FBRS: Drabbles Compilation

It was six in the morning when Himchan was rather rudely awakened by a cold cup of water to the face and Eunchan smiling innocently down at him. "Oh, good! You're awake!" she chirped, dropping a small harness and a leash on his face. "Can you help us walk the animals?" Of course she said it like he had a choice, but Himchan knew better. And it was too early to really think to argue. 

Mindlessly, he grumbled a response and rolled out of bed, slipping on a pair of slippers and stumbling behind Eunchan to greet the ragtag band she had gotten together to take the animals of the ramen shop house on their daily morning walk. The handsome oppa nodded at him and teasingly pointed to his messy hair, raising an eyebrow at his pink pajama bottoms. Himchan was too tired to be embarassed. Jinyong cocked her head and made a face, trying to remember where she was and why she was holding a ferret, opening up a small bag of mementos to go through them. Beside her, a very exhausted --but still smiling- Kyungsoo gently helped her remember the small details. Her memory was slowly getting better, but she still struggled with small details. Himchan ran a hand through his hair and rolled his eyes, wondering how that cheermonger with the wide eyes could handle little miss forgets everything. He knew he should feel bad for her and be nicer but...come on. He's not a freaking saint. 

Eunchan returned promptly, holding that annoying little devil cat Baozi. Baozi, as per usual, hissed and glared at Himchan wickedly and Himchan returned the glare full force, only to have the cat handed to him. His face paled. "Oh no. Oh hell no. There is no way I'm walking the cat," he whined, promptly dropping the cat on the floor. Eunchan's eyes widened.

"YAH!" She screamed, "KIM HIMCHAN! Don't you drop Baozi!"

Confused, (and a little irritated with the loud noise) Himchan turned his glare on Eunchan. "WHAT THE HELL! Noona! It's just a cat! How dare you make me go deaf over some stupid freaking fat cat!" he retorted, only angering Eunchan even more. Kyungsoo shared a knowing glance with the Handsome Oppa, who slowly began inching closer to Eunchan, preparing to have to pick her up and move her away from the situation.

Eunchan dove to cover poor Baozi's ears, hissing at Himchan, "Yah! He's sensitive, you idiot! You're going to hurt his feelings, you moron! Now apologize to Baozi and put the harness on him, and walk him like a good idiot," she said firmly. Himchn scoffed.

"I'm not apologizing to that cat."

Twenty minutes later, Himchan had apologized to Baozi and was currently walking the cat  (who looked extremely smug for an animal) along the path behind everyone else, grumbling to himself about evil noonas who care more about cats than people, while the others happily trot along, admiring the crisp morning breeze and the beauty of nature. 

Ahead of him, Jinyong and Kyungsoo walked side by side, Kyungsoo leading the bratty Umma while Jinyong happily lead Po (who had run into at least four trees). Himchan noticed that Kyungsoo was trying to slip away from Jinyong, his eyes wide with a strange emotion that Himchan didn't expect to see on such a guy. Kyungsoo actually looked...stressed out. And guilty? 

But everytime he snuck away, Jinyong would quickly pick up the pace and catch up to him, chattering away as if she hadn't noticed him move away. She may not always remember who Kyungsoo was, but Himchan noticed that she always seemed to gravitate to the smiling boy, as if she could remember that she liked him. He didn't know, he didn't really understand how her brain worked; he just knew she forgot things often and usually couldn't remember anything if it wasn't repetitively drilled into her head.

She still didn't know his name, but boy did she know that she didn't like him. It may or may not have been because he gets mad at her when she forgets things (okay, he knew that was a big part of it) but he couldn't help it. He thought she was kidding at first! He didn't know it was a real thing; he thought she was just trolling him! And now that he'd already heckled her about it, it was part of his image. It would be weird if he was nice to her suddenly.

And...would she even remember if he was nice to her? Geez...

The Handsome Oppa looked back at Himchan sulking in the background, mumbled something to Eunchan, and then dropped back to walk with Himchan. "Don't be mad," he said after a moment, startling Himchan, who stuttered and frowned and acted like he totally wasn't mad that Eunchan cared more about a cat's feelings than his own feelings. 

"Pfft. Mad? Why would I be mad?" he spoke quickly, probably a little too quickly. It's just what he did when he lied, honestly. The handsome oppa chuckled lightly and shot him a knowing look.

