Introducing: "Time to Love"

Hello kids!!

Alright, I realized I never 'properly' blogged about my new drabble collection, "Time to Love".

After getting some expert advice on the title, I've decided to keep it this way, and so I just wanted to talk briefly about what you can expect from this series. Basically, nothing sad or dramatic will happen. It's just a bunch of happy, cheesy, fluffy drabbles, that'll make you smile and NOT CRY.

I'm taking requests for all sorts of couples, from to yuri, to OCs to idol couples to everything! I will write it! Nothing rated of course, but it'll be cute and fluffy so come and request! I posted a form too, which really only has two things you have to fill out: the couple you desire, and the relationship in which you want them portrayed. I'm going to keep this open for as long as I have ideas. And yeah... hopefully you'll check it out <3

Up to now, there's a TaeSul drabble, and a ChangYoon, and next will probably a request made by a reader!

Anyways... Thank you!



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I love you woman ;~;
↓ OMG T^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^T
It sounds awesome :) I subscribed, but I never got a chance to check out the drabbles yet :) I'll do so when I find time. It sounds amazing though :)