Klights Application Form




AFF username:Kpopaddictus95

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/57533



Name: Kim Seorin (English Name: Angeline Kim, Japanese Name: Tosaka Rin. Chinese Name: Chen Shu Ren)

Age: 20

Birth date: March 5 1991

Personality: I’m a little bit Eccentric just like my brothers, I also have a 4D personality, I can sometimes act sarcastic if I hate or if I’m really annoyed. I’m a bit childlike or childish but I sometimes act mature. I’m sociable ,approachable and friendly, I’m a little bit Bipolar, I change moods but I’m trying to suppress it. I’m very protective to my friends and brother. I’m witty like my brothers & humorous. I’m also good at both verbal & non verbal fights. I’m also good at sports. I act a bit girly but not too much. I also do aegyo if I want something.

I also have flaws of my own. I tend to talk back to the person who annoys me or if I’m not interested in something I tend to glare and smirk. When I’m serious I usually glare at someone. I also tend to rebel if I don’t like any idea or if I really want something and I don’t get it I usually use a little bit of Aegyo and a bunch of brutal ways (like the way Taemin does), I also have anger management issues and sometimes when I look at the mirror I end up admiring myself.i also tend to Curse if I’m Intimidated, Annoyed, Bored to Death and if someone comes near my Lover/ Boyfriend.




.  http://www.fleshtival.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/cat-alodia.jpg

·         ·        http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/257/f/0/into_the_woods_by_blackmage9-d2ypg7h.jpg

·         ·        http://www.fleshtival.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Alodia-Gosiengfiao-cosplay5.jpg

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·         ·        http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_z8Qn_1KAM3g/TUx7VCLZxCI/AAAAAAAACUw/Nyv-nev_6IM/s400/alodia%2Bgosiengfiao%2Bpictures%2B1.jpg

·         ·       http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_z8Qn_1KAM3g/TUx8OJ51HcI/AAAAAAAACV4/hYkCCNoxmqM/s400/alodia%2Bgosiengfiao%2Bpictures%2B10.jpg

·         ·        http://wallpaperscrunch.com/thumbs/14/alodia-gosiengfiao-t3.jpg

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·         ·        http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlZ8Beccep22AO3SBXH0o69gvfXGXA9YaobSU3i5DG_nwGtq12tGHi5QIbGA

·         http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6149/6196728559_c3a57d2711_m.jpg

·         ·        http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR83BI65LVDf9pbm5-5bhHj3dp90lkvAJDD3WAgYEfsCtiH63e2GGA_LPVRfA

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·         http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2474/5856463879_7430bcdc17.jpg

·         http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/190728_10150123635989699_713254698_6329652_8248175_n.jpg

·         http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/188977_10150102343229699_713254698_6140277_5219816_n.jpg

·         http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6121/6196728663_f7a2fb001d_m.jpg

·         http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SaIKb7UlCFE/TbElITHmUnI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/zCf0H7eI9TY/s1600/Alodia+pics+%252815%2529.jpg

·         http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/28133_386131816746_152138396746_4377655_2308619_n.jpg

·         http://fsa.zedge.net/content/8/3/5/2/1-6321649-8352-t.jpg

·         http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/265686_10150232342189699_713254698_7063775_6783035_o.jpg

·         http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/265712_10150232342029699_713254698_7063772_5046446_o.jpg

·         http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llp55cAfWz1qbinnl.jpg


·         http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JQIvUW4QTKw/TjTf8aHmu2I/AAAAAAAAGnU/uA9bEI6Fl_M/s1600/Alodia%2BPreview%2BBest%2BDressed%2BBall%2B2011%2B5.jpg




·         http://i2.listal.com/image/2234762/600full-alodia-gosiengfiao.jpg

·         http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/8829_152141156746_152138396746_3142299_6789430_n.jpg


Ulzzang name: Alodia Gosiengfiao

Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Filipino

Birth place: Hoengseong, Gangwon, South Korea

Hometown: Manila, Philippines

Languages spoken: Fluent- English, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Japanese


