( ▲ ) present ┊name ┊sub group

( ▲ ) present





username: ( hyperlink ) 

activeness: ( 1-10 )

what i should call your face you:


character name: ( nothing too cheesy )

nicknames: ( state how you got it and who calls you by it )

gender: m/f

age: ( 17-24 )

d.o.b: mm/dd/yy

ethnicity: ( sorry to be such a kill joy but only 2 ethinicies. you can only be half that and half other )

languages: ( don't go overboard. just a couple. 3 being the most. )

birthplace: ( be creative. don't pick somewhere so common, you don't have to but if you do, that might get you more credit to get accepted. )

hometown: ( here i can understand that you might have moved to seoul or whatever. so that's fine )


personality: ( please be really detailed ! )

background: ( same deal here, quality over quantity. short but detailed is nice but if you have to make it long for more detail, that's fine. )

family: ( you can have one idol/actor sibling. use this format. ) relationship | name | age | occupation | short description

likes: ( +5 )

dislikes: ( +5 )

hobbies: ( 3+ )

habits: ( 3+ )

social media: ( instagram, twitter etc. no more than 3 & put your username )

fears: ( +3 )

trivia: ( unlimited. don't go blank tho. )


ulzzang: ( yo hwan is taken. )

links: ( 3+ or a gallery )

backup ulzzang:

links: ( 2+ or gallery )


height: ( not too tall nothing passed 182-183 cm ) cm

weight: ( consider your height. it must be reasonable. ) kg

piercings/tattoos/birthmarks/scars: ( pics please! )

casual: ( 5+ )

formal: ( 5+ )

training: ( 5+ )

dorm: ( 5+ ) 


best friend: ( sorry but only one best friend. idol or not. + kim taeyeon is taken. ) name | occupation | age | personality | how your character acts with them

friends: (  2-4 + same format )

rival: ( can be anyone. idol or not. + onew is taken as a rival. same format )


love interest: ( sorry, jung eunji is taken ) name | occupation | age | how your character acts with them.

personality: ( at least a paragraph. despite having to capture your character's personality, i have to do you love interest too. )

how you met/or how you want to meet:

backup love interest: ( same format )


how you met or how you want to meet: 

scene request:


stage name: ( not necessary. just put your name if you don't have a stage name )

persona: ( be creative. no ice prince or ice princess k. )

trainee life: ( 2-3 sentences is fine )

trainee years:

how'd you get scouted:

sub-group: ( future, history, or cyborg )

positions: ( highlight, bold or delete the others. )

main | lead | sub ( remember, main is the highest. lead is the middle and sub is the lowest. the crossed out one is taken. )

main vocal / lead rapper / sub dancer --- taken ( only girls can take this position. )

main rapper / lead dancer / sub vocal

main dancer / lead vocal / sub rapper

face / lead vocal / sub dancer

maknae / lead rapper / sub vocal

extra talents: ( instruments or whatever )

fanclub name:

fanclub color: ( show the color and list the code )

debut song(s): ( please link some not necessary though. )


anything else?:

other scene request?:

album name?:





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