of the dance floor. 

- laughs : when she tells a joke (or being told one), she'll always laugh as if it's the funniest thing in the whole universe. 

- nights : she'll count as many stars as she can from her window before going to sleep to try to make her sleepy.

- fears : when she's scared, her body heats up and she gets just a little louder than usual.


- taekwondo + learning other martial arts (specifically jujitsu)

- trying out new close-combat weapons (such as swords, daggers, knuckles, etc.)

- partying into the night. 


- losing her whole family and having to live without them. 

- not being able to protect someone close to her.

- breaking a bone and not being able to fight anymore. 

- being in tight spaces / claustrophobia.

- being more of a burden on her family than help.


- she doesn't really fancy tea but has a particular liking towards green tea with honey.

- because she can be easily distracted, she can't cook to save her life.

- she wants to have a big family of her own. 

- she's really a hidden romantic.

- despite her flighty nature, she's good at remembering faces and facts.

- but she's terrible at names and will accidentally call someone a different name if she's talking too fast. 

- she sometimes get envious at her more demure sisters.

- however, she has a sore weak spot for aegyo and will pamper her sisters if they do anything remotely cute.

- she has a sidejob as a bartender in one of the more high class nightclubs. 

- because she's not that good at hiding her feelings sometimes, she'll wear a mouth mask when she goes out to fight. she has about four masks that she switches around with. 




- Persuasion : she knows the right words and moves to make a man (or woman) to say yes and tell her what she needs to know. and she's not hesitant at all to show a little skin. 

- Precision : after all the studying she's done when it comes to hand to hand combat, she knows the weak spots on a person's body like the back of her hand. with a well aimed kick, it's not hard for her to knock out someone. 

- Agile : she's quick on her feet in both the literal and metaphorical sense. she's good at guessing the next move coming at her and can either dodge it easily or take a chance to unarm the person.


- Reckless : she's rash so she acts before she thinks and that has put them in a tight spot more than once.

- Deception : it's not that she doesn't like to decieve, it's just as much as she tries to deceive people, she's an opened book at the end of the day. and she'll crack easily. 

weapon ⋮ while she loves to just use her hands and feet, she understands that her strength doesn't add up to that of a typical man, no matter one who has trained all his life. so she likes to pair off with her twin dragon mutilator daggers. it can be use either as two daggers or one long one. 

life quote ⋮ lack of passion is fatal.

the crime ⋮ she's part of the ion faction. at one point, she used to be the one walking the streets, the one who pleasured the clients. but now she works the back scene and runs a brothel; she's the pimp(ette), you could say.



love interest (nam) bang woohyun

back up interest ⋮ (byun) bang baekhyun

traits ⋮ enticing, articulate, poised, rational, refined, magnetic 

introduction ⋮ the first time they met was in the club haneul works at, the one where she knows the inner workings of and learned how to mix drinks. of course, haneul has heard of woohyun before. who hasn't? everybody can hear the swoons of girls from miles around just from being in the same building as him. whenever woohyun comes out to the clubs, there are always swarms of girls following after him like lovestruck puppies. which means there's more business and haneul's never one to complain about money being flung at her for more drinks. 

haneul has seen woohyun more than she would like but has never exchanged words until a brawl one particular night. it had involved a little too much liquor and while woohyun wasn't directly involved at the start, he had been the one who broke the fight up. only coming out with a few scratches on his knuckles and a broken lip. and haneul had been the one to help tend to his wounds. the conversation was awkward but pleasant enough. and as much as haneul would hate to admit it, there was an attraction. but she was sure as hell woohyun can attract anybody with just a quick flash of a charming smile. 

though the interaction was quick, haneul remembers it too well; how his skin felt and how he tried not to flinch from the pain. how his smile was just a little too grateful for her and all too disarming, the quiet powerful aura he holds himself with. 

feelings ⋮ when it comes to woohyun, she's insecure. she feels drawn to him but she's too aware that he attracts people of all ages and that she's just like them. she doesn't like to pine about him but has caught him in her thoughts one too many times. while she has had many experiences with men, woohyun's definitely someone she's not used to because he's actually not throwing himself at her. and it frustrates her. she doesn't like the blatant disinterest in how much she goes out to clubs and completely hates the way he treats her like a little girl. 

interactions ⋮ in the beginning, it's complete chaos as haneul's not used to being tied down to someone, especially one who she's not completely comfortable with. haneul's not sure how to act and in a way, it terrifies her because she knows she has to make this marriage work, not for herself or for woohyun, but for her family. and because haneul doesn't know what to do, so she acts with her body and tries many advances and poor pick up lines on woohyun that doesn't faze him at all (even if it does allure him in some way) and goes about the days as normally as he can because he knows this can't be haneul's true self. it lasts for a few days until haneul gives up and breaks down, relaying her worries of disappointing her family and not being a good wife. and woohyun's so good at comforting her, almost too good.

after this, they warm up to each other more. woohyun's more on the observant side and has been caught staring at haneul more than once. he likes to find out what makes her tick, what makes her so hyperactive. and while haneul isn't one to get bashful easily, it's different around woohyun. despite that, she still likes to with flashes of her skin. they're a playful couple that thrive on skinship from holding hands to cuddles to other small display of affections. they do have their moments where they bump heads, especially when it comes to haneul's clubbing and being involved with a brothel. haneul's not one to be told no, but woohyun's one that likes to have the last word.

woohyun brings out a side of haneul that her own family can't. his voice calms her, it's like a blanket of security that washes over her. it's unnerving how one person can have such a hold over her and she questions it one too many times that it seems like a dream until woohyun opens his mouth. 

the bangs ⋮ to haneul, the bangs are not only rivals, they're motivation to be the best, to triumph over them. because there's nothing sweeter than beating someone at their own game. however, even if they are rivals, she understands how they can help and expand their business. 

rival one ⋮ n/a

rival two ⋮ maknae because she's similar to haneul and woohyun just has this urge to take care of girls like them.



requests|questions ⋮ none for now. ; ;

comments|suggestions ⋮ oh god, i really hope you like it and it's completely open for tweaking.





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