Distraction From Writing Fics & Tapastic Webcomics Recommendations

Half of my shift at work today, I really didn't have any work to do <3 so for the first time in a long time, I actually used pen and paper to write a fic and I must say... I at it. Hahaha!! It wasn't the same as in school when my hand was so used to writing, so my handwriting looks really neat and I can always easily write the words I wanted.  Right now, I have a hard time forming a sentence or choosing the right words and ended up crushing words and sentences a lot on paper ^^;;  I only wrote for a short time because my ideas kept on changing and it's frustrating to write than to type. Hahaha!!


When I got home, I should be typing the fic, but what do I do?

1.  Read an ebook which I'm almost done with by the time I stopped.  It's and titled All The Gear, No Idea by Kim Dare.  It's a dominant/submissive type of plot.

2.  Decided to pay my Deviantart a  visit.  I almost forgot my password, but after a couple of attempts, I succeeded. Hahaha! I decided to clean up my message inbox/notifications there and replied to some comments.

3.  Checking out Tapastic and reading webcomics in it. I must say that I'm in love with a few webcomics in it. <3  I recommend you guys to read it!!!

  • I Love You by Ruki / Bella (complete)  I totally love the twists in this story!!! Though I was able to predict something, still... the ending was unexpected for me, sad and touching, and I just totally love it. 
  • Homesick by Mr. Nohman (complete) I was interested because at first, it was about a suicidal nurse meeting a patient who wanted to have his arm amputed. Talk about twisted... THIS IS REALLY TWISTED AND I LOVE IT!!!  There's no romance going on, just action, suspense, BLOOD, and the discovery of more truths and the lives in all of the characters in this story. 
  • Randomphilia by Devin Bosco Le (ongoing but these are jokes/funny stories) I laughed a lot!!! I shared this to my officemates because we had a downtime at work, and they laughed with me. Hehehe~ 
  • Knite by Yuumei (ongoing) OMG~! AWESOME ARTWORK~! Like seriously~ She has a deviantart and I read from one of the comments that she updated this comic in DA which is why I decided to pay DA a visit today ^_^;; but then laziness struck me and I wasn't able to read her updates in DA.  Hopefully, I'll be able to tomorrow.  Though the story is based on friendship, I could help but have " feels" between the 2 guys~ Hahaha!!  And this other guy's name is Kai~ XD Of course, he doesn't look anything like EXO's Kai~ but still... hahahaha!!!
  • Fisheye Placebo by Yuumei (ongoing)  What can I say again? I think her artwork here is even more awesome than Knites because the setting of the story here is more of high tech and complicated stuff and yet... everything looks awesome! Oh and the main character's sister is a fangirl. Hahaha!!!

4.  Seungri's new MV "Gotta Talk To U"  Of course when there's a new MV from an artist that we really like, we tend to replay the vids a couple of times (or a lot depending how much we love, right?) Hahahaha!! I especially like the "remix" feel it has near the end of the song~ Hehehe~

5.  Massage.  When I got home, the maid who knows how to massage was on duty, so she gave me a massage.  You know how you feel after a massage... you just want to sleep and not get out of bed. ^^;; I was close to sleeping, but I got distracted with a Filipino movie on TV titled "A Way Home"


So.... those are my distractions.  I'm sorry for not continuing or finishing writing Everybody's Boyfriend yet... X_X



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/glomps for the sake of glomping/
You read Yuumei? So do I! I love her artwork, it's so amazing and the plots are superb :D I really love Knite.
Whoa, when I listened to Seungri's 'Gotta talk to U' I immediately fell for it. I expected something different what with the teaser and all>>
hahaha! I can feel you!!!