♦ February ♦ Jung 'Ann' Anji ♦








Username : ThatsTheWay

Link : Ayo GG!

Activeness : 9.8

What can we call you? : You know me, I'm TTW! 





Name : Jung Anji

Other Names : None~

Nicknames : Nah. Just Anji.

Stage name : Ann

Birthdate : 1991 December 8th

Age : 21

Ethnicity : Korean

Bloodtype : O

Birthplace : Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Hometown : Bucheon, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea

Languages : Korean (fluent), Japanese and English (conversational)

Personality : 

The #1 thing you need to know about Anji is that she is a strong, independent woman. She doesn't like guys at all; she'd much rather focus on herself than any guy. Anji is a hard-working person, too. Half the time, she's practicing her rap parts so that they're absolutely perfect. And if they're not perfect? More. Practice. Anji makes sure that her members are always doing the absolute best that they can, and then makes them do more. She's a perfectionist, and if absolutely everything doesn't go her way, she will be pissed. Anji's also very fiercely protective of her members. If you do anything to hurt them, she'll do anything to hurt you. Anji's on-stage charisma is something of legend. She's very, very good at rapping and dancing, and though her singing isn't the best, she always tries her best. Anji, honestly, comes off as mean and intimidating when you first meet her; watch out.

That isn't to say Anji doesn't have a tender side, though; it just doesn't come out as often. When she's alone with her group members and there's no camera, she's a very caring and sweet girl. She's also very sweet around her other friends. If you're a guy, chances are her tender side won't come out as much, but it's very possible to break her shell with a ton of hard work and effort. Anji falls victim to Cuteness Proximity around animals & children. Children instinctively like Anji, and she'd love to be a mom someday - if she can get past her "Be perfect or be nothing" schtick, that is. When Anji's tender side comes out, she often tries to cover it up with her scarier side right away. Hence, one minute she'll be all lovey-dovey, and one minute she'll be all....not lovey dovey. But sometimes - if she's around the right people at the right place and right time - she'll just stay nice. And when that happens, you know you've made Anji your friend.

Background :

Anji grew up with her mother and two older sisters in Bucheon, South Korea. Her older sisters had more 'normal' interests - becoming a chef, and becoming a pet store owner - but Anji's one true love had always been the stage. Her father died before Anji was born in a car accident, but before he died he was a singer. Anji always says he's her inspiration, and because of that, her mother let Anji take dancing & rapping lessons.

One day, when Anji was 14, she was approached by a Woollim Entertainment scout during one of her dance lessons. She was cast into the company through auditions, and that changed her life. For the first time, she was without her mom & sisters, and she'd never felt so lonely before. Seoul was a big change from Bucheon, and Anji didn't fit in. Anji just didn't make a lot of friends as a trainee, but it was okay with her; it let her focus on her rapping, and it helped develop her personality into what it is today.

Debuting in February is Anji's dream come true. Now she gets to perform on a stage she loves, visit her mom & sisters more often, and be with girls that she's becoming friends with. That's really alls he needs to get by.






Idol Name : Ryu Hyoyoung

Links / Tumblr : T U M B L R

Back-up Idol Name : Ryu Hwayoung

Links / Tumblr : T U M B L R

Height : 167 cm

Weight : 51 kg

Style : Anji's style doesn't really differ from what's normal. She's just classic K-fashion - with a bit of a tomboyish edge, of course.



 Every Night~


Family : 

Picture | Jung Yooji | 54 | Mom | Restaurant Owner

Picture | Jung Eunji (not THAT Jung Eunji.) | 26 | 1st older sister | Works at her mother's restaurant, sous-chef

Picture | Jun Aeji | 23 | 2nd older sister | Pet store owner


Picture | Kwon Yuri | 23 | SNSD | To Anji, Yuri's like a mentor. She's where Anji goes for advice, since she's an idol and knows what hardships are like.

Friends : None - she wasn't close to anyone as a trainee, so she has Yuri and that's it.

Rivals : Picture | Shin Yoonjo | Hello Venus  | 20 | Although she can be sweet sometimes, Yoonjo's got a high horse that she needs getting off of. | Yoonjo is a Seoul girl and Anji's from Bucheon. They just don't get along, and Yoonjo always makes Anji feel inferior. 






Lovers Name : Himchan

Age : 23

Group : B.A.P.

Relationship : Best...rivals. And friends. It's complicated. 

How you treat eachother : Himchan really does like Anji, and knows she has a tender side, but he's having trouble breaking her shell. For the most part he just bugs her, but sometimes it works and she's sweet to him.




Back-up lovers Name : Xiumin

Age : 23

Group: EXO

Relationship : Friends.

How you treat eachother : Same as above, but with less fighting. Xiumin's a sweetie and Anji can't not love him.



Love rival's Name : Hoya

Age : 22

Group: Infinite

Relationship : They fight so often it's almost like they're not  friends, but they are.

How you treat eachother : Hoya has less success breaking Anji's shell than Himchan, and that's saying something.


Back-up love rival's Name : Thunder

Age : 23

Group: MBLAQ

Relationship : Friends.

How you treat eachother : Pretty similarly to Xiumin and Anji - read above.






  • Hot dogs
  • Puppies
  • Kittens
  • Cute little kids
  • Sleeping. Anji is the worst member to wake up in the morning. 

Dislikes : 

  • Being woken up in the morning.
  • Being flirted with.
  • If the rest of February is insulted, prepare for a world of pain.
  • Loud noises are the worst for her.
  • Cutesy concepts...if February does one, she won't like it.

Hobbies : Freestyle rapping.

Habits : When she's nervous, Anji squeezes her shoulder.

Weakness : She can't sing very well; she sounds better recorded than live.

Trivia :

  • Appeared in the video for K.Will's "Please Don't" and "Love Blossom".
  • Huge fan of SNSD! She has a poster of them, and the fact that her mentor is Yuri is her favorite thing ever.
  • Loves School 2013 and K-Dramas in general.
  • Anji's favorite color is purple, mainly because her sister s hate it so much. 
  • Has a pet chinchilla living in the dorm named King Henry.
  • Owns every volume of Sailor Moon.
  • Anji keeps her hair short to differentiate her from her two sisters.
  • Loves cute pencils.





Persona : The Fearless Leader

Position : Leader, Main rapper, lead dancer, Sub-vocalist

Back-up Position : Co-leader, vocalist, rapper, sub-dancer

Personal fanclub name & color : Furies in Red


Trainee Life : Like I said above, Anji didn't make any friends as a trainee, so her time was spent doing what she loves: dancing and rapping. She did it all the time and stopped for nobody. 

Trainee Years : 8 Years

Singing Twin & Link : Brown Eyed Girls's Miryo - Link below. She sings the chorus ^^  

Dancing Twin & Link : Sistar's Bora - Link

Rapping Twin & Link : Brown Eyed Girls's Miryo - Link 

Speaking Twin & Link : Hyoyoung - Link (starts at 0:22)



INeverSayGoodbye, Hello~


comments : You know, even though Himchan's my ultimate bias, this is the first time I'm using him as an applyfic love interest. (But I do lurve him.)

request : Nah~

suggestions : Nah~

password: So I heard you like Baekhyun and N. Plus, bonus Chanyeol for Yucy!



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