Kokology - Childhood

What is it about the reminiscences of childhood that stir the heart so deeply and make us long to turn back the clock? Is it that sense of returning to innocence or just the pleasure of feeling young again? Those were the days when every toy, doll, and game was a special kind of treasure. The collector’s mania for antiques and memorabilia has its roots in these childhood fascinations and the desire to relive the past, if only for a short while.
This encounter will take us back to that simpler time, to a little candy shop down the street, Perhaps you’ll find your younger self among the goods in stock.

1. Inside the candy store, you find rows and rows of the old familiar candies, chocolate bars, chewing gums, and sweets from your youth. Some are stacked in organized shelves, some are loose in baskets and jars. What candy do you pick first, and why did you choose it?

Roca - sweet, crunchy, melt in my mouth, addicting, smells good, toungegasm

2. While you’re wandering the store making selections, you notice that outside a group of children look as though they’re getting ready to enter the store. How many children actually come in?


3. You make your purchases and go home with a bag of candy. But when you open the bag, you see that the shopkeeper has added some extra free candy as a special treat for you. How many extras did you get?
4. You’ve been thinking about giving the candy you bought as a gift to someone. To whom, if anyone, would you give it?
someone I met during the way home and sister
reply w/your answer, and then check the comments for the key...

Highlight the space below with your mouse to reveal interpretations. Have fun :D

1. What did you choose first from the almost endless selection? More importantly, why did you choose it? The reasoning behind your choice actually shows what you desire most from other people.
-Did you go for the one with the surprise gift? You might respond well to people bearing gifts, or not-so-well to those who don’t. Careful not to be too materialistic.
-If you said you chose the candy bag because you remembered how good it tasted, you may be hungry for the same attention and affection you received from your mother as a child. Men, if you a answered this way, you may be viewed as somewhat of a momma’s boy.
-And if you chose the wrapper… well, come now. Remember, it’s the candy you eat, not the pretty package.

2. The number of children who entered the store while you shopped represents the number of people in your life you need to depend on. We all need support, whether it’s actual physical assistance in the work we do or just encouragement from the people we love. You can’t go through life completely on your own. But it’s also true that relying too much on others makes it difficult to achieve personal autonomy.

3. The number of free treats you got reveals how much you still depend on your mother. The amount of special attention the storekeeper showed you the amount of attention you actually want from your mother. Most adults say one or two pieces… if you said ten or twenty, you may need to think about spreading your wings and leaving the nest.

4. To whom would you give the candy? The person you chose is a person you would like to take care of someday, or have become dependant on you. Did you say you have it to your parents? Your wish may be a reality sooner than you think. Was it your partner, or a person you secretly like? It might be fun taking care of them for a day or two, but that could wear thin. Or did you say you wouldn’t give the candy to anyone? Perhaps you’d like to live a life without personal attachment to anyone.


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