"Well, I'd be mad too if I was wandering around in pink pororo pajamas," he answered teasingly, then jogged to catch up with Eunchan before Himchan registered his words.




drabble 2: shouldn't it be flower people ramen shop?

"Hey, I have an idea for what we should name the ramen shop," Himchan announced cheerfully, a little extra pep in his step as he swung the bathroom door open that fine morning. The Kind-Hearted Gangster blinked over at him as he sat up from the couch, cocking his head to the side in obvious confusion.

He pursed his lips, ready to retort, but one of the girls spoke up first from the breakfast table, "The ramen shop already has a name," she seemed a little more than annoyed with Himchan; probably because he had just gotten out of a thiry minute shower and there was a guarantee of absolutely no hot water being left. Another girl, who was tiredly cooking a quick breakfast, peered over her shoulder at him with a raised eyebrow, wondering what sheer idiocy he was going to say this time.

Himchan made a sour face, "Yeah, but Kang Ramen is such a boring name." The kind hearted gangster, who took offense to anything negative about the ramen shop, leapt over the back of the couch and stalked over to Himchan, glaring at him.

"Yah! Pretty boy! You trying to tell me you're too good for Kang Ramen, huh? You trying to say you're too good to work proudly under that name, HUH?!" he shouted, drawing a few people from their rooms to see what was going on. The Hopeless Cause peered out of his room, evidently having just woken up, and glared at the two of them viciously.

"Can't you keep quiet? It's my day off," he sneered, then threw a pillow in their general direction (missing by...a lot.)

Himchan, who didn't expect so much opposition (and threats) grew defensive. And irritated. He pushed the kind hearted gangster away, "YAH! It's not that I don't like the name, ok?! I just thought a new, hip name would bring in more customers! I was just trying to help out since not that many people have been coming in since it reopened! AISH! A guy tries to do something nice around here," he finished off grumbling, pouting at what he considered severe mistreatment by his roomates.

The handsome oppa, who had been leafing through a book on the love-seat he was sharing with his puppy, looked up and smiled, "Calm down Himchan, it's okay. What was your big idea?" he asked, deciding to humor the boy who was known to have temper tantrums over things like this. Himchan turned to the handsome oppa, not sure if he should be grateful or suspicious.

He could just never tell if he was being nice or teasing him, after all. "I think... we should name it Flower Boy Ramen Shop," he said, feeling oddly proud of himself for the name. At the skeptical looks of the others in the room, he began to stutter out an explanation. "I mean, think about it. We'll drag in tons of girl customers."

The hopeless cause scoffed, "I'm not a flower boy, Kim," he said, his voice holding a low threat. Himchan made a face at him and laughed, waving his hand in his general direction. "I wasn't talking about you, anyway. Or you," he said, eyeing the Kindhearted gangster, who laughed out loud at the idea.

"Oh, so you're talking about the athelete who refuses to be seen by people at school, and the wangtta?" the kind hearted gangster laughed some more at the thought, earning a frown from Himchan, who felt that the situation was quickly getting beyond his control. The handsome oppa sighed, forseeing a fight in the near future. Thankfully, one of the girls stepped in.

"Why wouldn't we call it Flower Girl Shop?" she asked, getting a barking snicker in response from Himchan. She ignored him pointedly, "The girls here are just as good looking as any of the boys."

Eunchan, who had only caught that part of the conversation seeing as she had been busy downstairs, cocked her head. "We're changing the name of the shop?" she asked, only to promptly forget the situation at hand in favor of trying to win over the Handsome Oppa's puppy that was seated next to him. She walked over and began cooing to the puppy things like 'I'm better than oppa, right?', much to his irritance. Jinyong, who had been previously discluded from the conversation due to the fact that she was trying to remember everyone, piped up.

"Aren't you not supposed to touch Eevie?" She asked, more out of genuine curiosity than trying to tattle on Eunchan. Eunchan shot her a look over her shoulder, then continued cooing to the puppy while the Handsome Oppa pursed his lips, smiling at Jinyong sunnily.

"It's fine Jinyongie, she'll never win the affections of Eevie anyway," he said, returning to reading his book. 

Meanwhile, an argument raged on between the others as the Hopeless Cause and Sunny Loser agreed that there were prettier girls than boys, the Kind Hearted Gangster was trying to defend the fact that he totally is a flower boy, and Himchan was just trying to figure out where the heck this conversation went so wrong. "I'm totally suited to be a flower boy!" The kind hearted gangster insisted, grabbing Himchan threatningly again while the blackhaired boy just stared at him.

