kokology - adventure

Have you ever had a true adventure, the kind you read about in novels or watch on the silver screen? An action packed series of full cliff-hanging scrapes and brushes with destiny, and of course a touch of romance to keep interest levels high? Wouldn’t you like to?

1. You are a warrior in an ancient kingdom and have been chosen to accompany the most famous hero in the land on a mission to recover a stolen treasure. What does the hero say to you as you prepare to embark on your quest?

/hold my shoulder/ you know I believe in you right? I hope you can find it

2. Before you set off, the king summons you and gives you a a sword to see through your adventure. What kind of sword is it? Describe it in detail…
A long shiny sword, golden holder, and light
3. Your travels take you over high mountains and through dense old forests, and you encounter many obstacles and crises along the way. Now you have finally arrived at the mouth of the cave where the stolen treasure lies within. How many enemies have you met thus far in the course of your adventure?
4. You enter the cavern and finally discover the treasure you have been seeking. At that moment, what expression crosses the face of the great hero you accompanied on this quest? Describe the expression in detail.

smile widely

Highlight the space below with your mouse to reveal interpretations. Have fun :D

1. The words the venerated hero spoke to you are words that play on your pride. In a sense, the words you imagined the hero saying are words that you have a weak spot for and that can spring you into action. Did you hear something inspiring? Or did you hear something less than encouraging? Perhaps you have a weak spot for those with cold attitudes.

2. The sword the king gave you is a symbol of your own self-pride. Was it a finely crafted shining blade or a rusty, old, barely serviceable tool?

3. The number of enemies you encountered signifies the number of obstacles you see yourself as having overcome in your own life so far. The greater the number, the greater your confidence in your own abilities and pride in yourself should be.

4. How did the hero react upon recovering the lost treasure? The great hero who led you on this adventure actually represents those characteristics you admire most in the opposite (regardless of the gender you imagined the hero to be). The expression you pictured on the hero’s face is the expression you find most attractive on the face of a person of the opposite . Was it an ear to ear grin? A look of proud satisfaction or plain relief? Or maybe tears of joy? Whatever the expression, remember it. Someday someone might use it to unlock your heart.


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