My Plots


My Plots <3



Black Tinkerbell - (/ taken by Kim Jongin )

Jinri loves this guy, the two are best friends really great best friends, always by his side and she grew feelings for him but he doesn't see her more and only loves her as a little sister and a best friend, and he likes someone else, jinri knows she has to move on and there are others out there but she can't seem to leave him no matter how hard she tries to , she just keeps a fake smile showing that she's happy when she really isn't.

I like you, I'll help you move on ( available / anyone ^^ ))

Civil Rivals with Jinri's best friend ( up there ) , he helps her to stay strong and move on , he secretly admires and has a crush on her, but she doesn't notice and doesn't care.


I thought we were friends - ( taken / oh sehun )

Him and Jinri are best friends and they couldn't be more happier but he kept a secret from her, so important and she found out one day and was hurt , one for what he was and secondly that he never told her about it. She vowed to not trust him but he attempts to get that trust back, eventhough it could lead to danger with her still sticking around with someone like him.


I'll never like you for a THOUSAND YEARS  ( available / male / preferably a vampire)

Known each other since they were just little kids, these two hated each others guts for a memory that made them become like this up to now. Their families know each other very well and thought that Jinri and the boys relationship was friends , HA! So they thought, not really, the two were constantly fighting behind people's backs, like brother and sister they were, but secretly care for each other.


The Brother - (Taken / Jung Daehyun )

Like siblings these two are, like any other brother and younger sister relationship

You interest me ( available / anyone ^^ )

Tbis guy and Jinri have never spoke before but she finds him really intriguing and interesting and would like to know more, although he pushes her away since he knows her attitude and doesn't want to be involved with someone like her.

Melt My Heart ( Available / Aristocrat vampire ( fire power )

Whilst Jinri is experiencing love problems right now, she can't seem to let anyone heal her ice cold heart from what she is going through. This boy is an aristocrat vampire who holds fire power and is very concerned about Jinri however she pushes him away, he may have the power to melt ice but could he melt this ice princess' heart?



+ more to come ( or let's make one up together )



THE ROOMATE - ( Taken / Bae Suzy )

someone that Jinri trusts very well and is a best friend to her and cares about her, these two are like sisters and work together as a team, more like, if you hurt one you have to deal with other or both even.

THE RIVAL - ( human / girl )

These two just instantly did not like each other when they saw each other, maybe it was instinct? But ever since the two were always in rivalry and wanted to win whatever there was, the boy? , the prize? Whatever it was. Will they ever be friends? But the two are civil... Mostly at times ^^

CHILDHOOD EONNIE - ( any / girl )

the two knew each other which seemed like birth and she always looked after Jinri like an older sister and that's why Jinri loves her, when her parents couldn't comfort her or be with her, this girl would be at her side and she is one of the most important people in her life.

Fangirl President ( human/ girl )

everyone knows tha the night class students are very known to be popular and that others want to be like them, this girl is Jinri's number 1 fan and finds her as an inspiration and is the president of her fanclub, she always tries to get closer to Jinri and become BFF's with her.

+ more to come soon ( or we can make one up ^^ )










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