"I never said you weren-"

"The girls are more suited to this. I'm definitely not a flower boy," The hopeless cause nodded.

"I'm not really well liked," Kyungsoo said, smiling awkwardly as he itched the back of his head.

"You're all idiots," the secretive smartypants, who had been doing his homework on the balcony and trying to tune everyone out finally got fed up and chimed in. "We're not changing the name to something that sounds like it came straight out of a drama, so stop arguing about it."

The others in the room paused to stare at him, most of them having not realized he was even in their prescence. After a moment, however, Himchan recovered and scrunched up his nose at him, "Yeah, but hypothetically speaking, it could be good business," he insisted, earning an irritated sigh from the secretive smartypants.

"Well hypothetically speaking, it would be best to appeal to both audiences, which means-"

He was cut off by one of the girls, who jumped up and down excitedly at having found the answer, "We should call it the FLOWER PEOPLE RAMEN SHOP!" she declared,. The others in the room paused to look at each other, wondering who would react first. Most people figured Himchan would be the first to open his big mouth and turn it down, others thought maybe the Hopeles Cause. But it turns out, it was the Star Athelete, who looked a little rushed and a little irritated at not looking his best. His hair was still wet from the shower he had just jumped out from.

"YAH! Who used up all the hot water?!" 



sunday night: go fish should never be like this

The hopeless cause frowned, his eyebrows knitting together in distaste as the secretive smarty pants smirked over at him. A bead of sweat formed on his brow as he prayed that the smarty pants would guess wrong for the first time that night. Oh, how he prayed that it wouldn't always be the secretive smartypants that won, because that boy was plain sadistic. He took a thrill in building up the tension and making the hopeless cause squirm. He loved dragging it out as long as possible, giving the hopeless cause some hope that maybe this time, he won't win. In fact, the hopeless cause was starting to think maybe this time he actually would win...and then...

"Got any twos?"

"NO! NO! SHUT UP AND ASK FOR A FOUR!" he shouted, jumping up and slamming his cards on the table, drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. It had been 'card night' that night, a night in which everyone played card games of their choice. Some were playing President, others were playing 13, some played BS, and the Handsome Oppa and Eunchan were locked in an intense game of War. And, for some strange reason, the Hopeless Cause had joined Go Fish with the Smartypants. 

The Kindhearted Gangster cocked his head, a dubious smirk plastered across his boysih features. "That's not how Go Fish works though," he commented from the BS table, then laid down three random cards and called them 2's. One of the girls rolled her eyes and called BS, earning angry grumbles from the KHG along the lines of, "Yah, stop calling BS on me," while he picked up the cards.

She smirked and stuck out her tongue, "Stop being such an awful liar." 

The kids who had refused to play in the activity night were forced to sit and watch the fun in what Eunchan had dubbed the "boring corner." If they wanted to join at any time, they were welcome to join a table according to Eunchan's rules, but the KHG had dubbed the walk to joining a table the "Walk of Shame," so the stubborn kids refused to move, even though it was obvious the others were enjoyng themselves.

The secretive smartypants sighed, "No, I'm not going to ask for a four. Just hand over your two and admit defeat," he said calmly, earning a huff from the hopeless cause, who glared down at the sassy smartypants. The hopeless cause looked down at his meager set of three matches and compared it to the smartypants' eight matches and tossed his two over, completely annoyed.

"You're the worst," he grumbled, sinking deeper into his seat in depression. The secretive smartypants smirked and added the two to his collection of matches.

"If by worst you mean best, then yes, I am."


drabble 3: the sniff test

Chore day in the Ramen Shop is never a cheerful event. Grumpy teenagers flock in droves around the house, ready to start arguments with whomever looks at them the wrong way. Chore day always (or at least usually) takes place on Saturday mornings, starting at about eight in the morning when Eunchan finally wakes everyone up. Breakfast is usually served around the time they all stumble from bed, and it's usually a toss up between Eunchan and the Handsome Oppa over who cooks it.

Today it had been the Handsome Oppa, earning some grumbles from the teenage tenants of the house.

