Kokology - roller coaster

Even for people with normally happy lives, there come times when the everyday seems just a little boring and, well, everyday. Although it’s certainly nice to be able to know that tomorrow will be a good day, too much predictability can leave you uninspired. But we know a way to escape that daily routine, if only for a short while. The answer lies in seeking out stimulation and the occasional thrill. This is the secret to being able to appreciate the vale of even our everyday lives.

How do we bring thrills into our lives? Watching movies, traveling, and playing sports and games of chance. Or maybe a trip to an amusement park, a world where thrills mingle with fantasies. Let’s take a trip back to that realm of childhood excitement and fun.

1. You enter the park gate, the roller coaster looms before you with a line of people waiting their turn. How long do you have to wait in line before getting to ride?

30 minute

2. Your turn finally comes and now you’re racing and plunging around the course. What kinds of feelings does the speed bring out in you?

Nervous -u- excited when waiting in the line but when it's my turn it feels like "omg my turn now!! can I just cancel it?! but I've been waiting for this, ah it's okay laaa I won't die and blablabla" -_- (but see I'm still alive ;u;)

3. At the most exciting point in the course, the roller coaster dives into a pool of water and you’re drenched by the spray. What do you shout or scream at this instant?

aaaaaaarghhhh!!! /and squints my eyes/ (i think I was drink some of the water because of screaming ._.)

4. Next you decide to try the merry-go-round. But during your ride, for some reason the horse you’re riding breaks down and stops moving. What do you say to the horse?

huh? MOYA! Why it have to be mine?!

5. Your ride on the roller coaster was exciting, but it wasn’t all that it could have been. If you were going to design the perfect roller coaster, what would the course look like?

it's black with fire beside the roller coaster, very fast, can fly and rotate 360 degree

Key to The Ride of Your Life

After you've thought about and answered the above sequence of questions

Highlight the space below with your mouse to reveal interpretations. Have fun :D

Did you have a good time in the park? In psychological terms, rhythmical up-and-down motions represent ual excitement. So your responses to the five questions actually show your attitudes toward .

1. The time you spend waiting in line reveals how much time you spend, orwould like our partner to spend, on . Did you have to stand in line for hours before the main event, or did you just jump aboard without waiting?

2. Your feelings during the roller-coaster ride reveal how you feel while making love. Did you think, “This is the best ride I’ve ever been on!” or was your reaction closer to, “Get me off this thing! I think I’m gonna throw up!”

3. In Jungian symbolism, water represents the source of life. Your words at the moment the roller coaster splashed into the pool show what you might say at the moment of ual .

4. The horse, in psychoual terms, is a symbol of the masculine principle. Your words to your broken-down steed reflect what you might say to yourself or to your partner in situations where the man failed to rise to the occasion.
"It’s all right, don’t worry about it. It’s only a ride." You have a truly gentle and forgiving nature.
"Come on you stupid animal, giddyap!" Yikes!

5. Your plan for the ideal roller-coaster course shows your vision of the perfect life. The ups and downs of a roller-coaster ride are an exact metaphor for the thrills and lulls of lovemaking. Was it a long, slow ascent followed by a terrifying plunge? A series of acrobatic loop-the-loop and 360-degree rolls? Or maybe you drew a course where you spend the whole ride turned upside down and backward?



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BTSxLC9 #1
omg i just realize the answer -_-