Nowadays, I prefer writing my fanfictions through phone, since I type them on my Blackberry (forever, Blackberry has the best notes ever! Even it's better than MS Word). Unfortunately, problems are coming when I do so. Stuffs I post will be without paragraph and not separated. This is really bothering when readers read my fanfictions. Bcs of it, I shall post message to myself on Facebook, open it in PC, then MS Word then I copy my works on AFF. I'm okay with this, but sometimes I am not. There's a time when I can open my phone(s) only.

Regarding this, I accidentally read that the basic of story's typing is html. Maybe I am not that good in my html lesson, I know the basic

type (<)(p)(>) for new paragraph

type (<)(b)(>) for bold characters

type (<)(s)(>) for this one *lol, idk what's the name, but you see this is working

the character effects like bold and the line on characters will be stopped once you make a new paragraph. However, you can make the effect only works for parts you want only. Put at the latest part of the part you want to have the effect. Kinda hard, isn't it? Lemme give u examples:

I am fanfiction writer

○ I am (<)(b)(>)fanfiction(<)(/b)(>)

I am fanfiction writer

I am (<)(s)(>)fanfiction(<)(/s)(>) writer

Okay, perhaps the base of html is quite understandable. Last thing, please take out the () before you type it. Xoxo. If you get probs, just give your comments on the writable box below. Thank you for reading this and perhaps this is helpful. Later I'll post to change fonts colour and sizes, or probably other necessary html codes to write a story

With love,

xhantashaa author-nim


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Wow, i never knew about it LOL thanks :D