Likes: ·         Music

·         Shopping

·         Chocolates

·         Shoes

·         Clothes

·         Jewelries/ accessories

·         Cars

·         Friends

·         Performing

·         Blue, silver & Black

·         Sports

·         Cellphone

·         Laptop

·         Smiling &Smirking

·         Movies

·         Anime

·          cosplaying

·          Caramel Frosts

·         Cakes (preferably mango & chocolate)

·         Dogs!!!! (especially the Furry ones)




 Rude people

·         ·        Ignorant

·         ·        Selfish people

·         ·        cheaters

·         ·        Fake friends

·         ·        Playboys

·         ·        Girls who wear too much make up and almost look like clowns

·         ·        Flirts



 Hugging pillow while sleeping

·         ·        Turning the lights on before sleeping

·         ·        Reading in moving vehicles

·         ·        Carries a mirror

·         ·        Taking pictures of unusual stuff

·         ·          Spacing out

·         ·        washes my hand if I’m  nervous

·         ·        smirks when being sarcastic or annoyed

·         ·          Biting my finger when i did something or say something wrong

·         ·          Taking selcas

·         ·        Running around if I’m extremely happy

·         ·        My ears turns bright red when I’m shy or unsure of something

·         ·        Drinks 10 glasses of water before & after sleeping..

            .           .  Playing random notes on the guitar when I’m depressed


·         .        Watching sad, Horror, & romance movies

·         ·        Playing the piano, Guitar, & Violin

·         ·        Shopping

·         ·        Playing sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball)

·         ·        Listening to music

·         ·        Dancing

·         ·        Singing

·         ·        Playing games

·         ·        Cosplaying

·         ·        Modelling

·         ·        acting

·         .                   Watching anime

.           .  Playing the Guitar, Piano & violin



·         I’m Kim Heecul’s Younger sister

·         Branded as the Cosplaying Queen of the Philippines

·         I’m also known as Heechul’s younger sister/ girl version

·         I love eating Sweets especially when I’m depressed

·         I’m also into fashion

·         I love fashion designing

·         I care about how I look and how other people looks

·         Even though I’m a rookie about LOVE I can still give  LOVE ADVISES

·         I’m also modeling for various brands and made CF’s in the Philippines

·         I also play the Piano, guitar & violin

·         I own a Race car that Heechul & TJ bought for me when I turned 16 but I never use it since I still don’t know how to drive

·         I’m somewhat a Nocturnal type of person (I’m very hyper active at Night)

.         I made a cameo appearance for CN BLUE’S “Love girl” & “LOVE”





It was in the year 1985 when my mom met my dad, well you can really say that they fell love at first sight with each other. *well that’s what my parents told me*

They married at the year 1987, my mom already knew that my dad had a family back in Korea, and that he has a son (heechul) but Heechul’s mother passed away after she gave birth to him. At the year 1989 my mom gave birth to my older brother (Tae joon) well he was born in Korea but my mom brought him to the Philippines so that he can learn Filipino culture & English there, My father pays us a visit 4 times per year. After 2 years my mom gave birth to me, their one and only daughter. I was born in Hoengseong, Gangwon, South Korea but I was brought to the Philippines, and I was basically raised with both Filipino & Korean culture just like Tae joon.

            Me and TJ are inseparable, we have the same blood type, so basically we have the same attitude and outlooks in life, but at a young age he already started to take good care of me and spoil me at everything that I want. *I’m really amazed on how my mother handled 3 blood type AB children..hahaha*At the age of 6 I was scouted to be a young commercial model for a certain clothing line for kids along with TJ who was 8 years old by that time. After a year my mom decided to bring us back to Korea so that we can meet with my Half brother.