"Yah, why do you always cook the same breakfast?" the Kindhearted Gangster moaned, his eyes barely open as he rested his head against the cool glass of the table. The girl next to him stared dismally down at her plain rice, wishing there was at least some side dishes to go along with it. Maybe even just some gochujang sauce. Anything but plain rice, really.

The handsome oppa cocked his head, hiding his smirk by biting his cheek. "Oh? You don't like my breakfast?" he asked, earning more moans and grumbles from the tired gangster.

After their tasteless breakfast (which Kyungsoo desperately tried to spice up, but failed miserably) they set out to do their respective tasks. As Jinyong began gathering up the random things left about the house by the others, checking to see if they complied with the rule that they label their belongings since Jinyong was in charge of organization and she often forgot what belonged to who. With some serious pep to her step, she bounced through the house to put away the objects, mumbling to herself as she tried to remember who lived in what room.

Kyungsoo, who was in charge of washing windows and other glass, followed Jinyong and dilligently fretted over the fact that she was randomly misplacing certain items and then smacking herself in the forehead. She would often forget which room she was heading into or what item she was placing. He carefully made sure she didn't notice his 'help', knowing she wanted to handle it on her own and knowing she was quite proud of herself for handling such an important chore.

Meanwhile, the Star Athelete dashed through the house frantically, chasing Eunchan and begging her to let him leave early. He had to meet up with his team mates in an hour, and he didn't want them to know he was at a ramen shop so he had planned to meet them more than a mile away. 

"Noona, noona, please? I can't let them know I live at the ramen shop!" he begged as he slipped in front of Eunchan, pouting. The Kindheartted Gangster, who was unfortunately within ear shot, shot him an angry glare.

"YAH! You trying to say you're too good to live at this ramen shop?! Is that what you're saying?!" He shouted, crossing the room with the intention of grabbing the star athelete by the collar and shaking him up a bit. But, as fate would have it, the Hopeless Cause was hefting a huge bag of trash out of his shared bedroom and the Kindhearted Gangster, who hadn't seen him coming, ended up slamming into the Hopeless Cause. Naturally, the trash flew all over the place.

The Hopeless Cause blinked in shock, then shot a hatefilled glare at the Kindhearted Gangster, who shot a glare instead at the star athelete. "YAH!" he shouted, pointing an accusing finger, "Look what you caused!"

The Star Athelete coughed in surprise, "How is that my fault?!"

"Because of what you said, I was coming over to attack you. And because I was doing that, I ran into him," The Kindhearted Gangster reasoned, like it was absolutely, one hundred percent true. The Hopeless cause sighed, using his hand to cover his face in his desperate attempt to not get super angry.

"I really should kill you," he grumbled, earning a nervous chuckle from the Kindhearted Gangster.


In other parts of the house, the Ambitious Brother stepped into his room, awkwardly catching the girl in charge of laundry as she rifled through the Star Athelete's clothes, which were left all over the place in total disarray. He bit back an amused smile, understanding her misery and her dilemma in an instant. The Star Athelete wasn't exactly disorganized, but when he had a meeting with his friends, he would mix up his clean clothes and his dirty clothes in an attempt to find a suitable outfit.

The poor girl couldn't tell what was clean and what needed washed, and her stress was visible on her face. Or maybe she was just blushing because she got caught holding a pair of boxers. Either way, the situation was grim. "You okay?" he asked after an awkward silence. She shook her head, looking defeated.

"I can't tell what I should and should not wash," she grumbled. The Ambitious Brother nodded sagely, understanding completely. He had seen many others in charge of laundry suffer the same problem. "I don't know what to do," she whined. 

"Well, you can try the sniff test," he advised, plopping down on his bed. Sure, part of him wanted to help this poor, confused girl. But most of him just wanted to see her smell the Star Atheletes dirty gym clothes. Call him a bit sadistic, call him a bit cruel; he just liked to get his kicks.

She blinked, confused, "The sniff test?" Obviously she had never heard of it, which was perfect. Prime pranking material, honestly, because she didn't yet fully comprehend how horrible an idea smelling those clothes was. "As in...smell the clothes?" she seemed a bit hesitant, so the charming brother began working his magic.

"Yeah, if the clothes smell worn, then they're dirty. If they smell like fabric softener, they're clean. It's easy," he said, then picked up a shirt he knew was clean and sniffed it lightly. He knew that the Star Athelete sweat a lot, and he knew smelling any of his dirty clothes might knock him out. "See?" he asked, tossing the shirt into the dirty laundry, "no big deal."

