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AFF Username: Kpopaddictus95

Link If you will: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/57533



Name:Kim Seorin (a.k.a Angeline Kim)

Age: 20

Birthdate: March 5, 1991

Height: 170 cm

Weight: 54kg

Ethnicity: Half Korean Half Filipino

Hometown:Hoengseong, Gangwon, South Korea


Orientation: Lead Dancer & Main vocals

Ulzzang:   http://www.fleshtival.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/cat-alodia.jpg

·         ·        http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/257/f/0/into_the_woods_by_blackmage9-d2ypg7h.jpg

·         ·        http://www.fleshtival.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Alodia-Gosiengfiao-cosplay5.jpg

·         ·

·         ·

·         ·        http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_z8Qn_1KAM3g/TUx7VCLZxCI/AAAAAAAACUw/Nyv-nev_6IM/s400/alodia%2Bgosiengfiao%2Bpictures%2B1.jpg

·         ·       http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_z8Qn_1KAM3g/TUx8OJ51HcI/AAAAAAAACV4/hYkCCNoxmqM/s400/alodia%2Bgosiengfiao%2Bpictures%2B10.jpg

·         ·        http://wallpaperscrunch.com/thumbs/14/alodia-gosiengfiao-t3.jpg

·         ·

·         ·        http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlZ8Beccep22AO3SBXH0o69gvfXGXA9YaobSU3i5DG_nwGtq12tGHi5QIbGA

·         http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6149/6196728559_c3a57d2711_m.jpg

·         ·        http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR83BI65LVDf9pbm5-5bhHj3dp90lkvAJDD3WAgYEfsCtiH63e2GGA_LPVRfA

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·         http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2474/5856463879_7430bcdc17.jpg

·         http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/190728_10150123635989699_713254698_6329652_8248175_n.jpg

·         http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/188977_10150102343229699_713254698_6140277_5219816_n.jpg

·         http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6121/6196728663_f7a2fb001d_m.jpg

·         http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SaIKb7UlCFE/TbElITHmUnI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/zCf0H7eI9TY/s1600/Alodia+pics+%252815%2529.jpg

·         http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/28133_386131816746_152138396746_4377655_2308619_n.jpg

·         http://fsa.zedge.net/content/8/3/5/2/1-6321649-8352-t.jpg

·         http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/265686_10150232342189699_713254698_7063775_6783035_o.jpg

·         http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/265712_10150232342029699_713254698_7063772_5046446_o.jpg

·         http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llp55cAfWz1qbinnl.jpg


·         http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JQIvUW4QTKw/TjTf8aHmu2I/AAAAAAAAGnU/uA9bEI6Fl_M/s1600/Alodia%2BPreview%2BBest%2BDressed%2BBall%2B2011%2B5.jpg




·         http://i2.listal.com/image/2234762/600full-alodia-gosiengfiao.jpg

·         http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/8829_152141156746_152138396746_3142299_6789430_n.jpg


Ulzzang name:Alodia Gosiengfiao




I’m a little bit Eccentric just like my brothers, I also have a 4D personality, I can sometimes act sarcastic if I hate or if I’m really annoyed. I’m a bit childlike or childish but I sometimes act mature. I’m sociable ,approachable and friendly, I’m a little bit Bipolar, I change moods but I’m trying to suppress it. I’m very protective to my friends and brother. I’m witty like my brothers & humorous. I’m also good at both verbal & non verbal fights. I’m also good at sports. I act a bit girly but not too much. I also do aegyo if I want something.