            When I was 7 years old we already live in Korea together with my father & half brother, it really took almost a year so that TJ & I can be close with Heechul because even though our personalities are quite the same we still have some differences. TJ is a little bit silent but once he’s hyper he can’t be stopped in what he is doing, but he is mindful with his actions & words, which is the complete opposite of Heechul, while I’m like the combination of my brothers, sometimes I can be as quiet as a pea, but mostly I’m as hyper as Heechul. But we settled & put our differences aside and started being close. And since then the three of us are quite inseparable.

            Years later *I can’t remember what year,hahaha*Heechul entered SM ent & TJ entered the modeling world where he became famous,*and yes he was scouted because he has the height, the looks, the body , brains & attitude, and he is an ulzzang*. And well because all three of us has the same dream *to become famous or known* I also entered the industry.

            Well my family is in the Higher Middle class if you are going to rank, so basically because of my Parents countless money my brothers & I had everything that we want.


Mother: :Kim Han Ni (45 yrs old)


Ethinicity: Half Filipino, Half Korean

Languages Spoken:English(fluent), Korean(fluent), Tagalog(fluent), Japanese (semi fluent)

Personality: is a cool type of mom, who always supports us and makes us her number 1 priority, she took care of us with tons of love and spoiled us with it, she is Caring, loving, Funny, understanding, and is a great voice teacher.

Father:Kim Jae kyung (50 yrs old)

Occupation:Business tycoon/ business man

Ethinicity:Full Korean

Languages Spoken:English(fluent), Chinese(fluent), Korean(fluent), japanese(Semi Fluent)

Personality:is a Caring type of dad, he always listens to us, he is very open minded even though he is also a AB blood type, he is Humorous and always makes us laugh, he brings out the best in us, he supports us, & loves us. He also spoiled all of us and gave us everything that we need.


.           Kim Hee Chul (28 years old)- Half Brother

·         Kim Tae Joon( 18 yrs old) (OC) [english name : Timothy John Kim]


·         Heechul: Chullie/Heenim

·         Tae Joon: Joonie/ TJ


·         Heechul:Idol, singer, member of super junior & actor

·         Tae joon: Fashion Model, models for Aboki, an ulzzang


·         Heechul: Full Korean

·         Tae Joon: Half Filipino, half Korean

Languages Spokes:

·         Heechul: English(Learning), Korean (Fluent),Chinese(Fluent), tagalong (learning)

·         Tae Joon: English(fluent), Korean(fluent), Chinese(learning), Tagalog(fluent)


·         Heechul: He is also eccentric but he is so sweet, romantic, playful, kind, caring, crazy in a good way, a little bit irresponsible.He is also just like me, but in a more severe way, he likes to curse but he tries to suppress or stop his cursing habit if he is with me, he is somewhat girlish and very fashionable.

·         Tae Joon: he is my boy version, but he’s more responsible and mature than me. He is sweet, caring,Protective, he also has a father like attitude. He is fashionable, and treats me like a princess.he doesn’t like to curse. He is like the opposite of Heechul, but he is also Crazy, eccentric, & Playful.




Who you want to end up with: Lee JongHyun 이종현 (CnBlue)

His personality:he acts sweet, romantic, he dances & sing if he wants my attention, he is respectful, playful at times, understanding, caring, responsible, makes me smile even though I’m sad, always makes me happy, thoughtful, has sense of humor, acts cute, a little bit boastful about his looks but most importantly He loves me. He is also Kind & a little bit shy at times.

Best friends:  Seohyun(SNSD)- we met through my brother Heechul, when I visited SMent. My brother unconsciously left me in the lobby because he was in a rush to go to his audition. Seohyun that time was just a trainee, she went near me and talked to me, after that we instantly became good friends and we spent most of our times together, even though she’s busy she still kept on contacting me. And she’s a very good, caring, lovable, innocent & sister like friend.

Friends: Hangeng (Suju)- well obviously I met him through Heechul too, he was always at our house to hang out with my brother. He treats me like his little sister too. He is so nice and doesn’t like to curse, he’s the complete opposite of my Brother.

