
I am so annoyed right now! Usually I don't blog or post my feelings about my personal life online but I really need to vent right now.

First of all, let's get some things straight:
1. My sister, M, is a recent graduate nurse who is having trouble finding a job and she is very stressed about that. I understand - it's difficult not having a job or money. I'm in the same boat as you.
2. We are about to visit our grandma with our dad and step-mom in North Carolina and she's stressed out about that. Again, I understand. We're all stressed about that.
3. I have a back injury which prevents me from doing certain activities such as lifting, pushing, etc.
4. We have a 100 lbs. dog named Sally who has trouble getting up sometimes and often gets sick. Sometimes, she gets stuck when she lies down and we sometimes have to lift her to get her up (I can't do that due to my injury). We also have another dog named Lucy.

Now onto the reason I'm annoyed.

Yesterday I had physical therapy for my back which takes about an hour. My sister drove me there and then picked me up at 3 when it was over. Sometime in those two car rides, she asked me if I could do laundry since we're leaving tomorrow for our dad's house and then up to NC. I said okay since I didn't have a lot of laundry. When we got home, my sister decided (as usual) that she didn't want to be at home so instead drove to her boyfriend's house (who lives down the street, I might add!) and stayed their for the rest of the afternoon. Since she wasn't there, I had to take care of the dogs all by myself. I had to magically get Sally up so she could go outside to go to the bathroom and pretty much take 2 dogs out on a leash. Later, Sally got sick in the foyer and I had to clean it up...all by myself.

When M got home, we decided to do chores. I honestly would have done them earlier but I didn't know what I was doing so I waited for M to get home so we can talk about it. When she got home we decided that, since I'm injured, she'd do the vacuuming and I'dend up mopping. She also stated that I'd have to do "extra chores to make up for what I couldn't do" (her words, not mine). So, while she vacuumed the kitchen, I dusted the house and waited for her. I also got everything out of the ktichen that needed to be removed (excluding one thing that I couldn't lift). When she was done, I asked her to fill the bucket for me since I can't lift it. She did and then began vacuuming the carpet.

Mopping wasn't that bad of a chore. I sang pirate songs because I was "swabbing the decks" and my cat watched me in horror. However, since earlier Sally got sick in the foyer, I decided to mop that up since it wasn't that big of an area. Unfortunately, Sally was laying on the tile right where I needed to mop. Earlier, M had finished the vacuuming and was just sitting on the couch and chatting away with our mom about God knows what and that's when I realized that she did a TERRIBLE job vacuuming. In fact, if I hadn't heard the vacuum and seen her do it with my own two eyes, I wouldn't think that she actually did anything. Anyway, while she was sitting on the couch doing nothing, I kindly asked her if she could pick up Sally so that I could mop. She flat out refused and said to just mop around her and when they get fed, she'll move and I can mop then. It was my turn to feed the dogs that day so I couldn't feed them until I finished mopping. See my dilemma? So what did I do, you ask? I magically got Sally up so that I could mop...all by myself. Did it even occur to M to volunteer to start feeding the dogs for me so that I can finish my chore and then watch the dogs? Apparently not. She was too busy chatting away.

Then, it was time for me to feed the dogs (in my newly mopped kitchen, I might add!). Lucy is a pain to feed because she doesn't eat. Sally had trouble getting up and walking to the kitchen so I had to get her up by myself and coax her into the kitchen. After Sally ate, I gave her some water and then she threw up again. M was sitting on a nearby chair playing bingo on Facebook when this happened. What did she do? Nothing. She didn't say, "Here, let me help you clean it up while you continue to watch the dogs and make sure Lucy eats her food." Well, Lucy didn't eat her food as usual and it was time to let the dogs out. This time, Sally was on the tile so I couln't coax her to get up and I asked M to help me out. She didn't. I had to get my step-dad to pick her up so that I could let them outside. Sally then refused to listen to me and come in when I she was done outside.

Now, before the mopping, we had to do laundry. Remember how earlier M asked me to start the laundry? Yeah, well, I forgot to do it. A simple mistake, right? Apparently not. M yelled at me for not doing it and then she was mad a ME because we got behind on laundry. Hold on a second, I forgot. WHO was it who was at her boyfriend's house all day when she herself could have come home and started the laundry herself? Not me! In fact, I barely had any laundry that needed to be done. It would have been a waste of energy and detergent to do my laundry. This moring, I had to finish it all by myself. Why, you ask? Because M said that she stayed up until midnight doing laundry because we got a late start on it yesterday. Again, not my fault! Then today she asked me if I could fold the laundry and put in another load. When I asked what she was going to do she said (and I quote), "Nothing." Seriously? You think I didn't work my off yesterday, too? I suffered through physical therapy, mopping, Sally barf, and other things and you just did laundry and a sloppy job vacuuming.

I don't care that you're stressed about finding a job. I don't care that you're stressed about visiting our grandma. You think I'm not stressed too? I'm going to be a senior in college with only $18 in my bank account! I have to pay money to my school as well as for my books! $18 isn't going to cover it! I'm stressed about that but do you hear me complaining about it every chance I get? No. Everyone has their own problems but when you practically say, "I'm too stressed, you do all of the work," that's NOT okay. You need to do your share in life, too and not force it all on me.


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