I also have flaws of my own. I tend to talk back to the person who annoys me or if I’m not interested in something I tend to glare and smirk. When I’m serious I usually glare at someone. I also tend to rebel if I don’t like any idea or if I really want something and I don’t get it I usually use a little bit of Aegyo and a bunch of brutal ways (like the way Taemin does), I also have anger management issues and sometimes when I look at the mirror I end up admiring myself.i also tend to Curse if I’m Intimidated, Annoyed, Bored to Death and if someone comes near my Lover/ Boyfriend.

most of the time I tend to act mature even though I’m just 20, I tend to get too much responsibilities but I try my best to handle it, I’m also a workaholic and I really love cosplaying when I have time off in my sleeve. I never cry in front of my friends and family, I just cry all by myself and tries to act as if everything is ok, but my wall can be broken if TJ(my brother) is the one who is comforting me. I always smile even though I’m hurt but smirk when I’m being too sarcastic. If I’m on a mall I tend to loosen up and forget everything especially when I go shopping and eat Chocolate ice cream.

When I’m in love, I usually tend to day dream a lot, and sing some love songs that I composed for that person.i usually tend to get shy and conscious around my crush but when I feel comfortable I act like I always do, but a little bit crazier.


Description from her friends & brother: (Mianhe if I add this)

Seorin has a not so typical personality, she sometimes can be mean, or too kind, she also has her mood swings most of the time but she tries her best to not let it take over her personality. She is stubborn especially if she knows that she’s right, she is a Blood type AB but sometimes acts like a Type O, she can be stupid and crazy at times, when she’s out of her mind she dances randomly and sings like there is no tomorrow. She is quite the bipolar type of person, she changes her attitude without her being aware of it.  In one glance people may think that she is mean and rude, but if you get to know her, she’s kind and a jolly, she always wants to make her friends happy, she is not perfect (yes, I know) she has flaws of her own. She is dorky and clumsy and acts cute and does aegyo without her noticing it. She Also curses a lot when she’s really annoyed, intimidated & Bored to death.

      She also fights for her friends and does not want to see them cry, when she is also on stage she gives off an amazing charisma, she’s a hard worker and gives her best in everything.



·         Skinships

·          Music

·         ·         Shopping

·         ·         Chocolates

·         ·         Clothes & Shoes

·         ·         Jewelries/ accessories

·         ·         Cars

·         ·        Techie Gadgets

·         ·         Sports

·         ·         Smiling &Smirking

·         ·         Movies, anime, & Cosplaying

·           Cakes (preferably mango & chocolate)

·         ·         Dogs!!!! (especially the Furry ones)



Rude people

·         ·        Ignorant

·         ·        Selfish people

·         ·        cheaters

·         ·        Fake friends

·         ·        Playboys

·         ·        Girls who wear too much make up and almost look like clowns

·         ·        Flirts


Hobbies:   Watching sad, Horror, & romance movies

·         ·        Playing the piano, Guitar, & Violin

·         ·        Shopping

·         ·        Playing sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball)

·         ·        Listening to music

·         ·        Dancing

·         ·        Singing

·         ·        Playing games

·         ·        Cosplaying

·         ·        Modelling

·         ·        acting



Bad: I usually smirk or glare at a person unconsciously

Good: I drink at least 10 glasses of water before & after bed time


·         Branded as the Cosplaying Queen of the Philippines

·         I’m also known as Heechul’s younger sister/ girl version

·         I love eating Sweets especially when I’m depressed

·         I’m also into fashion

·         I love fashion designing

·         I care about how I look and how other people looks



How did you become a trainee?

I was discovered when I joined a singing contest when I was 11 years old. It was one fine snowy day, I think it was Valentine’s day that time when I joined the contest, I haven’t practiced and I was late that time so I just went up the stage very unprepared, I sang the song “Catch me I’m Falling for you” *this is originally sung by Toni Gonzaga but please pretend that I was the first one to sing it*the song was composed by my mom for my dad. I didn’t win but a person from the company approached me and asked me if I want to train with them. Well that time I was so happy so I decided to say yes, my mom & dad did not object but they just made me promise that I can handle everything even the pressure.

But way before I was discovered I was encouraged by my brother to join or enter the industry.



