A New Pet! xDDD

I now have a new pet. Got him last night! He is ... 

xDDDDD Yup, Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon! Hahaha!

I mean, how cool would it be if you have a dragon for a pet! Yeah, some people wants cats, dogs, hamsters, etc. for a pet, but why go for the ordinary if you can have something weird? Ok, I admit, I say it like I actually have a Night Fury. xDDD

I know a person who have a snake for a pet. I was like, WHAT?! A snake?! That's so awesome! Of course, my parents would never give me a snake, I can promise you that. I don't think I'll have another pet, seeing as my rabbit and hamster died. My hamster, it was my fault as I didn't care for it, but it lasted, I think, for a year...

My rabbit? That wasn't my fault! It was my stupid sis who gave it flowers to eat. =_____="

Haha, I think it's enough for my stupid babbling. ^^


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