Which Teen Top Member Am I???? [BOREDOM!!]

Which Teen Top Member Am I???? (stolen~)

Posted on Aug 13, 2013 00:48:29 
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Check Out Her RESULTS!!!! lol



[ ] Acts like a leader when you're with your friends.


[  ] Doesn't want to get married. (I'm not ready but I'm ready later)

[  ] Born in November. (OHHHHHH It's the month where you recieve thankful words... but NO it's FOOD! and what's worst! BLACK FRIDAY! STAMPEEEEEEEED!)

[X] Loves to exercise. (If it's Kpop Dance Covers...)

[  ] Some people are scared of you. (Do I??? MWAHAHAHA?)

[X] Can draw very well. (HELL YEAH! but, I'm not the best artist in the world!)

[  ] Can rap. (As If? I can't even rap free style... but I can write poems)

[X] Loves to wear caps. (Winter Caps)

[  ] Thinks Eminem- When I'm Gone as a memorable song. (Not.. sure...)

Total:  4/10



[X] Have a power voice. (My friends say I sing Angelic? IDK if they are lying to me.. haha but I can sing)

[X] Likes to do puzzle. (I do this on my free time but, not 1k Pieces.. the most I finished is 50 on the ipad....*cough* nerd)

[X] Likes to read books. (Mangas aka Anime books MWAHAHAHA!)

[X] Loves to imitate people. (I actually do this with friends... but Infinity only seen me imitate stitch.. but that's like a diff story)

[  ] A fan of Zac Efron in High School Musical.(No. Just No.)

[x] Straight-forward. (It depends on the situation...)

[  ] Likes Hello Kitty. (Awww... But RILAKKUMA IS BETTER!)

[X] Has a habit of biting lips. (Yeah! and sometimes them cause I do it! Got a problem? lol)

[  ] Always winks at people. (No.... I'm not a flirty type haha)

[X] Black and white as favorite colour. (Yes!!! But my wardrobe has more Black Clothings!!!)

Total:  7/10 (WTF? And I actually was honest... omg... I though't I wouldn't be compatible with him haha)



[X] Shortest among friends. (F' THIS! I'm always the shortest... LOL! Ik how it feels being short...But I'm actually average but it happens my friends are 2-6 inches taller than me... and soon will be INFINITY!) 

[X] Likes to do skinships. (It depends on the situation.... ROFL!!!)

[  ] A fanboy/fangirl of G-Dragon. (I Like T.O.P <3 more)

[  ] Had never dated anyone. (HAHAHAHA! just 2... LAME...O... LOL)

[X] Likes to annoy people. (I do...but Infinity is WORST lol)

[X] Can speak english. (Umm.. durrrr LOL what language am I using now?)

[X] Can play piano. (Yeah but not so pro...)

[  ]  Acting as a hobby. (I can't even act)

[  ] The bad-luck-dude sometimes. (IDK??)

[  ] Known as bad boy/girl. (Opposite of Infinity..among like kids at my school even now..that dont know me...they think I'm Innocent and A good girl....But in reality....SECRET! lmfao)

Total:  5/10



[  ] Has y lips. (I HAVE NO IDEA!)

[X] Have an emotional voice. (Like I said.. I can sing? but not sure if it's emotional.. LOL )

[  ] The tallest among friends.(HA.HA.HA... very funny.. -_-;)

[  ] Likes to play soccer. (No! I perfer Basketball or Volleyball)

[X] Cheerful and always smile. (I'm more hyper than INFINITY!!.. don't you even dare give me an energy drink..!)

[X] Has a nice attitude. (Yes!)

[  ] Can't pronounce english very well.(L.O.L) 

[  ] Born in August.(HAHAHAHA! The month when we spend our last summer vacation....)

[X] Always thinks positively. (Yup.)

[  ] Have lots of friends.(Not really... I'm just a person that takes forever to trust someone... haha)

Total:  4/10



[X] Likes to do aegyo. (Maybe? but Only on SELCAS)

[X] People mistaken you younger than you look. (UGH! YES! FRICKEN BABY! FACE... NEXT YEAR 21..Security WORKERS! STOP STALKING ME when I'm near a SLOT MACHINE!)

[X] A shy person.(Yeah..at first but later I won't shut up.)

[  ] Likes to eat a lot.

[X] A fanboy/fangirl of TOP. (HAHAHA!!!!! YESSSSSHHHHH!!!

[  ] A lovely person. (I have NO CLUE?)

[  ] Can act very well. (NO I FAIL!... lol I'm really NAIVE.. that's why it's hard to trust people now days.. haha)

[  ] Born in February. (No... PINK! -_-)

[  ] Give a bright atmosphere. (Not really?)

[X] Acts cute naturally (People says? is it coz my voice sounds like Minnie Mouse? Well FUUU lol jk.. but I get complements by how my face is chubby cute and my voice fits with it and makes it all natural ^^)

Total:  4/10



[  ] A mature person.(NOOOOOOO Opposite of Infinity.... That's why I seem like I'm younger than her LOL but I can be mature.. but most of the time I'm not..I'm such a goofball!)

[X] Sometimes shy. (DEFINITELY!! lol)

[X] Has a bad temper. (I'm really Sensitive.. and yeah! lol after a bad temper I cry ;~;)

[  ] Can self defense. (I WISH!)

[  ] Dancing machine.(I CAN'T DANCE... but not like I'm the worst dancer.. lol)

[  ] Choreographic composition as hobbies. (If I'm a dancing machine.. then I would.. but as for now.. I dance like Chanyeol & Chen from EXO hahaha!)

[  ] The quiet one.( IF AND ONLY IF IDK anyone near me and an awkward situation... but other than that I'm loud.. My laughs are loud.. and sometimes I kinda laugh like DONGWOOOOOOO from INFINITE!~~)

[  ] The maknae between friends. (PFFFFTT..... Why most of my close friends BDAY MONTHS are after MAY!... and ugh.. LOL)

[X] Likes to exercise.(WALKING lol does that count?)

[  ] Doesn't have sharp jawlines.(No... I have Old Changjo's Face.. "Chubby" but IF I WORKOUT LIKE REAL DIET. DUn DUN duN! idk what will happen??!?!?!)

Total:  3/10

OKAY!~~ LOL all done.. hahah comment below what you guys think?!?!


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OMG YES I DO LIKE TO ANNOY PEOPLE MORE THAN YOU!! AND HAHA I think I went in to a growth spurt.... AND DO YOU TRUST ME?!?! I hope you do....and lol wow we both got our bias... NOW READ MY EXO!