The girl nodded, still looking a bit nervous, and brought a shirt to her face. The Younger Brother bit back his smirk and urged her on, trying to look encouraging. She brought it to her nose and took a tenative sniff and-


"YAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! THAT'S DISGUSTING!" she screeched, throwing whatever she could get her hands on at the snickering younger brother as he fled the room.



sunday activity2: look what you've caused

In lieu of the Ambitious Brother's cruel stunt the day before, a family meeting was held before activity night this week. Eunchan glared at her brother as she announced the newest addition to the rules. "Because a certain someone," the others cast a glance in his general direction, some smirking in amusement, some looking a bit annoyed. 

"Way to cast shade, sis," he grumbled, waving off the curious stares he was getting. Eunchan smirked and continued. "Because that person decided to torment one of our tenants with the horrible smells that come from The Star Atheletes clothing," a few snickers could be heard, "The Handsome Oppa and I have decided that we will all be doing our own laundry from here on out."

The Hopeless Cause groaned, glaring over his shoulder at the Ambitious Brother. They were all seated on the floor in the "game room" (which was really just the ramen shop, so they could use the tables), awkwardly trying to avoid contact with each other in such close proximity. "Look what you've caused!" he accused, his mouth curled down in a deep frown. Next to him, Kyungsoo smiled brightly and pat his back.

"It's okay, look on the bright side!"

The Kindhearted Gangster, who also didn't want to do laundry, huffed. "What bright side is that?"

Kyungsoo's sunny smile never faultered; "You'll never have to worry about girls touching your boxer shorts."

The Handsome Oppa literally collapsed in a fit of giggles, clutching his stomach. He simply could not believe that had just come out of Kyungsoo's mouth. After a long, awkward fit in which everyone just sort of watched him laugh, sharing weird glances and confused shrugs, he began calming down. Wiping some tears from the corner of his eyes, he pat Kyungsoo on the back affectionately. "I can't believe that just came out of your mouth," he said, causing Kyungsoo's face to turn a little pink.

"A-ah, hyung, seriously," he grumbled, hiding his face in his hands. Eunchan watched the exchange, hiding her smile behind her hand.

"Well, now that that's settled, let's play cards!" she announced cheerfully, pulling out decks of cards and placing them at stations around the room.

Himchan scowled, "Ah, seriously? Cards again?" he asked, feeling a little disappointed. The kind hearted gangsters hand twitched. He was just waiting for Himchan to say something stupid. Just waiting to jump up and yell at that stupid diva flowerboy. Eunchan rolled her eyes, wondering if she should just ignore the childish boy or not. Himchan, however, made it impossible. "I don't really like playing cards! It's boring!" he whined. The Kindhearted Gangster smirked. 

Himchan was always so stupid. "YAH!" He barked, thwapping Himchan on the head, "You saying you're too good to play cards?" Himchan, who was sick of getting hit on the head from the Kindhearted Gangster, jumped up from his seated position to glower at the other boy. 

"YAH!" he hollered back, shoving the Kindhearted Gangster, who hadn't been expecting it and stumbled back, only to crash -first into the Hopeless Cause. Himchan gulped when he realized his mistake. With one careless shove, he just pissed off the two toughest guys in the whole house. The Kindhearted Gangster sputtered and squirmed as he sat on top of the Hopeless Cause.

"Did you just- Did you just shove me?!" He asked incredulously, as if he couldn't believe that really just happened. Himchan's eyes widened fractionally, but he found himself nodding dumbly at the question. And, curse his smart mouth, he had the audacity to respond with sarcasm.

"Didn't you see it with your own eyes? Or are you too stupid?" he could have punched himself in the face and ended it all right there. Did he seriously just say that? Oh god, this is the end  he thought grimly, preparing himself for the certain death that the Kindhearted Gangster would deliver upon him.

But the KHG was too surprised to respond. And the Hopeless Cause was getting really frustrated really fast that the Kind Hearted Gangster had made himself comfortable on his chest. "GET OFF ME YOU IDIOT!" he shouted, then flung the Kind Hearted Gangster off of himself with enough force to send the boy crashing into Himchan's knees, which caused Himchan himself to fall on top of the KHG.