How long have you been a trainee for? 5 years



Romantic Interests:

·         1st: Lee Joon (mblaq)

·         2nd : Noori / Kang In Noh (coed school)

·         3rd : Jonghyun (cnblue)

·         4th : Lee Taemin (shine)

Do you know each other? Yes

If so, how?

If not, how would you like them to meet?

He is my Fiancé because our family both decided to have an arranged Marriage, since I’m the only Daughter, I was ordered or must I say a little bit forced to say yes. But when I saw Him for the very first time I instantly fell love at first sight, seeing that he is my Ideal type.

At first I really thought that he also likes me because even though we just met that time he held my hand and started to act as if we knew each other for a long time, but to my huge Dismay he was just acting, he doesn’t like/Love me (only at that time), but because I’m a persistent type of person, I tried to win his heart, I take good care of him, I even do everything like his errands or even cleaning up after him in short I served him with all my heart, that time I really thought that he likes me already because he started to do skinships (which really made my heart skip a thousand beats). But he never even looked at me the way that I look at him. Until one day I Overheard him talking to his groupmate about me, he was saying things like “Rin? Hahaha, she’s nothing! She’s so gullible and easy to fool” because of what I heard I went near them and cursed he suddenly stood up and said the words “ I Never loved you, I’m not even in Love with you and I will never Love you!”

Those words instantly sanked into me, I was so hurt & Heartbroken, after that incident I started to grow cold to him, i’m not even looking or talking to him. But when I started creating my distance from him, he suddenly started to win my heart back (he already loved me), he started saying sorry and told me that he loves me. (of course in the end we will still end up together.)


Friends: Kim Heechul- Bestfriend & Half brother, 28 years old: basically because HE is my brother, I tell him everything that is happening to me. He knows how I really feel and comforts me when I’m down in the dumps, he tends to flare up and curse a lot if he sees me crying over someone else.

Seohyun – Bestfriend: 20 yrs old: she’s my complete opposite, she’s too innocent and is Kind and doesn’t curse. But even though we are different from each other we still understand each other and help out in each of our problems. She treats me like her younger sister even though I’m older than her.



Something you wanna tell me =__=?

Uhmmm..Goodluck with the fanfic..i hope I get chosen (if ever)

And thank you in advance for creating a apply fic..XD

Hwaiting Author-shii..XD

and by the way here are additional links for ;


Singing Voice: Seohyun : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6x9bfxzkW8

·          G.na: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-0fBQpQzBM




Dancing: ·         Seohyun, sooyoung & yuri’s dancing:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ED1_RjHhaYc

·         Even if I’m a girl I can also dance like this (focus on Minwoo):- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr5wyaAfjrM

-       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tShC94jKps

-       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYTwsv3-rJ8



Amber: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-_u5sCCd_E

(amber, HYUNAHN, Jia, Hyomin,)



Casual Styles;

·         ·

·         ·         http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVwZ1ypiBOnS_7jzbyfMi7WPr7I-j-aqnlehkF4uK9O8Ys_hgtAQ

·         ·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/46/072/L_p0017907246.jpg

·         ·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/93/101/L_p0016810193.jpg

·         ·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/10/638/L_p0018263810.jpg

·         ·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/81/202/L_p0018220281.jpg

·          http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/49/266/L_p0011726649.jpg

Formal STyles:

·         ·         http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1nGqF6yvcXRAXskyU7PD3E-67np8L3Ic1yXLDHjMaBfgikw

·         ·         http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTz5sAmNb8wOM7FWLqKNkmAj6krTCOu9-zaQmdS82Ek0C-scE08TA

·         ·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/67/071/L_p0018107167.jpg

·         ·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/43/117/L_p0017911743.jpg

·         ·

·         ·

·          http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/04/690/L_p0012169004.jpg

sorry if it’s long..T_T

and for the password please highlight it..XD..thank you...XD

Are you excited for this story?Yes..!!!..XD

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Do you realize that by saying "No", I'll...you figure out the rest ^^

Password if you found it?JTUNE


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HellsRainbow #1
Sweetie I need three positions you want