Rivals: none


Idol Life:

Stage name: Rie

Position: Main Guitarist / Sub Vocalist

Personal fan club color and name:

·         Name:  SiRins (pronounced as SIRENS) or Eccentrics

·         Color: Silver & Blue



Additional info?:

For the Love story (I hope this can help as an outline)

 I met him even before he debuted in CN BLUE, I met him during the singing contest, I was standing on stage when I caught a glimpse of him near the judges chair since his dad was one of the Judges for the event. When I saw him I was inspired to sing the song that my mother composed to my dad, well you can say I fell Love at first sight. So while I was singing I was looking at him and I did not even notice that while I was singing even though I look at the audience & the judges every time that I sing the line “~catch me, I’ve fallen for you~”( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EE6LdrlvM2Q)  I kept on looking at him.
after the contest he went near me and congratulated me even though I did not win, he then asked me if I could go and eat with him, I was about to say yes but Heechul & TJ showed up and showed him their “Don’t you dare touch our sister “ glare, he just smile and said “Maybe next time, I hope we can still see each other Angel” He said that even though he did not know my English name.
After 4 years he debuted with the group and we saw each other again during the performance of Suju in Mcountdown, I can’t clearly remember him but he still remembers me. He then started to talk to me and we became friends, up until he is gradually showing what he really feels and he is trying to win my heart. *of course in the end we will end up together..hehehe*

And here’s my Brother TJ’s Appearance:

·         http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hl0gP4J80TQ/TVY6BCEhJEI/AAAAAAAAANY/jdagfWYG184/s1600/167525_149660781758690_111091268948975_282132_6129288_n.jpg


·         http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac291/RiisaRiisa/Park%20Tae%20Jun/ParkTaeJun115.jpg


Seohyun : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6x9bfxzkW8

·          G.na: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-0fBQpQzBM



& a little bit of Rapping:Amber: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-_u5sCCd_E


How i got discovered:


i was roaming around the mall because i was left there by my two super cute & handsome because Heechul has some errands to attend to and TJ got a call from his manager, so i decided to take a stroll and let myself be ,i marveled of the size of the mall, so because i'm a little bit tired but not bored i decided to buy a Chocolate ice cream, as i went in the ice cream shop i saw a man standing near the counter, i did not know who he is but i know that he'll buy some ice cream, so because the competitiveness inside of me was triggered i rushed to the counter and ordered first i said " I want One Chocolate ice cream with a cherry on it's top, poured with oozing strawberry syrup!" then i looked back an saw the man smiling at me, i suddenly realized that i was disrespectful during that time so i bowed down and said my sorries, he just smiled and said he'll only forgive me if i'll audition in in his company. to my pure shock as i was about to get the card i saw his Full Name that statesthat he is the President & CEO of the company" i then twirled and acidentally shouted. "See Heenim! ha! i will be like you,,Bwahahaha!" the man then asked if i was interested because of my funny reaction, well as you can see I AM REALLY INTERESTED so i joined.

ever since i was young i already learned how to play the guitar & piano, i think music is really in my blood and i am really into it. what drove me to be an idol & become a musician at the same time is my oldest brother Kim Heechul, he would always introduce me in the music industry and always encourages me to join in various contests. 

i really love my precious Electric guitar because even though it's not the my first guitar. i still treasure it the most because TJ bought it for me when he got his first pay, it also boosted up my drive for playing and performing since i saw the encouragement that my Brothers gave to me, and the support that my parents was showing.

the third factor that got me in the music industry is because of my crush / idol Lee Jonghyun(cn Blue), i was really pulled by the way he performed, by the way that his voice serenated my soul, and by every strum that he made in his guitar that made my heart melt like ice, he is one of my inspirations of being in this music world and for playing.

lastly as i said before Music, & performing really is in my blood, i want to share my knowledge my talent and my music to everyone, i want to captivate the hearts of everyone through music.


And sorry if my application is too long and full of info, I just don’t want to leave anything out..XD

Password?: Don't touch my guy~


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