And then it was on. Rolling, shouting, hair pulling, and more shouting as the three boys wrestled (well, the Hopeless Cause and the Kindhearted Gangster wrestled. Himchan just desperately tried to get away) across the floor. The Hopeless Cause sat atop the Kind Hearted Gangsters chest trying to crack his head together with Himchan's while the flowerboy squirmed and squealed and tried to crawl away from underneath the two. "Hold. Still," the hopeless cause growled, maneuvering the Kindhearted Gangster's head a bit so it would hit Himchan's. The Kindhearted Gangster summoned up all his strength and bucked his hips, sending the Hopeless Cause crashing to the floor. Himchan managed to wiggle away when the Kindhearted Gangster leapt onto the Hopeless Cause, prepared to give him some payback for repeatedly throwing his head around, when the Handsome Oppa and Eunchan intervened.

Eunchan grabbed the Kindhearted Gangster by the ear while the Handsome Oppa literally picked up the flailing Hopeless Cause. "Yah, YAH! KANG EUNCHAN LET ME GO!" The kindhearted gangster whined as Eunchan yanked him around angrily, lecturing him as she dragged him off to a corner.

"What the heck is wrong with you? You think you're tough, huh? Well, we'll see tough!" she barked, then threw the Kindhearted Gangster toward the supply room. The Handsome Oppa wasn't far behind, still keeping the grumbling Hopeless Cause off the floor.

"I'm calm now, stop holding me," the Hopeless Cause grumbled, but the Handsome Oppa merely smiled and ignored his desperate pleas of being released, humming to himself in delight at the punishment he knew was coming.

Himchan and the others followed curiously, wondering what exactly was going to happen to the Kindhearted Gangster and the Hopeless Cause after their little fight. Eunchan grabbed a fifty pound sack of flour (with some serious effort) and dropped it into the hands of the Kindhearted Gangster while the Handsome Oppa set the Hopeless Cause down and hand him a bag as well. he glanced at the heavy bag in his hands.

"What is this?" he asked slowly, not sure he wanted to know. Eunchan smiled over at him, but it was just a bit sadistic and he knew whatever this was, he wasn't going to enjoy it. His arms already felt the ache of holding up such a heavy bag.

"This is punishment," she announced cheerfully. "Since you're tough enough to fight each other, you're tough enough to lift that bag up and over your head twenty times."

The Kind Hearted Gangster's face dropped and paled just a bit. "Noona, you can't be serious?" he begged with his eyes, praying she would rethink this cruel and unusual punishment. Himchan smirked from his spot behind Eunchan, satisfied with their punishment. He glanced over at Eunchan secretly, enjoying seeing the more ferocious side of her. 

"I'm serious," she chirped, grinning in a way that made Himchan melt a little. And then she grabbed a third bag and cheerfully handed it to a very confused Himchan, who looked up at her and cocked his head in what he thought was a cute way. "You're in trouble too, mister." she said, then stepped back. 

Himchan huffed, mentally taking back his earlier in-brain-comments. Kang Eunchan is not cute. Not cute at all. He stared dismally down at the heavy bag while the Hopeless Cause and Kindhearted Gangster began struggling to lift the bags up and over their heads, grunting throughout the process. "Why am I in trouble?" he whined, "I didn't hit anyone!"

The Kindhearted Gangster, who was a bit red in the face, shot him a glare. "Yes you did. If you would have kept your mouth shut, I wouldn't have hit you! And if you wouldn't have shoved me, I wouldn't have landed on the Hopeless Cause!" he accused, lifting the bag over his head again while Himchan had not lifted it once. The Hopeless Cause laughed out loud, which was almost a total first for him. He rarely laughed out loud, which drew suspicion from the Kind Hearted Gangster. "Yah, what are you laughing at?"

The Hopeless Cause shook his head in disbelief, "I just don't understand how you always deflect the blame from yourself," he said in wonder. Really, some how the Kind Hearted Gangster always had weird reasons for why he wasn't at fault for the things he did. The Hopeless Cause couldn't decide if it was impressive or incredibly annoying. He lifted the bag over his head again while the Kind Hearted Gangster tried to come up with a response.

Ultimately, however, he had nothing to say. The Hopeless Cause was right. He had been deflecting blame for some time now. With a pout, he lifted the bag over his head and glared at Himchan (who was struggling to lift it once). "Look what you've caused," he grumbled irritably.




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