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Hey guys! I'm really busy the coming 5 days as I'm going on a sailing camp and I only got time to work on my fanfic in the very early morning and evenings. For guys that don't know I'm living in Europe (The Netherlands) so CET. So in Korea it is at the moment 5:15 am and here 9:15 pm. It's weird because in here it's still the 18th of August so I'm still celebrating GD's birthday while it's actually already BIGBANG's birthday :P I all wish them the best of luck with their solo albums and BTW: Have you guys watched Seungri's and GD's teaser?!?! OMGGGGGG ♥__♥ wow... Our maknae is growing up really... Seungri's teaser was very... eh.. intense xD my ovaries exploded :P and GD's teaser was a little weird (maybe even scary :P) but the music sound great and I hope that there will come more music like crayon (the party kind of music) because that's what I love, seeing the weird GD having fun :P


So this was a little update and I hope you're enjoying my fanfic so far, I'll try to upload one real quick but I don't think it will work out as I'm heading to go to bed soon as I didn't had that much sleep the last few days... (BTW I already tried to upload a new chapter but when I wanted to do it I closed my internet page and everything was gone.. D: )


But stay tuned and... HAPPY GDAY AND B7GBANG!! xxx


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